Set offset for an unconnected kafka topic in a consumer group without stopping consumers - apache-kafka

We have a single consumer group set up for the continuous migration multiple topics. There is a service running, which connects a new consumer instance to each topic. We have the ability to disable the consumers for single topics while keeping the others running.
Sometimes we have to reset the offset for a specific topic, so that the migration starts over. Is there a way to override the necessity to disable all of the consumers to do so? As the offset is being kept per topic basis in a consumer group, I don't see why we have to disable the connections to all of the other topics. If this is not possible, what is the benefit of reading multiple topics with a single consumer group?
service A -> consumer with group "migration" -> consumes topic A
service A -> consumer with group "migration" -> consumer for topic B is stopped
service A -> consumer with group "migration" -> consumes topic C
set offset for group "migration" for topic B
Error: Assignments can only be reset if the group 'migration' is inactive, but the current state is Stable.

Each member of a consumer-group is assigned to topics-partitions, so until the group is UP (continuous poll/commit for assigned partition) you couldn't reset-offsets.
There is a solution allow you to do it without service-interruption (stopping consumers)
First : you should switch your partition assignor to "CooperativeStickyAssignor"
Restart all of application instances one by one
Remove The Range assignor
Restart all of application instances one by one
After this change, you could now:
take-off the topic (where you'd like to setup a reset-offset) from the consumer topic's list.
Build and redeploy your app
=> The cooperative assignor will revoke/remove the partitions of this topic from the assignation, without stopping the consume from other topics
Reset your offsets with :
kafka-consumer-group --bootstrap-server xxxx --group GROUP_ID_NAME --topic TOPIC_NAME --reset-offset --to-xxx ... --execute
And then reput your topic on your consumer config then build and redeploy it.
Pay Attention : this feature only available from kafka-client version 2.4
More details here :


kafka consumers in consumer group not resuming messages after restart

Hope you are having good day.
I have an issue with kafka consumers on kubernetes. I am running 3 replicas inside a consumer group
I have a topic with 3 partitions and 3 brokers with offsets replication factor set to 3. My offset in consumer group is set to earliest.
When I start the consumer group, all are working fine with each consumer replica taking different partition and processing the data.
Issue: When by any means if a consumer replica inside the consumer group "abc-consumer-group" restarts OR if a broker(leader) restarts, it is not resuming from the point where it stopped. It states that I am up to date and no messages I have to process.
Any suggestions please where to look at?
Tried increasing rebalance, heartbeat, session timeout on broker level, no luck.
And yes whenever any new consumer is added or removed to the consumer group rebalacing is taken care by kafka. I do see it happening but still not consumers are not resuming messages. It states nothing to process.

Kafka Consumer won't start consuming, current offset value is empty

We have a working topic-consumer setup in kafka. While trying to create the same in another environment, the consumer does not start reading from the topic. I've tried restarting, deleting, renaming and many things but none of them worked.
When I describe the consumer group with the command kafka-consumer-groups --describe I got this result:
Mind how current offset is not zero. Since it is not zero, there is also no lag too. Is this normal? What should I do?
create the same in another environment
Only one consumer in can read from BRC_SENDSMS, partition 0 at the same time. Change the group id, and it should start to read data. Or add more partitions to the topic, and you should see the group rebalance and distribute messages between all consumer instances. If neither work, then check networking configurations in this "other environment", such as the Kafka advertised.listeners.
If there is no current offset, then has your consumer actually committed yet?

kafka + what chould be the root cause for Consumer group is rebalancing

Kafka machines are installed as part of hortonworks packages , kafka version is 0.1X
We run the deeg_data applications, consuming data from kafka topics
On last days we saw that our application – deeg_data are failed and we start to find the root cause
On kafka cluster we see the following behavior
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --group deeg_data --describe --bootstrap-server kafka1:6667
To enable GC log rotation, use -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=<num_of_files>
where num_of_file > 0
GC log rotation is turned off
Consumer group ‘deeg_data’ is rebalancing
from kafka side kafka cluster is healthy and all topics are balanced and all kafka brokers are up and signed correctly to zookeeper
After some time ( couple hours ) , we run again the following , but without the errors about - Consumer group ‘deeg_data’ is rebalancing
And we get the following correctly results
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --group deeg_data --describe --bootstrap-server kafka1:6667
To enable GC log rotation, use -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=<num_of_files>
where num_of_file > 0
GC log rotation is turned off
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 0 6397256247 6403318505 6062258 consumer-1_/
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 1 6397329465 6403390955 6061490 consumer-1_/
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 2 6397314633 6403375153 6060520 consumer-1_/
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 3 6397258695 6403320788 6062093 consumer-1_/
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 4 6397316230 6403378448 6062218 consumer-1_/
deeg_data pot.sdr.proccess 5 6397325820 6403388053 6062233 consumer-1_/
So we want to understand why we get:
Consumer group ‘deeg_data’ is rebalancing
What is the reason for above state , and why we get rebalancing
we also have good post (
Group rebalancing
Consumer group rebalancing is triggered when partitions need to be reassigned among consumers in the consumer group: A new consumer joins the group; an existing consumer leaves the group; an existing consumer changes subscription; or partitions are added to one of the subscribed topics.
Rebalancing is orchestrated by the group coordinator and it involves communication with all consumers in the group. To dive deeper into the consumer group rebalance protocol, see Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Kafka’s Rebalance Protocol But Were Afraid to Ask by Matthias J. Sax from Kafka Summit and The Magical Rebalance Protocol of Apache Kafka by Gwen Shapira.
Regarding consumer client code, some of the partitions assigned to it might be revoked during a rebalance. In the older version of the rebalancing protocol, called eager rebalancing, all partitions assigned to a consumer are revoked, even if they are going to be assigned to the same consumer again. With the newer protocol version, incremental cooperative rebalancing, only partitions that are reassigned to another consumer will be revoked. You can learn more about the new rebalancing protocol in this blog post by Konstantine Karantasis and this blog post by Sophie Blee-Goldman.
Regardless of protocol version, when a partition is about to be revoked, the consumer has to make sure that record processing is finished and the offset is committed for that partition before informing the group coordinator that the partition can be safely reassigned.
With automatic offset commit enabled in the thread per consumer model, you don’t have to worry about group rebalancing. Everything is done by the poll method automatically. However, if you disable automatic offset commit and commit manually, it’s your responsibility to commit offsets before the join group request is sent. You can do this in two ways:
Note - also good post is from you-tube -
Note - good stack-overflow post - Kafka Consumer Rebalancing takes too long
Note - from ENV side , since our zookeeper servers are installed on VM machines and VM machine are using non ssd disks , and regarding to swap consuming , then I think we need to consider also the post -
The rebalance in Kafka is a protocol and is used by various components (Kafka connect, Kafka streams, Schema registry etc.) for various purposes.
In the most simplest form, a rebalance is triggered whenever there is any change in the metadata.
Now, the word metadata can have many meanings - for example:
In the case of a topic, it's metadata could be the topic partitions and/or replicas and where (which broker) they are stored
In the case of a consumer group, it could be the number of consumers that are a part of the group and the partitions they are consuming the messages from etc.
The above examples are by no means exhaustive i.e. there is more metadata for topics and consumer groups but I wouldn't go into more details here.
So, if there is any change in:
The number of partitions or replicas of a topic such as addition, removal or unavailability
The number of consumers in a consumer group such as addition or removal
Other similar changes...
A rebalance will be triggered. In the case of consumer group rebalancing, consumer applications need to be robust enough to cater for such scenarios.
So rebalances are a feature. However, in your case it appears that it is happening very frequently so you may need to investigate the logs on your client application and the cluster.
Following are a couple of references that might help:
Rebalance protocol - A very good article on medium on this subject
Consumer rebalancing - Another post on SO focusing on consumer rebalancing

Kafka consumer groups still exists after the zookeeper and Kafka servers are restarted

I'm using Zookeeper and Kafka for messaging use case using Java. I thought consumer group details will be removed when you restart Zookeeper and Kafka servers. But they don't. Does zookeeper keeps consumer groups details in some kind of a file?
Should I remove consumer group details manually if I want to reset the consumer groups?
Can anyone clarify this to me?
Since Kafka 0.9, Consumer Offsets are stored directly in Kafka in an internal topic called __consumer_offsets.
Consumer Offsets are preserved across restarts and are kept at least for offsets.retention.minutes (7 days by default).
If you want to reset a Consumer Group, you can:
use the tool with the --reset-offsets option
use AdminClient.deleteConsumerGroups() to fully delete the Consumer group

two kafka consumer in same group and one partition

I have kafka topic and one partiton .When i create consumer missed to mention the group .id . there are 2 different consumer for the same partition .
I can receive messages and my flink source extends FlinkKafkaConsumer011.
Ideally one consumer should receive message since its a same group but in my case both the consumers are receiving messages not sure why ???.
To test have restarted one of my job and newly started consumer is not picking where it has left because other consumer is commiting offset it seems.
Flink 1.6.0
Kafka 0.11.2