VSCode - Angular Material - No action to quickly import modules - visual-studio-code

In all the Angular projects using Material I have worked on in the past, VS Code can never find the name of the module I try to import.
If I try to add, for example, the MatButtonModule to the list of import, VS Code says Cannot find name 'MatButtonModule' and the quick action context doesn't propose to import it.
Up until now, I always had to write the import line manually.
I recently noticed I have the same issue with all their harnesses from the testing cdk.
The baseURL in my tsconfig file is /src and VSCode usually has no issue with any other import. It also work for material components.


Dart 2.17 has warning when using code snipplet

I just update dart sdk to 2.17 and when I use snipplet (in VScode) to auto generate code for Stateless/Stateful it auto import these two package.
But it tell me warning Don't import implementation files from another package. Is this normal?
The other answers are missing that these are built-in snippets by the official Dart extension for VSCode. Of course we can manually import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; but the issue is that it seems to be a bug by the Dart extension itself.
It is currently being tracked here: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/49081. There is no fix yet it seems but you can create your own snippets in VSCode and use those.
Why are you importing implementation files from Flutter? If you have Flutter setup right you do not need to import anything like this.
You're importing files from a package's src directory. That is not normal. You're directly importing a package's internal, private files.
The analysis warning tells you the name of the warning (implementation_imports), and your IDE should allow you to click on it to get more details:
Instead use:
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

Snowpack config for google material-components-web integrations

Has anyone been successful in adding material-components-web into snowpack project?
I have used #snowpack/plugin-sass", it work fine with local .scss files, but when trying to import MDC components with javascript for example (import {MDCRipple} from '#material/ripple'; ), it breaks the sass modules of mdc in node-modules and always gives error like 'dependency not found'.
Also used saas-migrator package and it didn't work with them either.
It seems like a sass version failure, but don't know what is problem because all the examples are based on webpacks.
Could anyone share proper snowpack+#snowpack/plugin-sass+material-components-web configuration with simple example?

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport Doesn't Exist

Trying to import a viewport, more specifically a ScreenViewport, into a libgdx project project but the package doesn't seem to exist on my machine. According to the documentation and code other people have posted I'm using the right address but I'm getting an error.
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.ScreenViewport;
"The import com.badlogic.gdx.util.viewport cannot be resolved."
Any idea what might be happening?
The most probable possibility is that you are using an old version of libgdx.
Try updating jar files in your project (manually or using ui).
Hope this helps.
Good luck.

Scala import not working - object <name> is not a member of package, sbt preppends current package namespace in imports

I have an issue when trying to import in scala. The object Database exists under com.me.project.database but when I try to import it:
import com.me.project.database.Database
I get the error:
object Database is not a member of package com.me.project.controllers.com.me.project.database
Any ideas what the problem is?
It is worth mentioning that the import is in the file Application.scala under the package com.me.project.controllers, I can't figure out why it would append the import to the current package though, weird...
Edit 2:
So using:
import _root_.com.me.project.database.Database
Does work as mentioned below. But should it work without the _root_? The comments so far seem to indicate that it should.
So it turns out that I just needed to clean the project for the import to work properly, using both:
import _root_.com.me.project.database.Database
import com.me.project.database.Database
are valid solutions. Eclipse had just gotten confused.
imports can be relative. Is that the only import you have? be careful with other imports like
import com.me
ultimately, this should fix it, then you can try to find more about it:
import _root_.com.me.project.database.Database
In my case I also needed to check that object which is not found as a member of package is compiled successfully.
I realize this question already has an accepted answer, but since I experienced the same problem but with a different cause I figured I'd add an answer.
I had a bunch of interdependent projects which suddenly needed a root import in order to compile. It turned out that I had duplicated the package declaration in a single file. This caused some kind of chain reaction and made it very hard to find the source of the problem.
In summary I had
package foo.bar
package foo.bar
on the top of the file instead of just
package foo.bar
Hope this saves someone some really tedious error hunting.
In my case I had to run sbt clean.
I had faced similar issue where IntelliJ showed error on importing one file from the same project.
What did not resolve the issue in my case:
adding _root_ in import statement
sbt clean
restarting machine
What actually resolved the issue:
main menu => select File => click on Invalidate Caches / Restart => pop-up dailog => click on invalidate the caches and restart.
I was using IDEA (2019.2.2 Ultimate Edition) on macOs mojave 10.14.6
Java -> Scala conversion without cleaning
Don't forget to clean if you convert some file in a project from Java to Scala. I had a continuous integration build running where I couldn't get things to work, even though the build was working locally, after I had converted a Java class into a Scala object. Solution: add 'clean' to the build procedure on the CI server. The name of the generated .class file in Scala is slightly different than for a Java class, I believe, so this is very likely what was causing the issue.
If you are using gradle as your build tool, then ensure that jar task is not disabled.
I had multiple modules in my project, where one module was dependent on a few other modules. However, I had disabled jar task in build.gradle:
jar {
enabled = false
That caused it to fail to resolve classes in the dependent modules and fail with the above error.
I will share my story, just in case it may help someone.
Scenario: intellij compilation succeeds, but gradle build fails on import com.foo.Bar, where Bar is a scala class.
TLDR reason: Bar was located under src/main/java/... as opposed to src/main/scala/...
Actual reason: Bar was not being compiled by compileScala gradle task (from gradle scala plugin) because it looks for scala sources only under src/<sourceSet>/scala.
From docs.gradle.org:
All the Scala source directories can contain Scala and Java code. The
Java source directories may only contain Java source code.
Hope this helps
I had a similar problem but none of the solutions here worked for me. What did work however was a simple restart of my machine.
Perhaps it was something with my Intellij but after a quick restart, everything seems to be working fine.
I had a similar situation, which was failing in both IntelliJ and maven on the command line. I went to apply the suggested temp fix (adding _root_) but intellij was glitching so bad that wasn't even possible.
Eventually I noticed that I had mis-created a package so that it repeated the whole path of the package. That meant that the directory my class was in had a subfolder called "com", and the start of my file looked like:
package com.mycompany.mydept.myproject.myfunctionality.sub1
import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.DataFrameSuiteBase
where I had another package called
And the compiler was looking for "holdenkarau" under com.mycompany.mydept.myproject.myfunctionality.com and failing.
I had this issue while using Intellij and the built-in sbt shell (precisely, I was trying to run the command console, which invokes a compiler check of the code).
In my case, after trying the other suggested solutions on this thread, I found that I could restart the sbt shell and it would go away. There's a button on the left-hand side of a looped green arrow and a small grey square which does this in one click (obviously, this is subject to Jet Brains not changing the design of the IDE!!!).
I hope this helps some people get past this issue quickly.
In my case, In Intellij, Just renaming the package file to something else >> see if it updates the import statements >> run the code >> then renaming back to the original name worked.

Setup of PyDev and Eclipse for Blender Add-Ons

I followed the instructions in this ebook Programming Add-Ons for Blender 2.5 to setup a development environment.
Currently I try to debug an installed add-on called Bloop although it seems to work, eclipse still shows many error messages like:
class Mapping(object):
def __init__(self, joint=None, id=None, bone=None, other=None):
self.bone_matrix = bpy.bloop.armature.matrix_world.inverted() * self.bone.bone.matrix_local.inverted()
ErrorMsg: Undefined variable from import: bloop
The external libraries are configured as follows:
Blenders version is 2.67, the add-on was developed for 2.59. I have absolutely no experience with Python in blender.
Another type of errors is:
Unresolved import: MappingSet bloop.py
from .mapping_set import MappingSet
Where MappingSet is in the same folder as bloop.py which tries to import.
The projects structure is as follows (I don't have a source folder since I want to edit in place)
What am I doing wrong?
A workaround to suppress at least the error messages is using ##UnresolvedImport and ##UndefinedVariable at the end of those lines.
I setup debug differently but still based on the lux-render tutorial.
First, create the a .py file, lets call it debug.py, which will contain a function which we will call later to setup debugging. Put this file in the same folder as the main __init__.py of your module. As per the lux-renderer tutorial, add the following code, updating PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR.
import sys
def startdebug():
# set the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR correctly before using the debugger
PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR = 'C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_2.5.0.2012040618\pysrc'
# test if PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR already in sys.path, otherwise append it
if sys.path.count(PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR) < 1:
# import pydevd module
import pydevd
# set debugging enabled
pydevd.settrace(None, True, True, 5678, False, False)
When setting the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR ensure you point it to the org.python.pydev.debug_xxxxx. There is another folder similiar to this. To ensure you have the correct folder it will contain a /pysrc folder.
Now in your main __init__.py, this must come before any other import statements to work correctly. Add the following directly under the bl_info section, as strangely blender parses this itself.
import debug
Having it here will avoids adding per file traces like the lux-render tutorial.
Add some breakpoint to the version in the add-ons folder,
Switch to the debug perspective,
Start Eclipses debug server,
Start blender
Run the script and it will hit the breakpoint.
The common problems I find people encounter:
pointing the path to the wrong pydev debug folder, ensure that there is a /pysrc folder
When Pydev updates, update the PYDEV_SOURCE_DIR as the debug_xxxxx will have change
not having eclipse server running,
setting breakpoints on a local copy of the files instead of the version in the blender add-on directory
saving the script does not mean that blender will reload it, use imp, disable/renable the add-on or restart Blender.
There are good instructions for setting up blender and eclipse for debugging.
While this is for blenders game engine, much of it applies to regular blender. Hope this help!
EDIT: I deleted it because I felt that this doesn't answer your question. But here it is since you insisted.