EKS cluster and IAM users with cloudformation - aws-cloudformation

I was looking into creating an EKS cluster and allowing 1-2 IAM roles and IAM users to use EKS cluser with kubectl tool (basically I want to map users/roles with eks/k8s roles). I want to set up all of this with cloudformation.
When I use the eksctl it is simple to add users/roles in the aws-auth config map but with cloud formation how I can achieve this? Do I need OIDC provider? If so how to install it with cloudformation, please advise.
Thanks in advance.


How to access an AWS s3 bucket from an AKS cluster

I have some pods running in an AKS cluster which are trying to access AWS s3 buckets (using azure blobs are not an option because of the current architecture). I have read about IAM roles for Kubernetes Service Accounts but it mentions about EKS clsuters. Is there any way out here, can we create a service account in AKS with the IAM role to access a s3 bucket in AWS (probably in a different location)
Sounds Workload identity with identity federation could be a fit for your scenario.
The idea would be to enable the OIDC feature flag on your AKS and then create a federated identity trust between an AKS Kubernetes service account and AWS.
Maybe this and this articles will guide you.

Can we configure AWS Secrets Manager to integrate with an on-premises k8s cluster

I setup a EKS cluster and integrated AWS Secrets Manager in it following the steps mentioned in https://github.com/aws/secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws and it worked as expected.
Now we have a requirement to integrate the AWS Secrets Manager on an on-premises k8s cluster and I am unable to follow the same steps as they seem to be explicitly for AWS EKS based clusters.
I googled around a bit and found you can call the Secrets Manager programmatically using one of the ways in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/asm_access.html, but this approach wont work for us.
Is there a k8s way to directly connect to AWS secrets Manager without setting up AWS-CLI and the OIDC cluster ID on the on-premises cluster?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You can setup external OIDC providers with AWS and also setup K8s to with OIDC, but that is a lot of work.
AWS recently announced IAM Roles Anywhere which will let you use host based certificates to authenticate, but you will still have to call the Secrets Manager APIs.
If you are willing to retrieve secrets through etcd (which may store the secrets base64 encoded on the cluster) you can look at using the opensource External Secrets solution.

Terraform provisioned Private AKS cluster unable to deploy application from Azure pipeline

enter image description here
We are trying to deploy application to the provisioned private aks cluster using terraform in Azure devops, when we try to deploy helm or access the cluster we are getting error.
enter image description here
As you did not provided much information, i will do my best to help you:
It seems that the user or Service principal that is running the pipeline has permissions on subscription level to create the AKS but not enough permissions to create anything inside Kubernetes.
You can leverage RBAC, Azure AD & Azure RBAC with your Kubernetes. With Terraform you can specify admin_group_object_ids inside the azure_active_directory_role_based_access_control block. Just assign the group there and add the pipeline User / SP to that group.
Alternative you can use Azure build-in roles like Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin Role and add your User / SP there.

Vault deployment in alive cluster using terraform

I want to deploy vault with a cluster which contains microservices and my vault shouldn't have an external access, and everything should be done using terraform. Does anyone know how to do it?
Please read the Terraform Getting started on how to create Terraform code.
You will need to use the Google Provider to deploy your resources. On that page you can view resources like kubernetes, vault and lots of others.

Can Namespace level permissions be set with Google Cloud IAM on GKE?

Kubernetes RBAC can be used to give permissions to a subject in a particular Namespace. Can the same be accomplished with Cloud IAM?
Not at the moment, no. IAM is used to assign and verify permissions when interacting with GCP APIs. IAM can only provide access to the GKE API, which does not take into account namespaces.
As you mentioned, RBAC is your option for more granular permissions within the cluster
If I got your point correctly that:
The IAM roles for a GKE kubernetes cluster are very simple, "Admin, Read/Write, Read".
But you need more fine-grained control over the kubernetes cluster.
In this case:
There's a new "Alpha" feature in Google Cloud's IAM which wasn't available previously.
Under IAM > Roles
You can now create custom IAM roles with your own subset of permissions.
You can create a minimal role which allows for example gcloud container clusters get-credentials to work, but nothing else, allowing permissions within the kubernetes cluster to be fully managed by RBAC.
It will allow you to get more fine-grained access configurations for kubernetes cluster.