LISP mapcar add 1 to each integer in a list - lisp

(defun add-1-all (list)
(mapcar #'1+ '(list))
I am trying to pass a list of integers and add 1 to each integer in the list with mapcar, but I keep getting list is defined but never used.
; ==>
; (LIST)
; (BLOCK ADD-1-ALL (MAPCAR #'1+ '(LIST))))
; The variable LIST is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition

Since you're quoting (list), this is a list containing the literal symbol list, it not the value of the variable. That's why you get a warning about an unused variable.
And when you run it, you'll get an error because 1+ requires its argument to be a number, not the symbol list.
The second argument to mapcar should be the value of the list itself, so just used the variable directly.
(defun add-1-all (list)
(mapcar #'1+ list)

Lisp can be interactively used.
Just type '(list) to the read eval print loop:
* '(list)
* (describe '(list))
So you see that '(list) gets evaluated to a list (LIST).
You have written the list as literal data.
A variable is in Lisp an unquoted symbol, here just list.


What is the difference between #\ , ' and #'?

In Common Lisp, given that "a" is simply a character, what is the difference between #\a, 'a #'a?
My question comes from the tutorial on Lisp. At one point the tutorial introduces:
; a character array with all initial elements set to a
; is a string actually
(write(make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\a))
; a two dimensional array with initial values a
(setq myarray (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element 'a :adjustable t))
(write myarray)
With the output:
#2A((A A) (A A))
#' is not included in this example but I'm including it in the question because it can be confusing as well. 🙂
Thank you very much! 😊
To start, a is not "simply a character." The Lisp reader parses #\a as the character literal a, which is an object in Common Lisp. Note that #\a and #\A are different character objects.
When the Lisp reader encounters a single quote, the expression following the single quote is not evaluated. Specifically, 'a is treated as (quote a), where quote returns its argument unevaluated. Now, a is a symbol, so 'a evaluates to that symbol. But the Lisp reader upcases most characters it reads by default, so 'a really evaluates to the symbol A. The good news is that whether you type a or A, the Lisp reader will read A (unless you mess with the readtable), and both 'a and 'A evaluate to the symbol A.
When the Lisp reader encounters #'a, the entire expression is treated as (function a), which when evaluated returns the function associated with the name a. But, note that it is an error to use function, and by extension #', on an identifier that does not denote a function.
To clarify this last part a bit, consider the following REPL interaction:
CL-USER> (defvar a 1)
CL-USER> #'a
The function COMMON-LISP-USER::A is undefined.
[Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]
Here the variable a is defined and given the value 1, but when we try to access the function denoted by a we get an error message because there is no such function. Continuing:
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION A {1002DDC303}>.
CL-USER> (defun a (x) x)
CL-USER> (a 'b)
CL-USER> #'a
Now we have defined a function named a that simply returns its argument. You can see that when we call a with an argument 'b we get the expected result: (a 'b) --> b. But, then when we evaluate a alone we still get 1. Symbols in Common Lisp are objects that have, among other cells, value cells and function cells. After the above interaction, the symbol a now has 1 in its value cell, and it has the function we have defined in its function cell. When the symbol a is evaluated the value cell is accessed, but when (function a) or #'a is evaluated, the function cell is accessed. You can see above that when #'a is evaluated, the function we defined is returned, and the REPL prints #<FUNCTION A> to show this.
As an aside, I wouldn't recommend using Tutorialspoint to learn Common Lisp. Glancing over the site, right away I see this:
LISP expressions are case-insensitive, cos 45 or COS 45 are same.
This is just wrong. And, Lisp is not written in all-caps. None of this inspires faith. Instead, find a good book. There are some recommendations on the common-lisp tag-info page.
This is to introduce a character.
CL-USER> #\a
CL-USER> (character 'a)
CL-USER> (character "a")
This is quote, to quote and not evaluate things and construct object literals.
=> error: the variable a is unbound.
CL-USER> (inspect 'a)
The object is a SYMBOL.
0. Name: "A"
2. Value: "unbound"
3. Function: "unbound"
4. Plist: NIL
> q
CL-USER> (equal (list 1 2) (quote (1 2))) ;; aka '(1 2)
T ;; but watch out with object literals constructed with quote, prefer constructor functions.
and #'
This is sharpsign-quote to reference a function.
CL-USER> #'a
=> error: The function COMMON-LISP-USER::A is undefined.
CL-USER> (defun a () (print "hello A"))
CL-USER> (a)
"hello A"
"hello A"
CL-USER> #'a
CL-USER> (function a)
One can ask Lisp to describe the data objects you've mentioned.
If we look at the expressions:
CL-USER 13 > (dolist (object (list '#\a ''a '#'a))
(describe object)
#\a is a CHARACTER
Name "Latin-Small-Letter-A"
Code 97
1 A
1 A
If we look at the evaluated expressions:
CL-USER 5 > (dolist (object (list #\a 'a #'a))
(describe object)
#\a is a CHARACTER
Name "Latin-Small-Letter-A"
Code 97
VALUE #<unbound value>
FUNCTION #<interpreted function A 422005BD54>
PACKAGE #<The COMMON-LISP-USER package, 73/256 internal, 0/4 external>
#<interpreted function A 422005BD54> is a TYPE::INTERPRETED-FUNCTION

unexpected result from listp

I have a struct spider:
(defstruct spider omegas values k)
And an instance spider:
(set '*spider* (make-spider
:omegas '()
:values (list *input*)
:k '(#'omegashift #'dec #'dupval '((0 . #'dec) (1 . #'inc) (2 . #'dec)))))
But when I run the expression: (listp (car (spider-k *spider*)) on Emacs and SBCL (and SLIME is involved but I'm not sure what it is.)
The REPL returns T. This is obviously confusing as (car (spider-k *spider*) correctly returns #'OMEGASHIFT and (listp (function OMEGASHIFT)) properly returns NIL.
Why is (listp (car (spider-k *spider*)) true? Shouldn't it be false?
#'omegashift is a reader-macro that expands to the list (function omegashift).
When you evaluate (function omegashift) you get a function, but you're not evaluating it because you quoted the list. So you're just getting the list that the reader-macro expands to.
You'd see the same thing if you did (listp (car '('foo))). 'foo expands to the list (quote foo). This evaluates to the symbol foo, but the quote before the list prevents evaluation.
To get functions instead of lists, you need to evaluate the function expressions. You can do this by calling the function list rather than quoting a list.
(setq *spider* (make-spider
:omegas '()
:values (list *input*)
:k (list #'omegashift #'dec #'dupval (list (cons 0 #'dec) (cons 1 #'inc) (cons 2 #'dec)))))
You can also use backquote to simplify this:
(setq *spider* (make-spider
:omegas '()
:values (list *input*)
:k `(,#'omegashift ,#'dec ,#'dupval '((0 . ,#'dec) (1 . ,#'inc) (2 . ,#'dec)))))
Inside a backquoted expression, you use comma to mark the sub-expressions that you want to evaluate.
BTW, you should use setq to assign variables, not set with a quoted symbol. They're equivalent for global variables, but you can't use set with a local variable.

lisp: properly form if statement

As a task for myself to learn common lisp, I'm trying to recreate lodash.
En route to recreating _.chunk, I've written the following to test for an optional argument
(defun _.chunk (array &optional size)
(if (size)
(write ("there") )
(write ("not") )
Setting (setf x #('a 'b 'c 'd)) and then running (_.chunk x), I get an error:
; caught ERROR:
; illegal function call
; (IF (SIZE)
; (WRITE ("there"))
; (WRITE ("not")))))
What's the correct way to test for optional function parameters?
size-p, the name of the optional variable which may be specified after the default value of a keyword or optional argument, will be true if the parameter was passed as an argument to a function call.
so you could do something such as:
(defun _.chuck (array &optional (size 0 size-p))
(if size-p
(rest of your form...)))

How to pass a symbol of a condition of a function to a macro

I'm trying to pass a symbol of a condition of a function to a macro, and see the result:
(defmacro macro-test-1 (form condition)
`(handler-case (funcall ,form)
(,condition (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(format t "~a" 'why?))))
(macro-test-1 #'(lambda () (error 'simple-type-error)) division-by-zero)
;; OK, I get the simple-type-error as expected.
(defun test-1 (condition)
(macro-test-1 #'(lambda () (error 'simple-type-error)) condition))
; in: DEFUN TEST-1
; The variable CONDITION is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
;; what happened?
(test-1 'division-by-zero)
;; what happened?
I'm pretty confused by what's going on, I've been trying to figure it out for a long time, I hope I'm missing something silly.
up 1
It is as I imagined, silly error, now I realized what I was trying to do, the macro will be expanded at compile time, and the argument I pass to the function at runtime, so the macro will not receive the condition argument correctly. So I see two possibilities of solving this, turning macro-test-1 into a function or turning test-1 into a macro.
Actually I tested here, changing to function still not working:
CL-USER> (defun macro-test-1 (form condition)
(handler-case (funcall form)
(condition (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(format t "~a" 'why?))))
; (CONDITION (C) (DECLARE #) (FORMAT T "~a" 'WHY?)))))
; The variable CONDITION is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
CL-USER> (macro-test-1 #'(lambda () (error 'simple-type-error)) 'division-by-zero)
However when you redefine macro-test-1 as a macro, and redefine test-1 as a macro:
CL-USER> (defmacro test-1 (condition)
`(macro-test-1 #'(lambda () (error 'simple-type-error)) ,condition))
CL-USER> (test-1 division-by-zero)
; Evaluation aborted on #<SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR {1001BB8FF3}>.
I'm still not sure why the function does not work, the evaluation rule is not to evaluate all arguments and then pass to the body of the function the evaluated arguments? Because it does not work?
up 2
I understand that the handler-case does not work because you need to know the errors at compile time, and passing condition as a runtime function argument would not be able to know the compile-time error, so it does not work. And I stress this single reason, and not because macros occur has compile time, by a question I noted below which led me to this whole mess, and made me believe it is possible to pass condition by a function. I can do this:
(defmacro macro-test-1 (fn value)
`(funcall ,fn ,value 1))
(macro-test-1 #'= 1)
;; => T it is OK
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(macro-test-1 fn value))
(test-1 #'= 1)
;; => why it is OK?
The above code works, even though I pass the arguments to the function at runtime, why does it work? if the macro is expanded at compile time, why is it working when I call test-1? or are macros not always expanded at compile time? What am I missing here?
up 3
I decided to go deeper, and tried:
(defmacro macro-test-1 (fn value)
`(,fn ,value 1))
(macro-test-1 = 1)
;; => T it is OK
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(macro-test-1 fn value))
; in: DEFUN TEST-1
; The variable FN is defined but never used.
; in: DEFUN TEST-1
; ==>
; (FN VALUE 1)
; undefined function: FN
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined function:
; FN
; caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions
Yes I know that if I try as shown below, it will not exit as expected:
(test-1 '= 1)
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION FN {1004575323}>. ;
But I wanted to find a way to make it work, so I tried, until I could, by resetting macro-test-1 to:
(defmacro macro-test-1 (fn value)
`(eval (,fn ,value 1)))
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(macro-test-1 fn value))
(test-1 '= 1)
Of course this would only work in handler-case or case, if I redefined its macros, which I believe should not be a good practice, nor do I need it, but I like to go where it does not, well, then, I learn erring.
Macros are code transformation. Thus the expansion can happen as early as when you evaluate a defun. eg.
(defun test-1 (condition)
(macro-test-1 #'(lambda () (error 'simple-type-error)) condition))
;; becomes this
(defun test-1 (condition)
(handler-case (funcall #'(lambda nil (error 'simple-type-error)))
(condition (c)
(declare (ignore c)) (format t "~a" 'why?)))
Now just lets say you want to have handler-case check for simple-type-error. You'll write it like this:
(handler-case expression
(simple-type-error ()
(format t "~a" 'why?)))
(handler-case expression
('simple-type-error ()
(format t "~a" 'why?)))
Eg. handler-case is syntax and that place is can not have a variable be evaluated to some error, but must be a type specifier and that is probably handled compile time by the system. This is the reason you get that condition is never used since your handler-case checks for a type called condition, not what you sent as the condition argument.
Making test-1 a macro actually passes division-by-zero as the symbol to macro-test-1 and the result is this:
(handler-case (funcall #'(lambda nil (error 'simple-type-error)))
(division-by-zero (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(format t "~a" 'why?)))
This also means the errors need to be known compile time since you cannot have a macro be passed values in variables. That is why it works so the second you want some user to input what error to act on you cannot do it with your solution.
In up2 you ask why this works:
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(macro-test-1 fn value))
So we'll just find out what actually gets saved:
(macroexpand-1 '(macro-test-1 fn value))
; ==> (funcall fn value)
; ==> t
Thus your function becomes this:
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(funcall fn value))
handler-case was syntax that didn't take variables or expression at the place you wanted and thats why that didn't work, but it will of course work for all functions, including funcall, since it evaluates all it's arguments.
To show you a different example of what does not work is case:
(defun check-something (what result default-value value)
(case value
(what result)
(otherwise default-value)))
case is a macro so what actually happens. We can do macroexpand-1 on it to see:
'(case value
(what result)
(otherwise default-value))
; ==> (let ((tmp value))
; (cond ((eql tmp 'what) result)
; (t default-value)))
; ==> t
The macro expects the case values to be literals and thus quotes them so that they never get evaluated. The resulting function you clearly see what is never used, just as condition wasn't:
(defun check-something (what result default-value value)
(let ((tmp value))
(cond ((eql tmp 'what) result)
(t default-value))))
Macros are to abstract on syntax. You need to be able to write the code without the macro and rather see that this is a pattern that repeats and than add an abstraction that rewrites from your simplified version to the full version. If it cannot be done to begin with it cannot be rewritten as a macro.
Same for functions. The whole reason why we have macros is to control evaluation. A good example of something that cannot be written as a fucntion is if:
(defun my-if (predicate consequence alternative)
(cond (predicate consequence)
(t alternative)))
(my-if t 'true 'false) ; ==> true
(my-if nil 'true 'false) ; ==> false
But since functions always evaluates their arguments you cannot do this:
(defun factorial (n)
(my-if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (1- n)))))
This will never halt since being a function all 3 arguments are always evalaued and (* n (factorial (1- n)))) is done even when n is negative and it will have endless recursion. Using a macro instead would replace the my-if with the resulting cond and both cond and if does not evaluate all their arguments rather than short circuits on the one that matches truthy predicate.
You may use macroexpand-1 to check if you code indeed is correct. You should be able to replace the input with the ourput. Is you use macroexpand applies the expansion until it will not expand anymore. Eg. cond will also be expanded to nested if's.
From up3:
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(macro-test-1 fn value))
This is the same problem. The macro function gets fn and value as bindings and the result is:
(defun test-1 (fn value)
(fn value))
This might have worked in Scheme, but in Common Lisp symbols in operator prosition is different from other positions. Thus when CL tries to find the function fn it never look any close to the variable fn. The only way to solve this is by using funcall and then you actually don't need a macro at all:
(defun with-1 (fn value)
(funcall fn value 1))
(with-1 #'+ 10) ; ==> 11
Notice the #' prefix. That is short for (function ...) so it's really (function +). function is a special form that takes the argument symbol and gets the value from the function namespace.
With eval you can do a lot of stuff, but it comes with a price. It will not be optimized and perhaps even just interpreted and it might gove you compile time errors at runtime as well as open for security risks. A good example was a online interactive ruby that just did eval and it worked well until someone evaluated code that deleted all the system files. eval is considered harmful and even evil. In my professional career I have seen eval being used 3 times on purpose. (2 times in PHP, one in requirejs). One of those times I challenged the writer that there might be a better way to do it. Of course both handler-case and case will work with eval since the evaluated code would have the correct format, but you'll loose the lexical scoping. eg.
(let ((x 10))
(eval '(+ x 1)));
; *** EVAL: variable X has no value
You might be smart and do this:
(let ((x 10))
(eval `(+ ,x 1))) ; ==> 11
but what if it was a list or something else not self evaluating?
(let ((x '(a b)))
(eval `(cons '1 ,x)))
; *** undefined function: a
Thus eval has its chalenges as well. Keep away for other purposes than education ones.

How are arguments passed into functions in Elisp?

Coming from a C++ background, I'm trying to figure out how arguments are passed into methods in Elisp. While I acknowledge that maybe the wording could be different, I'm wondering if it is closer to the C++ idea of passing by reference or passing by value? If I alter the parameter in the method itself, will it alter the parameter that was passed in in the function call?
All Lisps (Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp) pass parameters by value, always:
(defparameter x 42) ; defconst in Emacs Lisp
(defun test (x)
(setq x 10))
(test x)
==> 10
==> 42
Note, however, that some values are actually pointers (or, rather, objects with components), so a function can modify their content by side effects:
(defparameter x (list 1 2))
(defun test (x)
(setf (first x) 42
(second x) 24
x 17))
(test x)
==> 17
==> (42 24)
PS1. Cf. When to use ' (or quote) in Lisp? -- "quoted arguments" are evaluated too: the evaluation strips the quote.
PS2. Cf. add-to-list - it accepts a symbol (variable name) and modifies its value. This only works for global dynamic variables, not for lexical variables. Not a very good idea.
Actually, in Emacs Lisp, there is no such thing like passing a argument by value or by reference, not to mention pointer. But all arguments passed to function will be evaluated in advance except those have a ' prefix. Always remember When you set a variable, you always just create symbol with a value.[1]
So if you want to modify a variable's value in a function, all you need to do is modifying the value of that variable's symbol in that function.
Check my code bellow.
(defvar my-val 1)
(defun my-func-value (val)
(setq val 2))
(defun my-func-symbol (sym)
;; NOTE! using set instead of setq,
;; casue we want symbol "my-val" be evaluated from "sym" here
(set sym 2))
(my-func-value my-val) ; evaluate my-val before passed into function
(message "my-val: %s" my-val) ; my-val: 1
(my-func-symbol 'my-val) ; pass my-val symbol directly into function
(message "my-val: %s" my-val) ; my-val: 2
Note! If the variable is a lexically-bound variable[2], it's still true that you can modified the symbol's value but not the value in the lexical environment.
Here is the code:
(let ((my-lexical-var 1))
(my-func-symbol 'my-lexical-var)
;; evaluate from lexical environment
(message "my-lexical-var: %s" my-lexical-var) ; my-lexical-var: 1
;; evaluate from the symbol
(message "symbol my-lexical-var: %s" (symbol-value 'my-lexical-var))
; symbol my-lexical-var: 2