How to stop VSplit from ignoring highlight background? - neovim

I have a peculiar issue. I have the following set in my init.vim which sets the background color of NeoVim to my terminals background color:
highlight Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
highlight Folded guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
highlight Question guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
highlight WildMenu guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
highlight EndOfBuffer guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
This works fine, until I :vsplit, this causes the vsplit buffer to use the default background instead of the terminals. This also happens when I open a modal, like ripgrep. Here is a picture example, with the left being the correct background (same as the terminal) and the right vsplit using a different background color.
How can I make the vsplit use the intended background color declared in my init.vim?
Edit: Just want to clarify as well, I am using the Kitty terminal.


better vscode yaml group highlight possible?

Is it possible to highlight the currently selected group/object/list in vs code?
As you can see there is a "basic highlighting" the grey vertical line highlight. But I would like to use a (just a bit) lighter dark grey as background colour for all affected lines. Instead of just a simple grey vertical line.
Only for YAML files though.
Well the indent guide below selector is already highlighted to show its children.
You can try this extension which highlights other items on the same indentation depth.

Transparent cursor on VS Code terminal

Default cursor mode on vscode terminal hides text underneath.
I want to see the text when hovering over it with cursor on terminal just like it does on the main section when writing code. When I write some code on the main section (not on terminal) the cursor blinks and it shows text underneath too. This is what I want.
I enabled cursor blinking on terminal and it shows text momentarily when it blinks, but the text gets hidden by cursor blinking again.
The code I tried (settings.json):
"terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": true,
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"terminalCursor.background": "#fff", //white background color
"terminalCursor.foreground": "#ffffff00" //transparent effect
This code makes the cursor not override the text underneath when it blinks, but the block cursor effect is gone and it makes only text white.
You have made the terminal cursor invisible by setting the foreground opacity to 0 (the last 2 digits of "#ffffff00" ),
Set it to something like 80 ("#ffffff80") so it's semi-transparent.
Hope it helps.

How to change highlighted warning/error text background color in eclipse?

I'm using Retta color theme in eclipse. The problem is when I hover with the mouse over the warning or error symbols, it gives me a white background and I can't see a thing.
Highlighted text
Where I can change that? I've already tried going to General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations, but changing the options there didn't solve the problem (like making Text as Underline and so on). The problem only occurs when I hover the mouse over the warning/error symbol.
First you should over the word with the highlighted background and then proceed to right click, then go to Preferences > Appearance color options
Then you should be able to adjust the colors to your liking.

Emacs theme not covering up the entire terminal window. The Ubuntu purple terminal background is showing on the edges

At the bottom of the screen when emacs is open there is a strip of purple, meaning that emacs in terminal isnt maximizing to the full size that the terminal window allows and thus the background from the terminal is showing. I know this is nit-picky but my OCD is driving me crazy. Anyway to fix this?
I would post an image but I don't have enough stackoverflow karma points yet.
Just a guess, but you might try setting the fringe color. I usually match mine to the background color with with this:
;; regardless of the theme, match the fringe the default background
(set-face-background 'fringe (face-attribute 'default :background))

Vertical white line on eclipse [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black?
The white line was invisible on default color scheme but when I applied different color scheme it appeared ..
The white line contains code folding buttons also ..
Taken from this thread:
"After you change the background color of the editor, disable then
re-enable code folding and click apply this seems to fix the color
problem however keeps that ugly white line separator."
"First disable folding by default (preferences->C++->Editor->Folding)
for new editors.
Then, whenever you open a new editor the folding 'column' wont be
Now, open a new editor, rt-click on the far left of the text (the line
numbers if they're enabled) and select 'enable folding' (or press ctrl
+ numpad-divide).
Then, anything that is to be folded by default will be folded and the
folding +'s and -'s will be available on the dark background - no
colour glitches".