ListView glitch Flutter - flutter

In total I have three files: Home.dart, Post.dart and PostBuilder.dart
In Home.dart I have a listView.seperated:
List post = [];
void initState() {
Future getPost()async
//function that gets and paginates the data from the backend and adds it to the list.
body: ListView.separated(
controller: _scrollController,
physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(),
itemCount: post.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return SizedBox(
width: double.infinity,
child: PostBuilder(post[index]);
separatorBuilder: (context, index) {
return const Divider();
And this code on my PostBuilder.dart file:
class PostBuilder extends StatefulWidget {
final post;
const PostBuilder(, {super.key});
State<PostBuilder> createState() => _PostBuilderState();
class _PostBuilderState extends State<PostBuilder> {
return Container(child: CachedNetworkImage(
fit: BoxFit.contain,
Now the issue I'm facing is that whenever I navigate back from Post.dart screen to the home screen, since the height of the cached network image is dynamic, it rebuilds and it seems like a glitch.
Is there any way to stop this behaviour? Maybe something like saving the state of the screen when navigating, which might prevent reloading/rebuilding the list and hence everything stays as it was.
Also I did try the following things:
Adding listview.separated with cacheExtent.
Adding listview.separated in a parent SingleChildListView widget.
Adding 'AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin' to the class
Unfortunately, none of this worked.

After a couple of days of experimentation, I ended up creating my own "image cacher" (similar to my video cacher) that got me the height and width of the image and used that to set the container size of the list which solve the "glitchiness" when the Image would reload after navigating back.
Here is how I did it if anyone is still looking for the answer:
I used a package called image_pixels
When I got the image information I convert it into flutter logical pixels by simply using this formula:
For getting height: MediaQuery.of(context).width/ (image.width/image.height)
For getting width: MediaQuery.of(context).height/(image.width/image.height)
What it does is first it gets the aspect ratio of the image and then that ratio is used to determine the height of the container to preserve the intrinsic aspect ratio of the image.
Since child size is determined by the Parent if you have a dynamic image you will have to get its size and use it to determine the parent. Or else you will have this glitchy list behaviour as it only builds visible widgets and if it is dynamic, then as it rebuilds the child from scratch it will resize the list.
Hope this helps to anyone looking for an answer.


Flutter pull to refresh on lower part of screen

I have a app that looks like the picture above.
When i swipe right or left, page switches along with the pageview content. but NOT the image part, it stays still.
When i implement pull to refresh on this case, the gap opens above image part showing progress indicator and refreshes.
I want the refresher crack open between image and content part, how do i achieve this?
thank you so much for reply in advance, you are the hero.
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Stack(
children: [
const Expanded(
child: SizedBox(height: 200), //The 'Image Part'
child: PageView.builder(itemBuilder: (context, state) => Column(
children:[SizedBox(height:200),PageContent()], itemCount: 3),//The 'Content Part'
Example code added above, this represents what i would like to implement, I want the refresher only accessible inside PageContent()
but i could not because it contains Column inside
seems like an issue with your stack.
if you want the image part to also follow the swipe it has to be within the pageview.builder.
For the refresh, under pageview.builder wrap the content part in the pull-to-refresh widget but not the image.
This is possibly caused by the Stack widget
Change your Stack to a Column
Wrap your SmartRefresher with and Expanded widget for your ListviewBuilder to take the remaining space in vertical axis. You will have an unbounded high error otherwise
Set the shrinkwrap of your ListviewBuilder to true for it to build your list elements on demand
That's it! ☑️

Is it possible to have a listview maintain its position as images of variable height load in flutter?

Lets say you have a ListView of variable height:
List items are a Container with a mix of text and images. As such, the list items are of variable height. Sometimes no images. The text renders immediately as expected, but the images may take time to retrieve and render on screen
The images are retrieved from the network using CachedNetworkImage
Images are of variable height
When the Screen is opened the ListView automatically scrolls to item#11 (using ensureVisible technique)
So there are items both above and below your current position
At this point, when one of the network images above your position load up, the entire ListView will be pushed and you will no longer be looking at Item #11, rather somewhere randomly higher up
I considered initiating a new scroll in a callback after each image loads, however, due to network speeds, usually the listview scroll will finish before all the images load. If there are a lot of images, the images could take time to load, so it would be unreasonable to initiate a new scroll each time a new image is loaded, the screen just keeps scrolling forward every few seconds. It becomes dizzying and annoying.
Alternatively, the scrollview could jumpTo a new position as soon as the image loads, but I'm imagining there would be a slight delay between the two events and the user perceive a small "glitch" as the image loads and the listview immediately jumps to offset the image load. Even using a Future.microtask there is a very small perceptible 'glitch' as the image loads and the jumpto fires
It would be most preferable to have the listview expand the content upward somehow, so that the users current scroll position is maintained, as far as they are concerned.
Is it possible to have the ListView keep its position as the images load?
Assuming you have a predefined size for your images, you can wrap the image in a SizedBox(). This way your list will always have the same height and your items won't get pushed around.
Since your images are of variable size, I would probably animate to the desired location on every image load.
CachedNetworkImage has a callback
imageBuilder: (context, imageProvider) {
/// Animate to desired index
return Image(image: imageProvider);
Animated container, might help you. It can adjust the height automatically, depending on the height u provide in builder.
Also you can use this answer to determnin image height and width in rnutime.
Images are of variable height
To overcome this, Either we take the image size or aspect ratio of the image while storing the image along with other data.
While retrieving data, along with other text data we will receive the aspect ratio or height for the image.
I would use the same height or ratio and show placeholder image till images are loaded.
imageUrl: countryList[index].flagUrl,
height: 60, // Set your height according to aspect ratio or fixed height
width: 60,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
placeholder: (_, __) => Container(
height: 60, // Set your height
width: 60,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
Image must be of specific aspect ratio I believe. You can define height according to aspect ratio.
Try as follows:
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: images.length,
itemBuilder: (ctx, i) {
return Column(children: [
const SizedBox(height: 10),
Button Items class
class ButtonItems extends StatefulWidget {
final int i;
_ButtonItems createState() => _ButtonItems();
class _ButtonItems extends State<ButtonItems> {
var images = [
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: 50,
color: Colors.grey,
child: Row(children: [
aspectRatio: 3 / 2,
child: images[widget.i] == null
? Container()
:[widget.i]!, fit: BoxFit.cover),
Text("Title " + widget.i.toString()),

How to check if screen is fully loaded?

Problem: One of screen in my app has bunch of network images that are being fetched from an API. When user navigates to that screen some images load faster than others, hence users sees a screen that is not fully loaded.
Expected behaviour: I want to show a CircularProgressIndicator until all the network images are fully loaded.
P.S. Below code doesn't do what I wanted, as it executes the function while images are still loading.
void initState() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => yourFunction(context));
Also I am using from flutter_svg package.
final Widget networkSvg =
semanticsLabel: 'A shark?!',
placeholderBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(30.0),
child: const CircularProgressIndicator()),
Maybe this could help Flutter image preload

How to use detect changes in elements of an array using provider?

I started developing my first app with flutter and I have some questions.
I have a screen that contains a Horizontal ListView where each item represents a month and occupy the entire screen. Each item is another list of itens. It's basically a list showing expenses for every month. I'm controlling state using Provider, and I'm having trouble to detect changes in a month. For example, I'm in january, but I added an expense in february, so the february item must detect the change and rewrite. I haven't been able to do it so far. Here is the screenshots of the app:
I have a provider that has an array of "Periods". And a "Period" is a class that represents a month, and contains an array of expenses.
I guess I'm not organising my data the right away, I'd appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
So, I watched this video here:, and that helped me a little at least on how to detect changes in nested providers. I basically did this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
final financeiro = Provider.of<Financeiro>(context);
return ImprovedListView.builder(
controller: _listController,
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
itemCount: financeiro.periodos.length,
itemSize: size.width,
physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
initialScrollOffset: financeiro.indexMesAtual * size.width,
itemBuilder: (ctx, index) {
final periodo = financeiro.periodos[index]; //get a piece of the list and pass to another change notifier provider
return ChangeNotifierProvider<Periodo>.value(
value: periodo,
child: PeriodoFinanceiro(
key: ValueKey('${periodo.ano}${periodo.mes}'),
index: index,
scrollTo: scrollTo,
carregarDadosIniciais: carregarDadosIniciais,
excluirLancamento: excluirLancamento,
Now I just have to figure out how to better control the scrolloffset of the list when its re-rendered.

How to fix Listview scrolling jank when loading images from network

I am loading images using for each item in a list using the following code:
Image getEventImageWidget(AustinFeedsMeEvent event) {
return event.photoUrl.isNotEmpty ?
width: 77.0,
height: 77.0,
) : Image.asset(
width: 77.0,
height: 77.0,
When I scroll up and down, the list sometimes hangs when loading the images. Is there a way I can load the images on a background thread? What can I do to help fix scrolling performance?
NOTE: When I looked back at this, I found that the images that I was using were really large.
There are two was to speed up the rendering of your ListView of images.
The first is to set the cacheExtent property to a larger value in your ListView constructor. This property controls how much offscreen widgets are rendered, and will help by causing the rendering to start a bit sooner.
The second is to pre-cache your images using precacheImage. Flutter has an in-memory cache, so it is generally to necessary to cache everything to disk to get good read performance. Instead, you can ask Flutter to download these images ahead of time so that they are ready when the widget is built. For example, if you have a list of urls of your image, then in an initState method you could ask Flutter to cache all of them.
final List<String> imageUrls = [ /* ... */ ];
void initState() {
for (String url in imageUrls) {
precacheImage(new NetworkImage(url), context);
Are you sure your images are not very heavy? Check the size of the images first.
Also you can use the package named: cache_network_image
It's very simple :
new Image(image: new CachedNetworkImageProvider(url))
UPDATE (Package was updated)
imageUrl: "",
placeholder: (context, url) => new CircularProgressIndicator(),
errorWidget: (context, url, error) => new Icon(Icons.error),
you can also use:
placeholder: 'assets/ic_logo.png',
image: event.photoUrl,
height: 77.0,
width: 77.0,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
fadeInDuration: new Duration(milliseconds: 100),
but yeah, per diegoveloper, you sure your images aren't huge? Listview has no problem rendering anything that's close to reasonable in size.
You can create a Stateful Widget that creates the ListView with placeholder images, then have it have an async method you call after build() that loads the images from network (one by one) and then changes the state of the previously mentioned widget to replace the placeholder with the correct image. As a bonus, you can create a cache that stores the images so they don't have to be downloaded each time the ListView enters scope (here you would have the async method look in the cache for the image and if it doesn't find it there, download it).
As a side note, this would obviously require giving each of the images in the ListView an index.