I disabled all extensions but my bracket is rainbow.
I used 'Deveoper: Reload with Extensions Disabled'
Has this function been incorporated as a basic function? Does anyone have any clue how to turn this off?
Do I have to remove something?
Thank you for listening to my whining.
The brackets coloring is native and not an extension. Go to the settings and search for bracketPair to disable.
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": false
I was trying out Swagger for Go. But somehow in Visual Studio Code it changed the colors.
Before I installed Swagger the braces and brackets were not pink, yellow or blue.
I tried already uninstalling Swagger and Vscode but this didn't help. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I'm using this golang implementation of Swagger: https://goswagger.io/
v1.67 of vscode made colorization of matching brackets the default, see Enable bracket pair colorization by default. So it was just updating vscode to v1.67 that made the change for you.
Editor > Bracket Pair Colorization: Enabled the new default is enabled
Uncheck the box to disable it.
v1.67 Release Notes: Bracket Pair colorization Enabled by Default:
Bracket pair colorization can also be disabled just for specific
"[typescript]": {
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": false
If you want to turn it off.
On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings
Then untick "Bracket Pair Colorization"
I've turned it off. The colours place emphasis on parts of the code I have little interest and I find my eyes constantly wondering back to it.
The issue is not related to GO or any framework
Seems like you have mistakenly installed the vs-code extension "bracket-pair-colorizer-2"
Uninstall or disable the extension and the bracket colorization will be gone.
But, personally, i prefer using the bracket colorization as it helps to detect the start and end of the content inside a function
I am using VSCode for coding my projects but while it adds parenthesis and curly braces in other types of files it doesn't auto adds in js files or JSX files
see here:
I have researched for it and I found that I need to change the Editor: Auto closing Brackets settings and I have set it to languageDefined but still it is not auto-closing the parenthesis
Please answer how to fix that
Actually, this is an issue defined by an extension... are you, by any chance, using copilot?
Apparently this is a bug in VSCode 1.57.x: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/127739
For similar issues just search "auto closing" in the issues: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues?q=auto+closing
go to settings and edit settings.json
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
"[javascript]": {
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "languageDefined"
When I code in typescript in vscode, I see the auto complete popup (as shown below) which is not very usefule. I think they are from another extension but I don't know which one gives me such suggestions. I still need auto-complete from my code.
Does anyone know which extension does this? How can I disable it?
To disable automatic suggestions when you type, set "editor.quickSuggestions": false. If you only want to disable this behavior in TypeScript files, instead add a language specific setting:
"[typescript]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": false
If you want to disable all TypeScript support, search #builtin typescript in the extensions view and then disable the JavaScript and TypeScript Language Features Extension
As far as I know it seems this is the setting you enter in your settings.json to enable unused variables & imports that aren't used to appear grayed out.
"editor.showUnused": true,
I do get an underline and if you hover I get an underline and message on hover.
What am I missing?
In my settings.json apparently I commented that the following did the trick.
"javascript.validate.enable": true,
/* this controls having your unused imports or variables to appear grey */
* builtin language features extension solution:
I am adding this just in case someone gets stuck like me. I had the same issue and the following was the problem.
vscode has #builtin extensions. One of them is typescript and javascript language features. If it is disabled the features will not work. So just go to extension and search #builtin typescript and javacsrtipt language feature`, click the cog icon and enable the extension.
September 2020
For me, adding "editor.showUnused": true, in settings.json in the .vscode directory worked.
In my case deno extension was causing the problem. disabling it seems to fix the issue.
I want to get an overview of my code and would like to use a minimap in VS Code.
I did not find an option to set this up in the menus. I am using VS Code 1.9.
Starting with version 1.10 (Feb 2017) vscode supports minimaps.
You can switch this function on via the preferences. Just follow these steps:
open vscode
On the right pane you see your own custom settings. There you can add the following settings:
// Controls if the minimap is shown
"editor.minimap.enabled": true,
If this is the first setting you need to surround this with curly brackets and remove the tailing comme. If you have already one or more please keep in mind this is JSON so you need to separate key:values with a comma.
Adding the following to settings.json will also highlight where you are on the map:
"editor.minimap.showSlider": "always"
Additionally, to render blocks instead of characters for better visualization in the Minimap:
You have to update to version 1.10+ and add "editor.minimap.enabled": true to your user or workspace settings, which can be opened with Ctrl+,.
Since the questions is "how to configure it" I will give what I've found is the most useful configuration of the minimap feature.
This is how it looks in my editor:
This is effectively about 1/3 height and only the first 40 columns. But still just readable. It makes it so I can quickly grab the minimap slider and scrub through a file.
Here is my minimap config:
In current VS Code versions, you can simply enable and disable minimap under view->Show minimap.This is reference from Visual studio code version 1.55.2. This way we don't need to edit json settings file.