Make a raspberry pi pico left click whe gpio pin is shorted - raspberry-pi

I would like to make a raspberry pi pico running circut python activate left mouse button activate when a GPIO pin is shorted
I already have the adafruit HID library installed
Adafruit CircuitPython 7.3.0


How to enable the sound via audio cable on raspberry pi running on FullPageOS?

I’m using a raspberry pi to display my geckoboard dashboard on TV but there is no sound.
Any help will be appreciated.
Go to raspi-config (sudo raspi-config) using your terminal.
System Options (1 for now)
Audio then option 1 (for audio jack)
Check out the Raspberry pi Documentation for more infos.

Raspberry Pi Pico - Install External Libraries/API

I need to use a device to connect and control via a Raspberry Pi Pico.
The device has its own libraries and API with the commands needed to operate it, I have already done this procedure on a Raspberry Pi Zero W on Raspbian by downloading and compiling the API for this device and it works.
How can I compile or install these libraries so that the commands are recognised on the script to be uploaded to the Raspberry Pi Pico, as it does not have an operating system?
Thank you

Raspberry Pi screen with 'quick release' GPIO

Has anyone had any experience with interfacing a Pi with a HAT via GPIO pins that can quickly and reliably be 'detached' from the Pi. Im thinking something similar to a Super Nintendo Cartridge would connect with the console.
I know this "clamp" but it requires an Raspberry without soldered pins.

How do i make the Raspberry Pi use a Custom OS

I have made an OS is cosmos, but I cant seem to get the Raspberry Pi to actually boot the OS up. I made a bootable SD card and USB stick but the raspberry pi doesn't load anything up.
Cosmos os only supports the x86 processor type. All versions of the raspberry pi either use ARM_6 or ARM_7. A completely different type. So what I'm saying is Cosmos OS won't work on your raspberry pi because it was made for computers with a different type of computer chip. For your raspberry pi I suggest you use raspian which is the operating system the Raspberry Pi Foundation suggests using. You can download it here.

How to Turn On/OFF Monitor Raspberry using IR transmitter?

I installed a Infrared receiver/transmitter on my Raspberry PI.
It's possible to turn on/off TV using command line?