There aren't any documentation examples of adding or manipulating a header in the spring cloud streams documentation, only accessing the headers.
There are examples online that show usage of the ProcessorContext. However, using this results in inconsistent header application to messages.
This is the current implementation:
public class EventHeaderTransformer implements Transformer<String, RequestEvent, KeyValue<String, RequestEvent>>
private static final String EVENT_HEADER_NAME = "event";
ProcessorContext context;
public EventHeaderTransformer() { }
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
public KeyValue<String, RequestEvent> transform(String key, RequestEvent value) {
context.headers().add(EVENT_HEADER_NAME, value.getEventName().getBytes());
return new KeyValue<>(key, value);
public void close() {
// nothing here
public Function<KStream<String, Request>, KStream<String, RequestEvent>> streamRequests() {
return input -> input
.transform(() -> unrelatedTransformer)
// The transformer in question
.transform(() -> eventHeaderTransformer);
// Debug output after this transformer show inconsistencies
destination: queue.unmanaged.requests
group: streamRequests
partitioned: true
concurrency: 3
destination: queue.core.requests
For example, the code above results in the following message layout across 9 messages:
(p = partition)
([N] = offset)
p0[0] = message without header
p1[0] = message without header
p2[0] = message with header
p0[0] = message without header
p1[0] = message without header
p2[0] = message without header
p0[0] = message without header
p1[0] = message without header
p2[0] = message with header
Printing out debug messages shows unexpected results, where sometimes a header won't list as added, or headers may be empty, etc.
How does one within Spring Cloud Streams simply add or manipulate a header in a message passing through a transformer.
.transform(() -> eventHeaderTransformer);
Transformers are stateful; you must return a new instance each time; certainly with concurrency; with the newer org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.api.ContextualProcessor (which replaces Transformer in 3.3), this is enforced, regardless of concurrency.
I'm trying to join two streams, one from the data collection, one consumes from Kafka.
code snippet
public static void main(String[] args) {
KafkaSource<JsonNode> kafkaSource = ...
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// Kafka messages : {"name": "John"}
final DataStream<JsonNode> dataStream1 = env.fromSource(kafkaSource, waterMark(), "Kafka").rebalance()
final DataStream<String> dataStream2 = env.fromElements("John", "Zbe", "Abe")
.where(new KeySelector<JsonNode, String>() {
public String getKey(JsonNode value) throws Exception {
return value.get("name").asText();
.equalTo(new KeySelector<String, String>() {
public String getKey(String value) throws Exception {
return value;
.window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(50) /* size */, Time.minutes(10) /* slide */))
.apply(new JoinFunction<JsonNode, String, String>() {
public String join(JsonNode first, String second) throws Exception {
return first+" "+second;
private static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> waterMark() {
return new WatermarkStrategy<T>() {
public WatermarkGenerator<T> createWatermarkGenerator(
org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkGeneratorSupplier.Context context) {
return new AscendingTimestampsWatermarks<>();
public TimestampAssigner<T> createTimestampAssigner(TimestampAssignerSupplier.Context context) {
return (event, timestamp) -> System.currentTimeMillis();
After running snippet code, it doesn't have any merged data in the output. Am I going wrong somewhere?
Apache flink version: 1.13.2
The problem is probably related to watermarking. Since you're not using event-time-based timestamps, try changing SlidingEventTimeWindows to SlidingProcessingTimeWindows and see if it then produces results.
The underlying problem is probably a lack of data. The rebalance() on the Kafka stream guarantees that idle partitions won't stall the watermarks unless all partitions are idle. But if this is an unbounded streaming job, unless you have some data that falls after the first window, the watermark won't advance far enough to trigger the first window.
Send some data with larger timestamps
Configure the Kafka source as a bounded stream by using the .setBounded(...) option on the KakfaSource builder
Stop the job using the --drain option (docs)
The fact that dataStream2 is bounded is also a problem, but I'm not sure how much of one. At best this will prevent any windows after the first one from producing any results (since datastream joins are inner joins).
I have a stream processing application built with spring cloud streams & kafka streams,
this system takes logs from an application and compares them to observations made by another stream processor
and produces a score, the log stream is then split by the score (above & below some threshold).
The topology:
The issue:
So my problem is how to properly implement the "Log best observation selector processor",
There are a finite amount of observations at the moment the log is processed but there may be a lot of them.
So I came up with 2 solutions...
Group & Window log-scored-observations topic by log id and then reduce to get the highest score. (Problem: scoring all observations may take longer then the window)
Emit a scoring completed message after every scoring, join with log-relevant-observations, use log-scored-observations global table & interactive query to check that every observation id is in the global table store, when all ids are in the store map to the observation with the highest score. (Problem: global table does not appear to work when only used for interactive query)
What would be the best way to achieve what I'm trying?
I'm hoping not to create any partition, disk or memory bottleneck.
Everything has unique ids and tuples of relevant ids when the value is joined from log & observation.
(Edit: Switched text description of topology with a diagram & change title)
Solution #2 seems to work, but it emitted warnings because interactive queries takes some time to be ready - so I implemented the same solution with a Transformer:
public class LogBestObservationsSelectorProcessorConfig {
private String logScoredObservationsStore = "log-scored-observations-store";
private final Serde<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple> logEntryRelevantObservationIdTupleSerde;
private final Serde<LogRelevantObservationIdsTuple> logRelevantObservationIdsTupleSerde;
private final Serde<LogEntryObservationMatchTuple> logEntryObservationMatchTupleSerde;
private final Serde<LogEntryObservationMatchIdsRelevantObservationsTuple> logEntryObservationMatchIdsRelevantObservationsTupleSerde;
public Function<
GlobalKTable<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple>,
KStream<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple>,
KTable<String, LogRelevantObservationIds>,
KStream<String, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple>
logBestObservationSelectorProcessor() {
return (GlobalKTable<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple> logScoredObservationsTable) ->
(KStream<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple> logScoredObservationProcessedStream) ->
(KTable<String, LogRelevantObservationIdsTuple> logRelevantObservationIdsTable) -> {
return logScoredObservationProcessedStream
.selectKey((k, v) -> k.getLogId())
.transform(() -> new LogEntryObservationMatchTransformer(logScoredObservationsStore))
(match1, match2) ->, match2.getScore()) != -1 ? match1 : match2,
private static class LogEntryObservationMatchTransformer implements Transformer<String, LogEntryObservationMatchIdsRelevantObservationsTuple, KeyValue<String, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple>> {
private final String stateStoreName;
private ProcessorContext context;
private TimestampedKeyValueStore<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple> kvStore;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
this.kvStore = (TimestampedKeyValueStore<LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple>) context.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
public KeyValue<String, LogEntryObservationMatchTuple> transform(String logId, LogEntryObservationMatchIdsRelevantObservationsTuple value) {
val observationIds = value.getLogEntryRelevantObservationsTuple().getRelevantObservations().getObservationIds();
val allObservationsProcessed =
.allMatch((observationId) -> {
val key = LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple.newBuilder()
return kvStore.get(key) != null;
if (!allObservationsProcessed) {
return null;
val observationId = value.getLogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple().getObservationId();
val key = LogEntryRelevantObservationIdTuple.newBuilder()
ValueAndTimestamp<LogEntryObservationMatchTuple> observationMatchValueAndTimestamp = kvStore.get(key);
return new KeyValue<>(logId, observationMatchValueAndTimestamp.value());
public void close() {
I have a particular requirement for invoking an Interactive Query from inside a Stream . This is because I need to create a new Stream which should have data contained inside the State Store. Truncated code below:, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
GlobalKTable<String, String> myMetricsTable = builder.globalTable(
Materialized.<String, String, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(
topic.getTransformedStoreName() /* table/store name */)
.withKeySerde(Serdes.String()) /* key serde */
.withValueSerde(Serdes.String()) /* value serde */
KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(, kStreamsConfigs());
KStream<String, String> tempAggrDataStream = tempModifiedDataStream
.flatMap((key, value) -> {
try {
List<KeyValue<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, String> keyValueStore =
streams .store(
In the last line, To access the State Store I need to have the KafkaStreams object and the Topology is finalized when I create the KafkaStreams object. The problem with this approach is that the 'tempAggrDataStream' is hence not part of the Topology and that part of the code does not get executed. And I cant move the KafkaStreams definition below as otherwise I can't call the Interactive Query.
I am a bit new to Kafka Streams ; so is this something silly from my side?
If you want to achieve sending all content of the topic content after each data modification, I think you should rather use Processor API.
You could create org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.Transformer with state store.
For each processing message it will update state store and send all content to downstream.
It is not very efficient, because it will be forwarding for each processing message the whole content of the topic/state store (that can be thousands, millions of records).
If you need only latest value it is enough to set your topic cleanup.policy to compact. And from other site use KTable, which give abstraction of Table (Snapshot of stream)
Sample Transformer code for forwarding whole content of state store is as follow. The whole work is done in transform(String key, String value) method.
public class SampleTransformer
implements Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, String>> {
private String stateStoreName;
private KeyValueStore<String, String> stateStore;
private ProcessorContext context;
public SampleTransformer(String stateStoreName) {
this.stateStoreName = stateStoreName;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
stateStore = (KeyValueStore) context.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
public KeyValue<String, String> transform(String key, String value) {
stateStore.put(key, value);
stateStore.all().forEachRemaining(keyValue -> context.forward(keyValue.key, keyValue.value));
return null;
public void close() {
More information about Processor APi can be found:
How to combine Processor API with Stream DSL can be found:
I am using Apache Beam 2.6 to read from a single Kafka topic and write the output to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Now I want to alter the pipeline so that it is reading multiple topics and writing them out as gs://bucket/topic/...
When reading only a single topic I used TextIO in the last step of my pipeline:
new DateNamedFiles(
String.format("gs://bucket/data%s/", suffix), currentMillisString))
String.format("gs://bucket/tmp%s/%s/", suffix, currentMillisString)))
This is a similar question, which code I tried to adapt.
FileIO.<EventType, Event>writeDynamic()
new SerializableFunction<Event, EventType>() {
public EventType apply(Event input) {
return EventType.TRANSFER; // should return real type here, just a dummy
new SerializableFunction<Event, String>() {
public String apply(Event input) {
return "Dummy"; // should return the Event converted to a String
.to(DynamicFileDestinations.constant(new DateNamedFiles("gs://bucket/tmp%s/%s/",
new SerializableFunction<String, String>() {
public String apply(String input) {
return null; // Not sure what this should exactly, but it needs to
// include the EventType into the path
String.format("gs://bucket/tmp%s/%s/", suffix, currentMillisString)))
The official JavaDoc contains example code which seem to have outdated method signatures. (The .via method seems to have switched the order of the arguments). I' furthermore stumbled across the example in FileIO which confused me - shouldn't TransactionType and Transaction in this line change places?
After a night of sleep and a fresh start I figured out the solution, I used the functional Java 8 style as it makes the code shorter (and more readable):
FileIO.<String, Event>writeDynamic()
.by((SerializableFunction<Event, String>) input -> input.getTopic())
(SerializableFunction<Event, String>) input -> input.getPayload()),
.to(String.format("gs://bucket/data%s/", suffix)
.withNaming(type -> FileNaming.getNaming(type, "", currentMillisString))
String.format("gs://bucket/tmp%s/%s/", suffix, currentMillisString))
Event is a Java POJO containing the payload of the Kafka message and the topic it belongs to, it is parsed in a ParDo after the KafkaIO step
suffix is a either dev or empty and set by environment variables
currentMillisStringcontains the timestamp when the whole pipeline
was launched so that new files don't overwrite old files on GCS when
a pipeline gets restarted
FileNaming implements a custom naming and receives the type of the event (the topic) in it's constructor, it uses a custom formatter to write to daily partitioned "sub-folders" on GCS:
class FileNaming implements FileIO.Write.FileNaming {
static FileNaming getNaming(String topic, String suffix, String currentMillisString) {
return new FileNaming(topic, suffix, currentMillisString);
private static final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat
private final String topic;
private final String suffix;
private final String currentMillisString;
private String filenamePrefixForWindow(IntervalWindow window) {
return String.format(
"%s/%s/%s_", topic, FORMATTER.print(window.start()), currentMillisString);
private FileNaming(String topic, String suffix, String currentMillisString) {
this.topic = topic;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.currentMillisString = currentMillisString;
public String getFilename(
BoundedWindow window,
PaneInfo pane,
int numShards,
int shardIndex,
Compression compression) {
IntervalWindow intervalWindow = (IntervalWindow) window;
String filenamePrefix = filenamePrefixForWindow(intervalWindow);
String filename =
String fullName = filenamePrefix + filename;
return fullName;
Is there a work-around to get Spring to handle incoming messages from XMPP? I have tried many different configurations to get an inbound-channel-adapter to respond to incoming XMPP messages and nothing happens. I know that they show up at the Spring Integration layer (I can see that in the logs) but they are ignored. Is there any way to get them into my application layer? I hope to avoid needing to make changes to Spring Integration itself if I can.
Here is my integration configuration:
<int-xmpp:inbound-channel-adapter id="gcmIn"
<bean id="inboundBean" class="example.integration.GcmInputHandler"/>
<int:service-activator input-channel="gcmInChannel" output-channel="nullChannel" ref="inboundBean" method="handle"/>
Using the outbound-channel-adapter works fine. I can send messages over GCM 100% easily. But inbound does nothing, even though I know the messages are coming in.
Not a very clean one, you would need to overwrite the ChatMessageListeningEndpoint, which drops all empty body messages.
This one needs then to be used as inbound-channel adapter in your config.
In addition you need to register the GCM package extension on the Smack Provider Manager, otherwise you lose the JSON message.
Working on a sample project -- so if you need more help let me know and I will post a link as soon it works somehow in a understandable way.
Here a sample GCM Input Adapter
public class GcmMessageListeningEndpoint extends ChatMessageListeningEndpoint {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GcmMessageListeningEndpoint.class);
protected PacketListener packetListener = new GcmPacketListener();
protected XmppHeaderMapper headerMapper = new DefaultXmppHeaderMapper();
public GcmMessageListeningEndpoint(XMPPConnection connection) {
ProviderManager.addExtensionProvider(GcmPacketExtension.GCM_ELEMENT_NAME, GcmPacketExtension.GCM_NAMESPACE,
new PacketExtensionProvider() {
public PacketExtension parseExtension(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {
String json = parser.nextText();
return new GcmPacketExtension(json);
public void setHeaderMapper(XmppHeaderMapper headerMapper) {
this.headerMapper = headerMapper;
if (this.headerMapper == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null XmppHeaderMapper isn't supported!");
public String getComponentType() {
return "xmpp:inbound-channel-adapter-gcm";
protected void doStart() {
Assert.isTrue(this.initialized, this.getComponentName() + " [" + this.getComponentType() + "] must be initialized");
this.xmppConnection.addPacketListener(this.packetListener, null);
protected void doStop() {
if (this.xmppConnection != null) {
class GcmPacketListener implements PacketListener {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) throws NotConnectedException {
if (packet instanceof org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) {
org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message xmppMessage = (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message) packet;
Map<String, ?> mappedHeaders = headerMapper.toHeadersFromRequest(xmppMessage);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unsuported Packet {}", packet);
And here the new configuration for the inbound-channel-adapter remove the one in XML:
public GcmMessageListeningEndpoint inboundAdpater(XMPPConnection connection, MessageChannel gcmInChannel) {
GcmMessageListeningEndpoint endpoint = new GcmMessageListeningEndpoint(connection);
return endpoint;