I wanted to make a progressbar in a music player like YoutubeMusic.
I customized Slider and made an okay result on Android, but on iOS simulator it doesn't show any customized design.
expected design:
what it actually looks like on iOS simulator:
and the code looks like this:
width: Get.width,
height: 1,
child: SliderTheme(
data: SliderThemeData(
overlayShape: SliderComponentShape.noOverlay,
trackShape: const RectangularSliderTrackShape(),
trackHeight: 1,
thumbShape: SliderComponentShape.noThumb,
thumbColor: Colors.white,
activeTrackColor: const Color(0xffE1FD2E),
inactiveTrackColor: Colors.grey[600],
overlayColor: Colors.transparent
child: Slider.adaptive(
value: realtimePlayingInfos.currentPosition.inSeconds.toDouble(),
max: realtimePlayingInfos.duration.inSeconds.toDouble() + 3,
min: -3,
onChanged: (value) {}
is it impossible to customize SliderTheme on iOS or am I doing it in a wrong way?
Am trying to filter using price range but can't seem to get Algolia's built in parameters to handle such cases. I've gone through their shallow documentation but couldn't get any. I've tried to find from other languages(Android Kotlin and ruby) and still it was not possible
data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith(
showValueIndicator: ShowValueIndicator.always,
thumbShape: const RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 15),
child: RangeSlider(
min: 0.0,
max: double.parse(facets.last.item.value),
activeColor: AppColors.secondaryThemeColor,
inactiveColor: AppColors.fontHeaderColor,
// divisions: facets.length,
labels: RangeLabels(
'Ksh ${start.toStringAsFixed(0)}'.replaceAllMapped(reg, mathFunc),
'Ksh ${end.toStringAsFixed(0)}'.replaceAllMapped(reg, mathFunc),
values: RangeValues(start, end),
onChanged: (value) {
setter(() {
start = value.start;
end = value.end;
_currentRangeValues = value;
// facetPriceList.toggle(end.round().toString());
_productsSearcher.applyState((state) => state.copyWith());
Is there a keyboardtype that shows the emojies of the keyboard or is there any package (not the EmojiPicker) that implements such for Flutter? Unfortunately I can't include the EmojiPicker in the normal keyboard. So the package is not an option for me. The best option would be one that calls the normal emoji keyboard. Are there any commands or functions for this?
There are some alternatives to emoji_picker package; https://pub.dev/packages?q=emoji+picker+keyboard but also the package you said it's deprecated and replaced by this one https://pub.dev/packages/emoji_picker_flutter
Just use emoji_picker_flutter: ^1.3.1
onEmojiSelected: (category, emoji) {
// Do something when emoji is tapped (optional)
onBackspacePressed: () {
// Do something when the user taps the backspace button (optional)
textEditingController: textEditionController, // pass here the same [TextEditingController] that is connected to your input field, usually a [TextFormField]
config: Config(
columns: 7,
emojiSizeMax: 32 * (Platform.isIOS ? 1.30 : 1.0), // Issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/28894
verticalSpacing: 0,
horizontalSpacing: 0,
gridPadding: EdgeInsets.zero,
initCategory: Category.RECENT,
bgColor: Color(0xFFF2F2F2),
indicatorColor: Colors.blue,
iconColor: Colors.grey,
iconColorSelected: Colors.blue,
progressIndicatorColor: Colors.blue,
backspaceColor: Colors.blue,
skinToneDialogBgColor: Colors.white,
skinToneIndicatorColor: Colors.grey,
enableSkinTones: true,
showRecentsTab: true,
recentsLimit: 28,
noRecents: const Text(
'No Recents',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.black26),
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
tabIndicatorAnimDuration: kTabScrollDuration,
categoryIcons: const CategoryIcons(),
buttonMode: ButtonMode.MATERIAL,
I use a slider and I want to change the size of the circle of the slider,
can anyone help me, please?
activeColor: MyColors.darkGrey,
inactiveColor: MyColors.lightGreyTxt,
value: position.inSeconds.toDouble(),
divisions: 1000,
min: 0.0,
max: value.total.inSeconds.toDouble() + 1,
onChanged: (double value) async {
var _newPosition = Duration(
seconds: value.toInt(),
setState(() {
position = _newPosition;
Wrap your Slider inside SliderTheme and use SliderThemeData like this:
data: SliderThemeData(
thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 20),
child: Slider(),
If you have range slider you can use rangeThumbShape:
data: SliderThemeData(
rangeThumbShape: RoundRangeSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 20),
child: RangeSlider(),
wrape your Slider with SliderTheme like:
thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 40)),
child: yourSlider(),
I'm having an issue while trying to display labels in my RangeSlider.
The problem is the following:
This is my code for the slider:
min: 0,
max: 5000000,
labels: RangeLabels(
'R\$ ${rangeValue.start.round()}',
'R\$ ${rangeValue.end.round()}',
values: rangeValue,
inactiveColor: Colors.black54,
activeColor: Colors.black,
onChanged: (v) {
setState(() {
rangeValue = v;
And this is the code to show the labels (It's on a theme in MaterialApp in my main file):
sliderTheme: SliderThemeData(
showValueIndicator: ShowValueIndicator.always,
For those who are having this issue, this is solved in the flutter master channel and you can follow up the issue here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/67071
Current code :
data: SliderThemeData(
trackHeight: 50,
activeTrackColor: Colors.white,
inactiveTrackColor: Colors.white54,
thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(
enabledThumbRadius: 0,
disabledThumbRadius: 0
thumbColor: Colors.white,
child: Slider(
min: 0.0,
max: (duration!=null)
? duration.inMilliseconds.toDouble()
: 0.0,
divisions: (duration != null && !(duration.inMilliseconds==0))
? duration.inMilliseconds
: 1,// division cannot be zero, and null
value: (this.mounted && position!=null )
? position.inMilliseconds.toDouble()
: 0.0,
onChanged: (index){
milliseconds: index.toInt()
value = min
value = max
At min value there is a white layer before the track.
At max value the slider is not filling all the way to the edge.
Desired Output
No white layer at min value and fill the value till the edge.