In Katalon Studio, How to retrieve the values using the javascript executor. document.getElementsByTagName('input')[29].value - katalon-studio

enter image description here
I tried below code but not works.
a = WebUI.executeJavaScript('document.getElementsByTagName("input")[29].value', null)

There is so much wrong with this question that I don't even know where to begin...
What are you trying to accomplish by using JavaScript (this is a testing code smell, for 99% of testing cases) to fetch a value ?
Why not do the following:
create a TestObject, preferably in the Object Repository, that points to the object in question.
give that Test Object the locator. This is, by default, some xpath.
In your case, give it xpath
. However, I advise you come up with a more meaningful selector for it (for example, select it by some class, data-* attribute, name) that is easier to maintain
use the built-in Keyword for getting attribute, like this:
WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('[whateverYourTestObjectNameIs]'), 'value')
this is just good code design, but write this to some Custom Keyword for this util:
// import statements here. Ctrl + Shift + O on your keyboard to bring those in
public final class GeneralWebUIUtils {
public static final String Value = "value";
public static final String GetValue(TestObject to) {
return WebUI.getAttribute(to, this.Value);
Also, why are you pausing runtime by some hard-coded time amount? That is a testing code smell. Stop it!
What exactly are you waiting on? Use the WebUI keywords for this thing you are waiting on, and if none of those suffice, hmu and I may have the wait method you're looking for ....
Oh, and looking at that image you linked, it looks like you solved your own question.


GWT-Jackson-APT fails on $wnd.window JSON web-worker code for encoding strings

Finally having gotten GWT-Jackson-APT processors working and properly generating code for my classes, the one remaining hiccup I have is that for some reason gwt-jackson-apt uses the window JSON stringify (& parse) function.
The problem is that due to this being on a web-worker, $wnd.window is not defined. Even though JSON.stringify() is available in web-worker, the result is that the code won't run correctly, even though if I modify it to be just JSON.stringify() before uploading it works pefectly.
Is there a clean way to redefine which of these functions gets used in this instance?
What is the best means of going about fixing this so that my web-worker code doesn't try to call the functions that are not available in their context.
The library right now uses the elemental2 version of JSON Global.JSON.stringify
and if we look at the implementation of the JSON in the Global class we will find that it is assigned to the window instance here :
#JsType(isNative = true, name = "window", namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
public class Global {
public static JSONType JSON;
when this is used as Global.JSON.stringify(someJsonObject) from GWT java code when compile it will produce $wnd.window.JSON.stringify(someJsonObject) or something very similar.
in order to fix this we need to access the native JSON in a different way that does not link it the current window instance.
one solution to this is to use JsInterop to interface directly with the JSON, something like this
#JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
public class JSON {
public native static String stringify(Object jsonObj);
with this implementation we can use the JSON without the window prefix and when we use it in java like this JSON.stringify(someJsonObject) and notice how we no longer use the one from Global we end up with a generated Js that looks like this $wnd.JSON.stringify(someJsonObject)
i run a small test and implemented this JSON in the jackson-apt lib and switched to use the new implementation instead of using Global.JSON and all tests passed.
to me this looks like a good issue to be reported on the project repository. and i will apply the fix ASAP.

How can I fake a Class used insite SUT using FakeItEasy

Am having a little trouble understanding what and what cannot be done using FakeItEasy. Suppose I have a class
public class ToBeTested{
public bool MethodToBeTested(){
SomeDependentClass dependentClass = new SomeDependentClass();
var result = dependentClass.DoSomething();
if(result) return "Something was true";
return "Something was false";
And I do something like below to fake the dependent class
var fakedDepClass = A.Fake<DependentClass>();
How can i use this fakedDepClass when am testing MethodToBeTested. If DependentClass was passed as argument, then I can pass my fakedDepClass, but in my case it is not (also this is legacy code that I dont control).
Any ideas?
Calling new SomeDependentClass() inside MethodToBeTested means that you get a concrete actual SomeDependentClass instance. It's not a fake, and cannot be a FakeItEasy fake.
You have to be able to inject the fake class into the code to be tested, either (as you say) via an argument to MethodToBeTested or perhaps through one of ToBeTested's constructors or properties.
If you can't do that, FakeItEasy will not be able to help you.
If you do not have the ability to change ToBeTested (and I'd ask why you're writing tests for it, but that's an aside), you may need to go with another isolation framework. I have used TypeMock Isolator for just the sort of situation you describe, and it did a good job.

How do I debug generic methods in Eclipse?

I'm in a generic method, debugging, but i get no information about variables, can't execute statements using ctrl-shift-i, eclipse tells the that the method ... isn't available on the type T.
I can't believe it's meant to (not) work like this ...
I'm using the eclipse that's part of RAD 7.5.4
[another edit]
Here's some code but I doubt you'll get any info from this
public abstract class GenericGroupController<T extends Group> {
public String addUser(final Model model, final Long id, final WebRequest request) {
T group = groupManager.loadGroup(id);
// this method will fail if i highlight and click ctr-shift-i
// but it will work otherwise (actually so will the method above
// because that's generic as well)
Long groupId = group.getId();
return getAddUserView();
If you are able to debug, as in see a stack trace, you can always see the variables in the variables window if not in the code. A lot of places where the code isn't available you can do the same. It isn't nice, but, it gets the job done.

How to access the NUnit test name programmatically?

Is there some global state somewhere that I can access the currently-running test name?
I have tests which output files into a directory and read them back in. I'd like each test to create a directory to play in and then clean up after itself, and I don't want to push that name in (I'd have to make it unique, and then make sure each test keeps it unique; ew). I could use a GUID, but I'd like helper methods to be able to assume "this is the place where test files should be stored" without having to push that GUID around to them. Again, this augers for a global state somewhere.
Basically, I want a call like TestRunner.Current.CurrentTest.Name. Does such a thing exist?
(Assuming c#)
or if you are really lazy and aren't driving your tests with TestCaseSource (thanks #aolszowka):
I haven't upgraded to 2.5.7 yet myself, but it includes a TestContext class that seems to provide just what you're looking for:
Assuming one method per Test, in your NUnit code, you can use reflection to get the method name from the stacktrace.
If you write a helper method in your NUnit code called by other methods to do this file logging, you can use this syntax to check for the previous method:
string MethodName = new StackFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
See the answers to question 44153, "Can you use reflection to find the name of the currently executing method?" for more details.
If we are using TestCaseSource tag then above solutions might not give correct answer
Try using TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName
Follow the below example
namespace NunitTests
public class Class1
static List<TestData> Data = new List<TestData>()
new TestData()
public void TestCase(TestData value)
TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name; //TestCase(NunitTests..TestData)
TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName; //TestCase

generic type dependency injection: How to inject T

I want to handle different types of docs the same way in my application
I have a generic interface like this.
public interface IDocHandler<T>where T: class
T Document { get;set;}
void Load(T doc);
void Load(string PathToDoc);
void Execute();
void Execute(T doc);
And for different types of documents I implement this interface.
for example:
public class FinanceDocumentProcessor:IDocumentHandler<ReportDocument>
public class MarketingDocumentProcessor:IDocumentHandler<MediaDocument>
Then I can do of course something like this:
IDocumentHandler<ReportDocument> docProc= new FinanceDocumentProcessor();
It would be interessting to know how I could inject T at runtime to make the line above loosly coupled...
IDocumentHandler<ReportDocument> docProc = container.resolve("FinanceDocumentProcessor());
but I want to decide per Configuration wether I want to have my FinanceDomcumentProcessor or my MarketingDocumentProcessor... therefore I would have to inject T on the left site, too ...
Since I have to use c# 2.0 I can not use the magic word "var" which would help a lot in this case... but how can I design this to be open and flexible...
Sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for all the comments but I have another example for my challenge (maybe I am using the wrong design for that) ...
But I give it a try: Same situation but different Explanation
Example Image I have:
ReportingService, Crystal, ListAndLabel
Three different Reporting Document types. I have a generic Handler IReportHandler<T> (would be the same as above) this Handler provides all the functionality for handling a report Document.
for Example
Now I want to use a Framework like Unity (or some else framework) for dependency injection to decide via configuration whether I want to use Crystal, Reportingservices or List and Label.
When I specify my mapping I can inject my ChrystalReportHandler but how can I inject T on the left side or in better word The Type of ReportDocument.
IReportHandler<T (this needs also to be injected)> = IOContainer.Resolve(MyMappedType here)
my Problem is the left Site of course because it is coupled to the type but I have my mapping ... would it be possible to generate a object based on Mapping and assign the mapped type ? or basically inject T on the left side, too?
Or is this approach not suitable for this situation.
I think that with your current design, you are creating a "dependency" between IDocumentHandler and a specific Document (ReportDocument or MediaDocument) and so if you want to use IDocumentHandler<ReportDocument or MediaDocument> directly in your code you must assume that your container will give you just that. The container shouldn't be responsible for resolving the document type in this case.
Would you consider changing your design like this?
public interface IDocumentHandler
IDocument Document { get; set; }
void Load(IDocument doc);
void Load(string PathToDoc);
void Execute();
void Execute(IDocument doc);
public class IDocument { }
public class ReportDocument : IDocument { }
public class MediaDocument : IDocument { }
public class FinanceDocumentProcessor : IDocumentHandler { }
public class MarketingDocumentProcessor : IDocumentHandler { }
If I understand you correctly, you have two options.
if you have interface IDocHandler and multiple classes implementing it, you have to register each type explicitly, like this:
if you have one class DocHandler you can register with component using open generic type
container.AddComponent(typeof(IDocHandler<>), typeof(DocHandler<>));
then each time you resolve IDocHandler you will get an instance of DocHandler and when you resolve IDocHandler you'll get DocHandler
hope that helps
You need to use a non-generic interface on the left side.
public interface IDocumentHandler { }
public interface IDocumentHandler<T> : IDocumentHandler { }
This will create two interfaces. Put everything common, non-T-specific into the base interface, and everything else in the generic one.
Since the code that you want to resolve an object into, that you don't know the type of processor for, you couldn't call any of the T-specific code there anyway, so you wouldn't lose anything by using the non-generic interface.
Edit: I notice my answer has been downvoted. It would be nice if people downvoting things would leave a comment why they did so. I don't care about the reputation point, that's just minor noise at this point, but if there is something seriously wrong with the answer, then I'd like to know so that I can either delete the answer (if it's way off target) or correct it.
Now in this case I suspect that either the original questionee has downvoted it, and thus either haven't posted enough information, so that he's actually asking about something other than what he's asked about, or he didn't quite understand my answer, which is understandable since it was a bit short, or that someone who didn't understand it downvoted it, again for the same reason.
Now, to elaborate.
You can't inject anything "on the left side". That's not possible. That code have to compile, be correct, and be 100% "there" at compile-time. You can't say "we'll tell you what T is at runtime" for that part. It just isn't possible.
So the only thing you're left with is to remove the T altogether. Make the code that uses the dependency not depend on T, at all. Or, at the very least, use reflection to discover what T is and do things based on that knowledge.
That's all you can do. You can't make the code on the left side change itself depending on what you return from a method on the right side.
It isn't possible.
Hence my answer.