Is there any way to Read and write files from external SD Card with flutter ,like using
from path_provider package to access local storage(read,write,modify,create..)?
You can use external_path package in
There is another way, which is directly listing all folders before folder named 0. There are mostly three folders in the very root: emulated, (the second and third one I don't remember now).If SD card is also inserted, there is a change in the first index with some id of SD card. But, trying to directly list them throws permission error, so you should use the package provided above.
About, writing (editing, deleting), it's really hard using flutter. By default, the contents are loaded in read-only mode.
Is it always safe to use the path "/storage/emulated/0/{MY APP NAME}" to store the files ?
I Want to store files in the external storage of the android device and I want to store it in a folder named after the app name this folder needs to be located in the external storage.
Have you tried the package path_provider
It comes with the methods getExternalStorageDirectory() and getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() which might be what you are looking for. As far as I know different os types are automatically considered as well.
try the same package of ext_storage named android_external_storage its the same concept putting the downloaded data for example to the download folder.
Check this thread.
The directory an app can access on sdcard looks like /storage/1718-0217/Android/data/com.example.app_name/files. You can get this with the code below.
(await getExternalStorageDirectories())?[1].path;
One app should only access some restricted directories on sdcard. Or you should use Permission.manageExternalStorage.request(), it is strongly restricted and always return false.
Fortunately, per-app directories can also be scanned by other services such like media.
Thanks already. I stuck in this example for weeks.
in other examples mostly use apps own assets folder
I dont want to add file to asset folder.
I just want to get data from outside the app
and I want to assign this data to a variable
Filepicker package will solve the problem here is the link
You can access file name , path with this package
I am figuring out which one is more storage friendly when it comes to getting some icons which are not available in the flutter icons module.
So, there are two ways to do it
Get your icons as assets, store in the app, and then use it wherever you want
Get a package, in my case, font_awesome_flutter, which practically has the required icons. And then use the icon via this package after importing it.
I am wondering which one should I prefer, first one or second?
Note: I am not bothered about the process, but I care about the space it takes in the app, which eventually affects the app's size.
I know about the path_provider package but it doesn't do what i want, or maybe I'm not just using it right. I read after so many trials and errors that the getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() returns a directory that is accessible only by the app itself, but what if i want to write to a phone's local document directory or so and be able to view the file in my file explorer later on?
If you want to save where the file explorer reaches, you must use the method getExternalStorageDirectory(). It only works in Android and you'll need READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.
Actually, you're able to find the files saved using getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() and getTemporaryDirectory() as well, but you'd need root access.
I need help. I'm trying to create a multiplatform mobile application. One of the functionalities is a local file browser that will allow user to select a directory and create a list of file in this directory. I've already spent couple of hours on that issue and I can not find any solution for that.
I've checked
But if I understand it correctly it is used when I already have a file, it not allows user to pick the directory.
I don't need anything fancy, it should as simple as possible
The Cordova FileSystem plugin (and ngCordova's wrapper) provide the ability the read directories from the file system. They do not provide any UI, so you would use the plugin to ask for a list of directories and then render it as you see fit. (A UL, a table, whatever.) To "browse" you could use a click handler on the list of directories such that when clicked, you then get the files/subdirectories of that folder. Again, the FS plugin adds support for doing that.