KnockoutJS: Select object as return value - select

I am trying to convert an existing template from button clicks to a select with options. The original template looks like this:
<!-- ko foreach: {data: amounts, as: 'amount'} -->
<button type="button" data-bind="click: $parent.changeAmount.bind($parent)">
<span data-bind="text: amount.amountFormatted"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
The content of the array amounts is this:
"amountFormatted":"15,00 €",
"price":"15,00 €"
"amountFormatted":"25,00 €",
"price":"25,00 €"
"amountFormatted":"50,00 €",
"price":"50,00 €"
And this is the handler function:
changeAmount: function (amount) {
The console.log shows me how the return value of the button click looks like:
"amountFormatted":"50,00 €",
"price":"50,00 €"
Now I want this whole thing displayed as a select instead of buttons:
<select data-bind="options: amounts,
optionsText: 'amountFormatted',
optionsValue: 'value',
value: activeAmount,
event:{ change: changeAmount}"></select>
But with this template the select returns the entire view object instead of what a button click returns. How can I get the select to return the same object/array?

You should only be needing this as the minimal working sample:
The amounts observableArray with the options
The binding below:
<select data-bind="options: amounts,
optionsText: 'amountFormatted',
value: activeAmount"></select>
You are also using the event binding which is probably not needed on your context at all, you are binding it against the parent but instead of working with this you are also expecting the amount to be passed in, which does not work well with your click handler definition ( where you bind the function, ok, but no params are given if you go through that route ).
Rework your context and the click handler, so that it accesses activeAmount such that you dont expect a parameter. Since you are bound on the parent, just use this.activeAmount internally.
Note: you dont need to do anything to update the activeAmount if the select bind works properly. it will contain the seleced option's formattedAmount text already


How to show button on selection of a value from the angular material select dropdown

Once i select a dropdown value from a dropdown field i want a section in another div to be loaded
ngif would help me do this, but how could i add this as a condition for the display of that section
Any dropdown selected should open that section
Later would customise it to different other sections in a div to load based on selection of the different dropdowns values accordingly
This can be solve by using selectionchange event emmiter function, whenever you select a value from the dropdown you can call an eventemmiter function. See the code below:
Html Code:
<mat-select placeholder="Options"
<mat-option value="individual ">Individual </mat-option>
<mat-option value="business">Business</mat-option>
<div *ngIf="individual">
Individual Div
<div *ngIf="business">
Business Div
My ts code:
individual: boolean;
business: boolean;
onSelecetionChange( value: string ) {
if( value === 'individual') {
// You can add some service call or customize your data from here
this.individual = true;
if( value === 'business') {
// You can add some service call or customize your data from here = true;

Get value from checkbox in SapUI5

I have a main.controller.js where I want to check the value of a Checkbox. If the checkbox has been checked, the first flexbox will be shown and the second flexbox will not be shown in the fragment.
This my controller.js:
checkDone: function () {
var checkV = this.byId("ch1").getSelected();// not working
This my fragment.xml
<CheckBox id="ch1" select ="checkDone" text="Check"></CheckBox>
<FlexBox class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd" id="f1">
<Input value=""></Input>
<FlexBox direction="Column" id="f2">
<Input value=""></Input>
This code works (see example with sap.m.Checkbox here).
Just a recommendation: in your checkbox's 'select' handler you use:
in order to whether the checkbox is selected or not, but this value is already given as a parameter of the select handler:
checkDone: function (oEvent) {
var bSelected = oEvent.getParameter('selected'));
Simmilar is for the sap.ui.commons.Checkbox API. Check change event.
It looks like the View.byId function returns an element in its initial form. When you find element from DOM, getSelected() function works as expected.
Instead of getSelected() try getChecked().
getChecked() will return true or false based on checked/unchecked.

In Reactjs how do I update the correct value in the parent state with a callback that's been passed to a nested child component?

I've been on this one for days, and all my reading hasn't helped me find a clean solution for this particular case.
I can send a parent state value and callback down to a nested component, but once the callback is triggered in the child I don't know how I can send the updated value back to the parent so it can update the correct value.
For instance
Parent Component (Has values and the callback)
Child Component (Values and callback is passed here)
Grand Child Component (Values Updated here and callback triggered)
What is SEEMS to cause the Issue
It seems the issue is I need the original key name in order for "setState" to update the correct value in the parent component(or at least it seems that way), but the child component only has original value and new updated value and has no access to the key associated with original value in the parent component.
Important Notes on Best Practice Surrounding this question
-From what I understand it is bad practice to use refs to handle nested situations like this.
-It seems like there is a cleaner solution than sending a prop for the key and another for the value.
-I'm assuming also that flux might provide a solution to this issue but I feel that there is a basic component to component communication technique or principle that I'm missing here.
Here is a bare bones example of what I'm dealing with.
/*All the values need to be updated here so that the inputs can used for calculation and then sent to a component that displays the output*/
var Calculator =
return {
value1: "Enter value 1", /*These values are passed to a nested child component, can't figure how to update the right one*/
value2: "Enter value 2",
update: function(update){
render: function () {
return (
<Input onClick={this.handleClick} update={this.update} value1={this.state.value1} value2={this.state.value2} /> //pass the values here
<Output />
handleClick: function () {
//want to update the state for the correct value here
/* A compenent that is a middle layer between the parent and nested child component I'm working with*/
var Input =
update: function(){
return (
<p><InputComponent update={this.update} value={this.props.value1} /> / <InputComponent value={this.props.value2}/></p>//passing down values again
<p><ButtonComponent onClick={this.props.onClick} /></p>
/*This is the child component that gets the value and call back from the top level component. It will get updates to the values and send them back to change state of the parent component.*/
var InputComponent =
handleChange: function(event) {
render: function() {
return <input type="text" value={this.props.value} onChange={this.handleChange} />; //this props value has no key associated with it. Cant't make update object ie {originalkey:newValue}
/* This component is triggered to carry out calculations in the parent class.*/
var ButtonComponent =
return <button onClick={this.handleClick}> {this.props.txt} </button>
handleClick: function(){
/*The inputs will be calculated and turned to outputs that will displayed here.This component doesn't matter for the question so I left it empty*/
var Output =
Here's an example I just put together on jsfiddle.
Instead of putting update in setState, we pass a value to update from the child component and let the parent set its state.
In the parent, we have:
_update: function(val){
msg: val
render: function() {
return (
<p>Message: {this.state.msg}</p>
<Child _update={this._update} />
And in the child, we have a _handleClick function that calls the parent _update function with values:
_handleClick: function(){
render: function(){
return (
<input type="text" ref="text" />
<button onClick={this._handleClick}>Update</button>

How do I get element related to active input in jQuery UI Autocomplete?

I'm trying to pass a custom form attribute (category) through jQuery UI Autocomplete to use in a product search. The form looks like <form id="BulkOrderForm" category="samplecategory"><input></input>...</form> and contains inputs that use the autocomplete script. There can be several forms on each page, so I need to be able to get the category value from the form that contains the active input field.
Here's my source:
function autocomplete() {
element: function(){
var element = $('form#BulkOrderForm').attr('category');
return element;
source: function(request, response, element){
url: WCBulkOrder.url+'?callback=?&action='+acs_action+'&_wpnonce='+WCBulkOrder.search_products_nonce,
dataType: "json",
data: {
term: request.term,
category: element
success: function(data) {
Any thoughts on how this can be acheived?
If I'm understanding correctly, you're trying to use the active input's parent form in the ajax request. Here's a way to achieve that:
<form data-category="form1">
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<form data-category="formB">
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
$('form').each(function () {
var category = $(this).data('category');
source: function (request, response) {
Instead of using autocomplete on a catch-all selector that gets inputs from all forms, first select the forms themselves. For each one, extract the category, then select all child inputs and call autocomplete on that result. Then you can use the category variable in the ajax call - in the example I'm simply passing it to the callback to display.
I'll give you another solution, you can lookup the parent form of the active input, and extract the attribute from it. Because I don't know if this category in your form is dynamic or no, or either if you can control all of the process involved in your code, I'll give you a more generic solution, although if that attribute is dynamic "Turch" solution is way better than mine, by letting the data functionality of jquery handle the attribute changes, if it's static, than you can just do it like this:
function autocomplete() {
var element = $("input.wcbulkorderproduct").autocomplete({
source: function(request, response){
url: WCBulkOrder.url+'?callback=?&action='+acs_action+'&_wpnonce='+WCBulkOrder.search_products_nonce,
dataType: "json",
data: {
term: request.term,
category: element
success: function(data) {
//chained call, sets autocomplete, grabs the parent form and the attribute
//which is saved on the variable element, and is used on every call through
//javascript context inheritance.
A little example illustrating my suggestion (provided by #Turch > thanks), can be found here.

Kendo UI Grid popup editing with MVVM

I am using Kendo UI Grid and I have configured it to use popup editing with custom template
<script id="popup_editor" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="editor">
<div class="k-edit-label">
<label for="Type">Type</label>
<select data-role="dropdownlist" data-value-field="Type" data-text-field="Type"
data-bind="source: typeSource, value: selectedProduct"></select>
<div class="k-edit-label">
<label for="Type">Option</label>
<select data-role="dropdownlist" data-value-field="Option" data-text-field="Option"
data-bind="source: productsSource.Options, value: selectedOption"></select>
This is my ViewModel:
function ViewModel() {
var getTypesUrl = "/Controller/Action";
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
typeSource: new{
transport: {
read: {
url: getConditionTypesUrl,
dataType: "json"
batch: true,
schema: {
model: {
id: "Type"
selectedType: null,
selectedOption: null
kendo.bind($("#editor"), viewModel);
My action returns JSON.
The problem is that when I click on the "Add new record" button, there is no call to the getTypesUrl and the dropdownlist is not populated. The general idea is to have different options for different types and to populate the Option dropdownlist depending on the selected type. I believe, that the problem occurs because the editor is showed only when the button is clicked and the kendo can not create the bindings.
If the Drop down list is the same for each row get its values from the Data Source and store these in a variable in the page in JavaScript and point the Drop Down list at this new Data Source. Use some JavaScript to associate the id and name.
Alternatively if this is loaded based on some other logic implement a separate call to populate the Data source for the drop down list in your view model.
Further note your can write your template purely in JavaScript and bind this to the html, advantage of which is you can debug it and it can still be loaded by an ajax call later and it is likely going to be smaller.