I want to load data continuously from server when app is start and stop it when app is closed.
So, how to achieve this ?
for example in flutter
start app.
method is start to running, whatever widget on screen .
close app.
method stop.
you can execute your funtion on bakcground.
people are usually use workmanager package. here : https://pub.dev/packages/workmanager
another option, you also can use flutter_isolate
final isolate = await FlutterIsolate.spawn(your-asycn-funtion, "hello2");
I am using Flutter to build a simple app, and I want to use the PaletteGenerator package to change the color theme of my components based on the current image. I'm a beginner to asynchronous programming. The following is the smallest relevant code:
PaletteGenerator a = await PaletteGenerator.fromImageProvider(NetworkImage('https://picsum.photos/250?image=9'));
I get this error:
I tried to use .then() and other means of asynchronous structure, but all of them give this same error.
I have a setting screen, when I change FontFamily it needs to restart the app to change all app fonts, And it restarts after the app closed, but I want to restart the app with a button instead of closing the app. does there any way to do this ?
The best solution... using "Restart App" module
Instal from your teminal:
flutter pub add restart_app
Import from your dart file:
import 'package:restart_app/restart_app.dart';
Call "Restart App" from your Button:
onPressed: () {
Have a nice day...
Use this package https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_phoenix and call Phoenix.rebirth(context); when you want to reload the app
I have implemented the https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_phoenix package in my app, to restart the app wrap widget with Phoenix on the line of code:
runApp(Phoenix(child: MyApp()))
wherever you want to restart the app just implement this line of code
hope this help
dart code
I expected this code to paint a black colored rectangle to screen but it didn't .I'm using flutter framework and I want to know that don't flutter support making apps like these or any mistake in my code. I just
wanted to make run flutter code without built-in flutter framework library
Yes, it's necessary. In dart only execute code inside the main method. Not like JavaScript or Python. It's like java/c. The only execution is the main method.
Flutter Driver code has to tap on the native "Allow" button to continue and simulate the correct user behaviour.
See this screenshot. Native iOS popup before app starts - Allow Notifications
App has not yet completely started and is waiting for this tap.
How does one get the driver to tap on the native iOS popup?
Any suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Here is the code for one attempt to wait for the app before continuing with other tests; it just awaits indefinitely:
setUpAll(() async {
driver = await FlutterDriver.connect();
await driver.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
Here is another attempt at finding the word "Allow" in the popup and tapping on it:
test('Allow app to send Notifications.', () async {
final allow = find.byTooltip("Allow");
await delay(750);
await driver.tap(allow);
It does not find the word.
The issue is probably that Flutter Driver is not aware of the iOS native popup.
Other tests are very simple once in the app, for example, to tap on fields, enter text, scroll pages, etc.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Unfortunately this feature is currently not possible. Flutter Driver can't interact with native elements (v1.20.4).
I am following flutter widget testing as https://flutter.io/testing/#widget-testing.
It says that
simply flutter run test/widget_test.dart to see your test run in your preferred runtime environment such as a simulator or a device. During a flutter run session on a widget test, you can also interactively tap parts of the screen for the Flutter tool to print the suggested Finder.
I am using flutter run test/widget_test.dart so that i can tap and get suggested finders. But I am not able to pause the test so that i can actually tap. The test runs and automatically ends. So that there are no widgets on the screen except Text('Test Finished').
Thank you very much!
I know it's been almost 2 years since the question was asked, but anyway. tester.idle() helped me to pause an app.
testWidgets('idle', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
await tester.tap(find.byIcon(Icons.bluetooth));
await tester.pump();