Timeout in kdb+ for function - kdb

I have a function dummyFun:{[x;y] show x+y} in kdb+.
but after calling it takes too much time to execute. I want to apply timeout for this function execution. Like if it doesn't return anything it should throw an error timeout

You can set client query timeouts with -T x / system"T x"
If you want to timeout your own function within the q console you can use the 0 handle when calling your code/function:
// eg
\T 1
0"system\"sleep 2\"
// with (func;params)
0 (dummyFun;x;y)


Create an array that grows at a regular interval on Matlab

I have been thinking about how to create an array that grows at a regular interval of time (for instance every 5 seconds) on Matlab.
I figured out 2 ways, either using tic/ toc or timer function. Later this program will be complexified. I am not sure which way is the best but so far I am trying with using timer.
Here is what I have tried :
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate','Period',period,'TimerFcn',{#time_append, time,l,freq},'TasksToExecute',3 );
function [time]=time_append(obj,event,time,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
After compiling this code, I only get a time array of length 1 containing the value 0 wheras it should contain values from 0 to 3x5 =15 I think it is a stupid mistake but I can't see why. I have tried the debug mode and it seems that at the end of the line time=[time;time_append], the concatenation works but the time array is reinitialised when we go out of the function. Also I have read that callback function can't have output. Does someone would know how I could proceed? Using globals? Any other suggestion?
Thank you for reading
You can do this by using nested functions. Nested functions allow you to access "uplevel variables", and you can modify those. Here's one way to do it:
function [a, fcn] = buildTimer()
period=5;%period at which the file should be updated
function time_append(~,~,l,freq)
for i=1:1:l
function out = time_get()
out = time;
fcn = #time_get;
a = timer('ExecutionMode','fixedRate',...
'TasksToExecute',3 );
Note that the variable time is shared by time_append and time_get. The timer object invokes time_append, and updates time. You need to hand out the function handle time_get to retrieve the current value of time.
>> [a,fcn] = buildTimer; size(fcn()), pause(10); size(fcn())
ans =
21 1
ans =
61 1

error using parallel.p​ool.consta​nt/get value MATLAB (parallel computing toolbox)

so this is my code (not sure about function handle in parfeval). The error I get is on line 11. I dont understand the error
[up, op]=ndgri(1e-3:1e-2:1,1e-3:1e-2:1);
up=reshape(up, [1,size(up,1)*size(up,2)]);
up=reshape(up, [1,size(up,1)*size(up,2)]);
addAttachedFiles('<path to my function/cores_random.m');%%to add the function files to workers on the pool
C1=parallel.pool.Constant(z);%%use parallel.pool.Constant to copy these variables into workers
for i=1:size(up,2)
f1(i)=parfeval(poolobj,#cores_random,3,U2.value(i),O2.Value(i),C1.Value(1,:)); %%line 11
for j=1:size(up,2):-1:1
I got an error
{Error using paralle.pool.Constant/get.Value The value of a parallel.pool.Constant is only available on the workers.
Error in main_parallel_norm (line 11)
the function cores_random is as the following:
%%doing some calculations here
%%z is of size 1*1e3
%%up is scalar op is scalar
As the error message states, the Value property of a parallel.pool.Constant is available only on the workers. As written, your parfeval requests are trying to access it on the client. Briefly, your code looks like this:
c = parallel.pool.Constant(42);
f = parfeval(pool, #myFcn, 1, c.Value);
This forces the client to evaluate c.Value when setting up the parfeval call.
What you should do instead is pass the Constant itself into the parfeval request, and then access the Value field on the workers. One way to do that is like this:
c = parallel.pool.Constant(42);
f = parfeval(pool, #(const) myFcn(const.Value), 1, c);
This ensures that the const.Value expression is only evaluated on the workers. (Alternatively, you could modify myFcn to know that it needs to call const.Value on its input arguments.)

change style code function VScode time optimisation while coding

my goal is change a function to a format where the return value of the function is treated :
For example ; treating a the function scanf()
Return value of scanf : The value EOF is returned if the end of input is reached before
either the first successful conversion or a matching failure occurs.
EOF is also returned if a read error occurs, in which case the error
indicator for the stream (see ferror(3)) is set, and errno is set to
indicate the error.
will be change to
#define RVAL(exp) do {if ((exp) == -1) { perror (#exp); exit(1); }} while (0)
Thus I want this to be done quickly means :
so what i do is look for occurences of "scanf" and replace it with "RVAL(scanf"
but the problem is i have to add another right parentheses
Can this be done fast ? using a techniques ? or a style ? where each whenever I enter scanf(); its replaced witch rval(scanf());
If you don't have many ) in your format string you can use a regex with (scanf([^)]*)); and replace with rval(\1);
*see comment

Stop fminsearch when objective function reach certain value

How to stop fminsearch when objective function exceeded certain value (minima or maxima)
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',9999);
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(#(var)objectiveFunction(variables), changingParameters,options);
How to stop the function if I reach certain objective function value (for example 1000) [within the 9999 iterations]
I've tried 'TolFun' , I am not sure if this is correct
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',999,'TolFun',1000);
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(#(var)objectiveFunction(variables), changingParameters,options);
You can manually stop the search procedure by placing an appropriate function in the options.OutputFcn input struct. This function is called in every iteration of the search, and permits to signal back that the search is to be terminated. For example, you could define
function stop = custom_stop_fun(~, optimValues, ~)
if optimValues.fval >= 1000
stop = true;
stop = false;
and then set it via
options.OutputFcn = #custom_stop_fun;
Check out the full OutputFcn documentation

When can TLM peek fail?

I was working on OVM driver sequencer communication. I am using try_get_item() in ovm driver but it is still getting stuck. In my sequencer I redefined try_next_item and just printed a display statement before and after m_req_fifo.peek(t); The statement before peek got executed but not the statement after the peek. I even displayed size of the m_req_fifo using m_req_fifo.size() and it printed out 1. Why is peek not returning anything even after the size is 1? The modified try_next_item (Just addition of display) is given below.
The line After PEEK never gets executed after the line Line 398 with fifo size 1
virtual task try_next_item(output REQ t);
int selected_sequence;
time arb_time;
ovm_sequence_base seq;
if (get_next_item_called == 1) begin
ovm_report_error(get_full_name(), "get_next_item/try_next_item called twice without item_done or get in between", OVM_NONE);
selected_sequence = choose_next_request();
if (selected_sequence == -1) begin
t = null;
seq = arb_sequence_q[selected_sequence].sequence_ptr;
sequence_item_requested = 1;
get_next_item_called = 1;
$display("Line 398 with fifo size %0d\n", m_req_fifo.size());
$display("After PEEK\n");
// attempt to get the item; if it fails, produce an error and return
if (!m_req_fifo.try_peek(t))
ovm_report_error("TRY_NEXT_BLOCKED", {"try_next_item: the selected sequence '",
seq.get_full_name(), "' did not produce an item during wait_for_sequences(). ",
"Sequences should not consume time between calls to start_item and finish_item. ",
"Returning null item."}, OVM_NONE);
uvm_tlm_fifo::size() doesn't return the number of elements in the FIFO, but its capacity (i.e. the maximum number of elements it can hold). The function you're looking for is uvm_tlm_fifo::used() which returns the number of stored elements.
The function names are not intuitive at all and I remember spending a couple of hourse trying to understand some similar code to the one you had until noticing in the documentation that I was using the wrong method.