Because of different networks, the fork lifters are not following the paths - anylogic

what would be the best idea to follow if the nodes are not in the same network?
I have Source and destination nodes in different networks. when the fork lifters pick the item from the source Node and process the item, store it in Storage and later retrieve it to drop at the destination for the shipment.
Because of different networks, the fork lifters are not following the paths.

If you work on the same Level, you ideally should connect your networks (just draw a path between them).
If your networks are on separate levels, use the "Lift" block. This will allow agents to move across networks on different levels.
PS: If you are on the same level but do not want to connect networks manually, you could use a trick where each of your networks is put on a separate Level, you give the levels the same height and use the "Lift" blocks.


How to measure the traffic in OMNET++

I am new to OMNET++.
In my simulation, there are several nodes generating packets. I want to get the aggregate traffic rate of those nodes. How can I measure the traffic in OMNET++?
There are two ways to get aggregate statistics:
Let INET collect statistics on a per node basis and aggregate those data with post processing
Install the necessary #statistics listeners in the top level network module's NED file. Signals, that provide the statistics data propagate upwards in the topology tree upwards to the root node, so all signals emitted by ANYTHING in the network will be received by the top level (network) node essentially providing an aggregate value.
Obviously, the second approach is less flexible, as it does not work if you are interested in only some nodes' aggregate statistics (like statistics for all switches in the system).

Using node similarities in a graph or clustering viaualization

Use case:
nodes are documents
Links are links between documents that have an associated correlation (e.g., 0 to 1)
Being new, it is not clear how to apply those correlations or "weights' so that the document cluster in a logical manner.
Can anyone point me to an existing example?
Thanks in advance.
Positioning nodes is done by the layout. Use any force-directed (physics) layout, like CoSE or Cola. Those layouts allow your to specify how strongly nodes should be pulled towards one another on a per-edge basis.
Try some of the force-directed layouts to see which one gives results that you like. Each one has different trade-offs (speed, aesthetics, etc.).
Just make sure to set the edge force for whatever layout, e.g. edgeElasticity for CoSE, to be proportional to'weight').

setting up multiple queues using TORQUE

I would like to set up two different queues using TORQUE on ROCKS. Each would be functional for different sets of compute nodes, but all of these compute nodes can be accessed from the same mother node or head node. What I need to know is how to do this using the qmgr command. Also, I would like to know how to add different nodes in the two different queues.
I met the same problem. Perhaps you could find solution here: Queue Configuration

iPhone network node library

I'm trying to find a library for iPhone app that can represent a network with an arbitrary number of nodes and distances between the nodes. I need to then calculate shortest path between the nodes. Does anyone know if such is available for objective-c or c++ in general that can be used in an iPhone app?
If it's a simple enough network, you can just do a normal BFS (Breadth-First Search) or DFS (Depth-First Search) and compute all the possible paths. Then just select the fastest one. Remember, for graphs you have to store a list of nodes that you've already visited, otherwise you'll end up going in circles forever.

NAT simulation for P2P data transfer

I am currently implemented a P2P data transfer application based on Libjingle, I want to do following simulations to verify the implementation:
Simulate different types of NATs (full cone, port restricted cone, address restricted cone, symmetric cone)
Simulate the network delay, packet loss.
Simulate large scale P2P networks. Say, I want to deploy this application to 1000 nodes to test if the concurrently data transfer is well handled.
Is there any tools to help me to build such environment easily?
There is no straight forward tool available to perform such type of task, though you may build such tools by utilizing the following :
*Virtual Boxes Or Virtual Instances or Amazon VPC etc, to simulate network
*OpenvSwitch , for various network automation
For NAT :
*You may use set of IP tables rules to prepare different types of NAT Boxes
*Directly buy different type of switch to test the NAT traversing.
For Network Delay /Packet Loss:
No concrete idea as of now.