What is the difference between a parameter and a variable in Dbeaver? - dbeaver

So my question is what is the difference between a parameter and a variable in Dbeaver?
My second part of the question is how to set / unset a parameter / Variable?
Example 1:
#set var1 = 1
#unset var1
here the var1 is set to 1 but cannot be unset with the command #unset
Example 1:
Example 2: how to set the param1 without the pop-up message?
select :param1;
Example 2


Define global variable within a function in q kdb

I can see two ways to define a global variable from a function in q.
Using ::
q)gv /- 10
Using set
q){`gv set 20}[]
q)gv /- 20
There is a catch with set i.e. if a global variable already has a symbol assigned to it, then the value which is assigned to global variable within the function is assigned to the symbol which is assigned to global variable.
q){gv set 20}[]
Can someone please explain me which is the better way (set or ::) to define a global variable within a function and why is it better?
There is no "better" really - but set has the advantage of assigning to a variable name which is itself a variable (as you showed in your example).
I'm confused about your confusion in the last example though......if you wanted 20 to be assigned to a global called gv then you should put a backtick in front of gv, aka `gv set 20; and conversely if you wanted 20 to be assigned to the symbol/name that gv contains then don't use the backtick, aka gv set 20;
Final point to note is that you can also create globals in non-root directories/namespaces using a single colon assignment
| ::
that| 1

Conditional processing in SPSS

I would like to conditionally process blocks of syntax where the condition is based on the active data set.
Within an SPSS macro, you can conditionally process a block of syntax using the !IF/!IFEND macro command. However, as far as I can tell, the user is required to explicitly give a value to the flag by either using the !LET command (!LET !FLAG = 1), or by using a Macro input variable. This is wildly different from my experience with other languages, where I can write code that has branching logic based on the data I'm working with.
Say that there is a block of syntax that I only want to run if there are at least 2 records in the active data set. I can create a variable in the data set which is equal to the number of records using the AGGREGATE function, but I can't find a way to make a macro variable equal to that value in a way that is usable as a !IF condition. Below is a very simple version of what I'd like to do.
!IF (!N_CASES > 1) !THEN
Is what I'm attempting possible? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Following is a way to put a value from the dataset into a macro, which you can then use wherever you need - including in another macro.
First we'll make a little dataset to recreate your example:
data list free/var1 var2 var3.
begin data
1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
end data.
* this will create the number of cases value:
Now we can send the value into a macro - by writing a separate syntax file with the macro definition.
do if $casenum=1.
write out='SomePath\N_CASES.sps' /"define !N_CASES() ", NUMBER_OF_CASES, " !enddefine.".
end if.
insert file='SomePath\N_CASES.sps'.
The macro is now defined and you can use the value in calculations (e.g if you want to use it for analysis of a different dataset, or later in your syntax when the current data is not available).
for example:
compute just_checking= !N_CASES .
You can also use it in your macro as in your example - you'll see that the new macro can't read the !N_CASES macro as is, that's why you need the !eval() function:
define !cond_means ()
!IF (!eval(!N_CASES) > 1) !THEN
Now running the macro will produce nothing if there is just one line in your data, and will run means if there was more than one line:

How to pass arguments by reference to robot framework keywords?

I have a keyword in robot framework; it takes an argument, performs some process on it and returns it after all:
My Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${arg}
# Some process on ${arg}
[Return] ${arg}
So it would be the usage:
${x} = My Keyword Name ${x}
Which implies that I gave the old value of ${x} to the keyword and it returned me the new value of it.
I want to make a call by reference on My Keyword Name, so I don't need to use an assignment for setting new value for ${x}. I have read the BuiltIn and UserGuide,
but there was no line about this subject. Can anyone help me on this?
If ${x} is a mutable type such as a list or dictionary, you can pass the object itself. If it represents a scalar value such as a string or int, you can't do what you want. Your only choice is to return the new value and re-assign it to the original variable.
It will work if you initialize the variable as
My Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${arg}
${arg} = Set Variable 56
[Return] ${arg}
Log To Console \n\nin Test
${x} = Set Variable 0
${x} = My Keyword Name ${x}
Log To Console ${x}
Can you explore whether you can make use of Set Global Variable or Set Test Variable?
I'd spent some time before i got the solution!
* Variables
${someVar} initial value
* Test Cases
[Check reference]
Set this \${someVar} new value
Should Be Equal ${someVar} new value
* Keywords
Set this
[Arguments] ${varName} ${value}
Set Test Variable ${varName} ${value}
The point is in the magic "\" char :)
It actually comes down to mutable/immutable variables in python, and how they are passed to functions.
Details here in this answer, but in RF context it boils down to - you can change lists and dictionaries, and not strings and numbers (int, float). Example:
A testcase
Log To Console \n
${var}= Create List member1
Log To Console ${var}
Mutate The List ${var}
Log To Console ${var}
*** Keywords ***
Mutate The List
[Arguments] ${lst}
Append To List ${lst} new one
The output when ran would be:
A testcase
['member1', 'new one']
| PASS |
, e.g. the variable defined in the case got changed by a keyword. The same can be done with dictionaries.
If you reassign the variable in the function though, it will not change; e.g. with a keyword like this:
Mutate The Dict
[Arguments] ${lst}
${lst}= Create List fsf
Append To List ${lst} bogus
, the original variable ${var} will not be changed.
Why so? In short, in python variables are just identifiers ("names") to memory addresses; when you assign ${lst} to a new list, the variable now points to a new address in the memory, and further interactions don't change the original one.
Welp I just ran into the same issue, as I was using a Run Keyword If statement in a For Loop. Knowing that if I used a keyword that returns a value, robot framework freaks out.
So I just thought of this as a potential solution. It'll use my example. It does have redundancy, but thats because you just have to in this case.
| Increment | [Arguments] | ${var} |
| | ${var} | Evaluate | ${var} + 1 |
| | Set Test Variable | ${var} | ${var} |
| Increment | ${idx} |
| Set Test Variable | ${idx} | ${var}
Now I'm not saying this is the best solution, but if you run into the scenario that you have to return a value to a variable with a keyword, and you're inside a "Run Keyword If", this should allow you to circumvent the issue. I don't really like it that much, but it gets the job done.

SPSS Macro - Generate dynamic Varnames

I am currently trying to create dynamic variable names based on the valuelabels of the passed Argument. Currently, I have something like this:
COMPUTE counter = 0.
DEFINE !macro1 (!POS !CMDEND).
STRING name (A20).
!DO !#i = 1 !TO 62
COMPUTE counter = #i
!IF (!POS !EQ !i)
COMPUTE !CONCAT('wasnot', name) = 1.
COMPUTE name = VALUELABEL(!counter).
COMPUTE !CONCAT('wasnot', name) = 0.
CROSSTABS v15 by !CONCAT('wasnot', name) /cells = column.
The idea is, that for every unique value of V601 a flag variable will be created (e.g. "wasnotvaluelabel1"). This variable will either have value = 1 or 0 respectively. However, it seems that concat cannot be used the way I intended. I get these errors:
Error # 6843 in column 7. Text: !POS
The end of a macro expression occurred when an operand was expected.
Execution of this command stops.
Error # 6846 in column 7. Text: !POS
A macro expression includes an undefined macro variable or a macro operator
which is not valid within an expression.
Error # 6836 in column 12. Text: !EQ
In a macro expression, an operator was not preceded by an operand.
Error # 6846 in column 2. Text: !THEN
A macro expression includes an undefined macro variable or a macro operator
which is not valid within an expression.
Error # 6846 in column 28. Text: !POS
A macro expression includes an undefined macro variable or a macro operator
which is not valid within an expression.
Questions I have right now:
Is it even possible to generate dynamic names? I have tried
different attempts over the last hours but the SPSS macro "language"
seems very restricted.
Is there perhaps some other way to achieve this Task? It seems rather unconvenient.
Please note, working with the Python AddIn is sadly not an Option. I'm grateful for any received advice.
There is an extension command, SPSSINC CREATE DUMMIES, that will create all these dummy variables automatically. It's on the Transform menu. And it is implemented in Python.
Using Python you can easily read case data and do lots more.
Thanks for all the Help. In the end I did it with generating new syntax using Outfile.

Powershell or Batch to execute a command with user-input parameters and to save them in a text file for future defaults

I have a program I want to execute with a line like this:
gams.exe program.gms user-defined-variable1 user-defined-variable2 ..........
Currently I use a batch file which prompts the user for input strings which are the user-defined variables, for example:
set /P scen_num="(What scenario number would you like to simulate?) "
(What scenario number would you like to simulate?)
the user types: 1
I use this batch file very often and there are multiple parameters. I would like to write the most-recent parameters to a text file, so that the next time I run the batch (or Powershell) file, the previously-used setting will be there on the prompt:
(What scenario number would you like to simulate?) 1
So I can spam ENTER if I want to execute exactly the same thing as the previous time.
Ideally I want to be able to do this in batch, though Powershell is acceptable if batch cannot do this.
How do I output to / read from a text file?
How do I make the prompt already contain a specified value before I type anything?
Another solution would be making a config batch, to save variables and call to set. You could just add something like this after all the variables are set.
:[ First variable acts to wipe file with single `>` ]
echo set var1=%var1% > config.bat
echo set var2=%var2% >> config.bat
echo set var3=%var3% >> config.bat
:[ etc ]
This will create a batch like so:
:[ setting variables to random data for examples sake.
set var1=Hello
set var2=I am
set var3=text.
You can add the option to either manually set your variables, or just
call config.bat
And if you wish to have multiple default settings, you can just add these as seperate batch scripts, by adjusting Program.bat to something like:
echo set var1=%var1% > %name%.bat
echo set var2=%var2% >> %name%.bat
echo set var3=%var3% >> %name%.bat
Setting %name% to whatever you wish if you opt to save your settings into a batch, and then just replace
call config.bat
:[ with ]
call %name%.bat
You did mention the ability to just tap enter for a variable you wanted to set default, that could be done with something like:
:[ Have the variables saved in config.bat set to retrievable variables ]
call config.bat
set 1=%var1%
set 2=%var2%
set 3=%var3%
:[ Set the variables, if `enter` pressed set to retrievable variable ]
echo Enter var1
set /p var1=
if not defined var1 (
set var1=%1%
echo Enter var2
set /p var2=
if not defined var2 (
set var2=%2%
echo Enter var3
set /p var3=
if not defined var3 (
set var3=%3%