Adding POIs/amenities from geometries_from_polygon or geometries_from_place to graph via graph_from_gdfs - networkx

Does someone has a function handy that adds POIs retrieved with geometries_from_polygon (or geometries_from_place) as GDF to an existing graph via graph_from_gdfs?
Basically something simple like
G = ox.graph_from_place(query = "<query>", network_type='all', simplify=False, retain_all=True)
pois = ox.geometries.geometries_from_polygon(<geometry>, tags = {"amenity": [<amenity_tag>]})
> simple function that generates the nodes and edges from the pois GDF ?
G2 = ox.graph_from_gdfs(pois_nodes, pois_edges, <graph_attrs>)
> merge G and G2 ?
I think I can just iterate through the GDF and generate the nodes/edges myself, but I'm wondering if there isn't an easier/simpler way to do this, or even an existing function I'm missing?
I'm not looking into rendering that actual graph, I'm just looking for an easy way to generate a graph XML file that includes both, the street network and some POIs and I'm using OSMX to modify that data in some ways.


OSMnx Difference between geometries_from_place tag highway and graph_from_place?

I use OSMnx for my project and I need to retrieve information about roads.
I know I can use osmnx.graph_from_place(place, network_type="all") to get the graph of highways of a certain type from Open Street Map. However it does not provides lots of features, only 15.
I know I can use osmnx.geometries_from_place(place, tags={"highway"=True}) , it gives more features however it provides different result than the previous function (less rows).
Using 'Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium' as place, with graph_from_place, I get 12636 rows in my dataframe but with geometries_from_place, I get 3636
So can anyone explain me what is the difference between the two functions and why they provide different results?
Code :
import osmnx as ox
place = 'Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium'
etterbeek_all_highway_info = ox.geometries_from_place(place, tags={"highway":True})
len(etterbeek_all_highway_info) # 3636
street_graph = ox.graph_from_place(place, network_type='all', simplify=False)
nodes , streets = ox.graph_to_gdfs(street_graph)
len(streets["highway"]) #12636
Documentation :

Save and re-load a weighted graph from OSMnx for NetworKX

I am using OSMnx to get a graph and add a new edge attribute (w3) representing a custom weight for each edge. Then I can successfully find 2 different shortest paths between 2 points using NetworkX and 'length', 'w2'. Everything works fine, this is my code:
G = ox.graph_from_place(PLACE, network_type='all_private', retain_all = True, simplify=True,truncate_by_edge=False) ```
w3_dict = dict((zip(zip(lu, lv, lk),lw3)))
nx.set_edge_attributes(G, w3_dict, "w3")
route_1 = nx.shortest_path(G, node_start, node_stop, weight = 'length')
route_2 = nx.shortest_path(G, node_start, node_stop, weight = 'w3')
Now I would like to save G to disk and reopen it, to perform more navigation tasks later on. But after saving it with:
ox.save_graph_xml(G, filepath='DATA/network.osm')
and reopen it with:
G = ox.graph_from_xml('DATA/network.osm')
my custom attribute w3 has disappeared. I have followed the instructions in the docs but with no luck. It feels like I'm missing something really obvious but I don't understand what it is..
Use the ox.save_graphml and ox.load_graphml functions to save/load full-featured OSMnx/NetworkX graphs to/from disk for later use. The save xml function exists only to allow serialization to the .osm file format for applications that require it, and has many constraints to conform to that.
import networkx as nx
import osmnx as ox
ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True)
# get a graph, set 'w3' edge attribute
G = ox.graph_from_place('Piedmont, CA, USA', network_type='drive')
nx.set_edge_attributes(G, 100, 'w3')
# save graph to disk
ox.save_graphml(G, './data/graph.graphml')
# load graph from disk and confirm 'w3' edge attribute is there
G2 = ox.load_graphml('./data/graph.graphml')
nx.get_edge_attributes(G2, 'w3')

Gremlin - how do you merge vertices to combine their properties without listing the properties explicitly?

Background: I'm trying to implement a time-series versioned DB using this approach, using gremlin (tinkerpop v3).
I want to get the latest state node (in red) for a given identity node (in blue) (linked by a 'state' edge which contains a timestamp range), but I want to return a single aggregated object which contains the id (cid) from the identity node and all the properties from the state node, but I don't want to have to list them explicitly.
(8640000000000000 is my way of indicating no 'to' date - i.e. the edge is current - slightly different from the image shown).
I've got this far:
:> g.V().hasLabel('product').
has('to', 8640000000000000).
select('cid', 'name','price').
=>{cid=1, name="Cheese", price=2.50}
=>{cid=2, name="Ham", price=5.00}
but as you can see I have to list out the properties of the 'state' node - in the example above the name and price properties of a product. But this will apply to any domain object so I don't want to have to list the properties all the time. I could run a query before this to get the properties but I don't think I should need to run 2 queries, and have the overhead of 2 round trips. I've looked at 'aggregate', 'union', 'fold' etc but nothing seems to do this.
Any ideas?
Based on Daniel's answer (which doesn't quite do what I want ATM) I'm going to use his example graph. In the 'modernGraph' people-create->software. If I run:
> g.V().hasLabel('person').valueMap()
==>[name:[marko], age:[29]]
==>[name:[vadas], age:[27]]
==>[name:[josh], age:[32]]
==>[name:[peter], age:[35]]
then the results are a list of entities's with the properties. What I want is, on the assumption that a person can only create one piece of software ever (although hopefully we will see how this could be opened up later for lists of software created), to include the created software 'language' property into the returned entity to get:
> <run some query here>
==>[name:[marko], age:[29], lang:[java]]
==>[name:[vadas], age:[27], lang:[java]]
==>[name:[josh], age:[32], lang:[java]]
==>[name:[peter], age:[35], lang:[java]]
At the moment the best suggestion so far comes up with the following:
> g.V().hasLabel('person').union(identity(), out("created")).valueMap().unfold().group().by {it.getKey()}.by {it.getValue()}
==>[name:[marko, lop, lop, lop, vadas, josh, ripple, peter], lang:[java, java, java, java], age:[29, 27, 32, 35]]
I hope that's clearer. If not please let me know.
Since you didn't provide I sample graph, I'll use TinkerPop's toy graph to show how it's done.
Assume you want to merge marko and lop:
gremlin> g = TinkerFactory.createModern().traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6], standard]
gremlin> g.V(1).valueMap()
gremlin> g.V(1).out("created").valueMap()
Note, that there are two name properties and in theory you won't be able to predict which name makes it into your merged result; however that doesn't seem to be an issue in your graph.
Get the properties for both vertices:
gremlin> g.V(1).union(identity(), out("created")).valueMap()
Merge them:
gremlin> g.V(1).union(identity(), out("created")).valueMap().
Thank you for the added sample output. That makes it a lot easier to come up with a solution (although I think your output contains errors; vadas didn't create anything).
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel("person").
unfold().group().by {it.getKey()}.by {it.getValue()})
==>[name:[marko], lang:[java], age:[29]]
==>[name:[josh], lang:[java], age:[32]]
==>[name:[peter], lang:[java], age:[35]]
Merging edge and vertex properties using gremlin java DSL:
g.V().has('User', 'id', userDbId).outE(Edges.TWEETS)
.union(__.identity().valueMap(), __.inV().valueMap())
.map(v -> converter.toTweet((Map) v.get())).toList();
Thanks for the answer by Daniel Kuppitz and youhans it has given me a basic idea on the solution of the issue. But later I found out that the solution is not working for multiple rows. It is required to have local step for handling multiple rows. The modified gremlin query will look like:
__.union(__.valueMap(), __.outE().inV().valueMap())
This will limit the scope of union and group by to a single row.
If you can work with custom DSL ,create custom DSL with java like this one.
public default GraphTraversal<S, LinkedHashMap> unpackMaps(){
GraphTraversal<S, LinkedHashMap> it = map(x -> {
LinkedHashMap mapSource = (LinkedHashMap) x.get();
LinkedHashMap mapDest = new LinkedHashMap();
Object obj = mapSource.get(key);
if (obj instanceof LinkedHashMap) {
LinkedHashMap childMap = (LinkedHashMap) obj;
childMap.keySet().iterator().forEachRemaining( key_child ->
} else
return mapDest;
return it;
and use it freely like
results to rows with
map1_val1, map1_val2,.... ,map2_va1, map2_val2....,value1, value2
This can handle mix of values and valueMaps in a natural gremlin way.

importing website to google sheets

I have tried searching everywhere online for a good answer but cannot seem to find anything that matches specifically what i am looking for.
When i use the IMPORTHTML function in google sheets, i end up with data that looks like:
${} (${player.position}, ${team.abbrev}) ${opponent.abbrev} #${opponent_rank} ${minutes} ${pts} ${fgm}-${fga} ${ftm}-${fta} ${p3m}-${p3a} ${treb} ${ast} ${stl} ${blk} ${tov} ${pf} ${fp} $${salary} ${ratio}
the code that i am using looks like this:
=IMPORTHTML("", "table",2)
When I use the same as above (=IMPORTHTML("", "table",2)) only with "0" as my index, it pulls this:
Opp Stats
Player Team Rank Min Pts FGM/A FTM/A 3PM/A Reb Ast Stl Blk Tov Foul FP Cost Value
Basically, I am attempting to pull the table data from this website:
(because of my rep i cannot post more than two links, however my IMPORTHTML function has the above link input in both functions)
into a google sheet. Please help. any feedback is much appreciated... thanks!
Best advice is to find another Web table you can import. If you do "view source" on the page, you will find that the table content is dynamically populated from a variable named NF_DATA.
You need to create a document script to extract the data you want:
function this_is_test() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
raw_content = response.getContentText();
re = new RegExp('"daily_projections":\\[[^\\]]+','i');
proj = raw_content.match(re);
It will extract all text in-between "daily_projections":[ and ], which is (as of today):
Note that even this is not complete. You need to somehow map nba_player_id to the appropriate name. Anyway, a lot coding will be involved...

pygraphviz/networkx external label (xlabel)

I have a question regarding external labels in pygraphviz. Sadly, I haven't found anything regarding this on the internet.
I want to use networkx to create/parse a graph in tree structure and then use pygraphviz/pydot to draw it. I need external labels on top of the normal labels for the nodes because I want to display values for the nodes + the node name itself.
Let's say I have the following graph (very simplified example of what I'm doing later):
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_edges_from([('A','B'), ('A','C')])
p = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(g)
So I'm using the last line to generate a tree like hraph and I need external labels for B and C.
How to do it?
For pygraphviz you can pass through arbitrary graphviz attributes, so you can do:
dot.node('point', '', shape='point', xlabel='Label')