Conversejs has support to get archive message in indexedDb by plugin not? - xmpp

Please show me how conversejs can get the message stored in indexedDb by plugin if possible? I want to create my own chat history list interface because controlbox is not suitable for my business.

The messages are stored in a Collection which is set as the messages attribute on the ChatBox model. A ChatBox represents the Chat conversation with a particular contact.
converse.plugins.add("my-plugin", {
initialize() {
const { api } = this._converse;
const chat = api.chats.get('');
// log all messages to the console
chat.messages.forEach(m => console.log(m.get('body'));


Ionic 4 + WhatsApp share - Get receiver / contact details after I share my message

I am using Ionic 4 + SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin.
After I share a message with my contact, how can I get back the contact's name/number and other info back in the promise, so that I can save it in the database?
I have the following code:
import { SocialSharing } from '#ionic-native/social-sharing/ngx';
constructor(private socialSharing: SocialSharing) { }
// Share message via WhatsApp
this.socialSharing.shareViaWhatsApp('Hi', null, null).then(() => {
// How to get the contact's details here, with whom
// I shared my message? Would like to get the name, number
// and all other contact info.
// Following Toast does not seem to trigger
this.toastService.presentToast('Successfully shared coupon on WhatsApp', 'success');
}).catch(() => {
// Sharing via WhatsApp is not possible. How to trigger a toast here as well?
How can I show a toast message immediately after return, so that I know that the message was shared successfully? As can be seen from the code, I have a toastService that shows the toast, but it never gets triggered. How can I trigger the toast after successfully sharing my message on WhatsApp, both in success & error cases?
To access contacts, you'll need a separate plugin like Contacts -- maybe get the contact first using that plugin and then use shareViaWhatsAppToPhone to share directly to that number.
The toast should work. From your example, it doesn't look like you've injected the ToastService into the class.

Cancel sent Web Push notifications

I'm sending push notifications to my website users when they (for example) receive a private message.
That notification goes to all browsers subscribed for that user. So could be desktop, mobile, work computer etc.
What I would like to do is close all the sent notifications once the user has a read a message.
So user logs in on mobile, reads the private message - at this point I want all the previously sent notifications for that PM to be closed/cancelled.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
Yes this is possible, but not silently. For example, Chrome will replace the notification with a new one saying "This site has been updated in the background".
There are two separate APIs: the Push API which "gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server", and the Notification API which "is used to configure and display desktop notifications to the user".
The Notification API provides Notification.close(), which cancels the display of a notification.
You can use the Push API to trigger Notification.close(). Here's a sample which should go in your service worker:
self.addEventListener('push', async event => {
const data =;
if (data.type === 'display_notification') {
self.registration.showNotification(data.title, data.options);
} else if (data.type === 'cancel_notification') {
const notifications = await self.registration.getNotifications({
tag: data.notificationTag
for (notification of notifications) {
} else {
console.warn("Unknown message type", event, data);
However! This design means that your cancel_notification message won't display a notification. This violates some browser policies, for example Chrome will display a new notification saying "This site has been updated in the background".

SAP Fiori Get logged in user details in UI5 application

I've a SAP Fiori application and I need to get the current logged in user details.
I've searched web but unable to find a solution.
is there any way to get current logged in user details from launchpad.
There is a UserInfo service from the FLP shell which can be retrieved like this:
{ // In Controller
doSomethingUserDetails: async function() {
const oUserInfo = await this.getUserInfoService();
const sUserId = oUserInfo.getId(); // And in SAPUI5 1.86, those became public: .getEmail(), .getFirstName(), .getLastName(), .getFullName(), ...
// ...
getUserInfoService: function() {
return new Promise(resolve => sap.ui.require([
], oSapUshellLib => {
const oContainer = oSapUshellLib.Container;
const pService = oContainer.getServiceAsync("UserInfo"); // .getService is deprecated!
To align with the current best practices, avoid calling sap.ushell.Container.getService directly!
getService is deprecated. Use getServiceAsync instead.
Require the library instead of referencing the Container via global namespace (sap.ushell.*) as shown above.
Alternatively, information about the the current user can be also retrieved via the user API service exposed by the application router from the SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).
* In case the app is deployed to the old Neo environment, see the previous edit.
The User-ID can be retrieved from SDK.
Please refer to class
Try this:
If you want to access the user detail when you are running your application in launchpad. then you can retrieve current user detail by adding following code snippet:
var userInfo = sap.ushell.Container.getService("UserInfo");
var email = userInfo.getEmail();
Then further detail about the user can be retrieved like email and fullname. See the API here.

Retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages

I would like to retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages using their API, but the official documentation is not very clear on this point =>
I tried to use the API to retrieve comments of a video with my live video id (endpoint =>[LIVE_VIDEO_ID]/comments), but it doesn't return any chat messages...
Do you know if it's possible?
Ok, I've searched a little bit more and I found a more elegant way to do that avoiding the scraping method.
In fact the embed chat page (returned by the chat_embed_url) use EventSource to get notified when a new message arrived.
With this good NPM package, I've been able to retrieve chat messages in only 5 lines:
var EventSource = require('eventsource');
var url = '[USERNAME]-[CHANNEL_ID]';
var es = new EventSource(url);
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
A comment on a video is different from the chat feature, this is why chat messages don't appear in comments.
You can't get individual chat messages so far, but you can get the chat embed code on two different ways:
using the Dailymotion API, you can request the chat_embed_html or chat_embed_url fields on the video object
or you can get it directly from the video pages on dailymotion games, by clicking on the settings icon below the chat, and click "copy embed code"

How to know that when the user goes offline in AgsXMPP?

I am currently trying with agsXMPP library ,
i added users to a treenode on OnPresence event.
its works well, but when the other user goes offline i want to update the tree node,
for that i need his Offline Presence ,How i get result when a chat buddy goes offline ?
When a buddy goes offline you get a OnPresence event with the Type of unavailable.
private void XmppCon_OnPresence(object sender, Presence pres)
if (pres.Type == PresenceType.unavailable)
// user goes offline