Flutter firebase auth login is not updating to home page - flutter

I am trying to update the home of MaterialApp widget depending on whether the user has sign up or not.
Below is the code inside the state of ``MaterialApp```
String? _userUid;
void initState() {
FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges().listen((user) {
void updateUser(String? USER_UID) {
setState(() {
_userUid = USER_UID;
Below is the code for the home property
home: _userUid == null ? const Onbaording2() : const HomeScreen(),
Somewhere inside the widget tree
final user = await _firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
email: email!,
password: password!,
After running the code above, there is a user created in firebase but the screen does not change.
Also the signOut works perfectly by signing me out when I use firebaseAuth.instance.signOut();

even if you change your variable it will not be redirected to the home screen because materialapp is only called when you first load or restart the app so rather than adding this condtion in home page or other way can be
void initState() {
FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges().listen((user) {
if(user == null){ navigate to onboarding }
else{ navigate to home page }


How to handle redirects from initState in Flutter

I am using the plugin flutter_local_notifications to show a user notifications on the app. I have managed to show the notifications on the app and the user can click on the notifications, the user will be redirected to see all pending items from the notification in a notification page. I have set the function to detect the onclick on initstate. The whole function and method to show notification I have implemented it on the homescreen.
void initState() {
NotificationApi.init(initScheduled: true);
_configureSelectNotificationSubject(); //function to redirect to Notifications page
which goes to
void _configureSelectNotificationSubject() {
print("clicked is the notification");
NotificationApi.onNotifications.stream.listen((String? payload) async {
await Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil(
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => WANotifications(current: current)),
(Route<dynamic> route) =>
The challenge am facing with this implementation is that when a user clicks to go to the home screen , the user gets redirected automatically to the notifications page from the home screen without his/her consent. The redirect should only occur when they click on the notifications.
How can I set the redirect to only occur when the user clicks the notification only and not when they click to go to home screen
You can achieve this with the help of didNotificationLaunchApp.
bool get didNotificationLaunchApp =>
notificationAppLaunchDetails?.didNotificationLaunchApp ?? false;
// Use here,
if (notificationAppLaunchDetails?.didNotificationLaunchApp ?? false) {
selectedNotificationPayload = notificationAppLaunchDetails!.payload;
initialRoute = SecondPage.routeName;
Pl check full example here : https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_local_notifications/example
For non main file :
void initState() {
localNotification(); // call below localNotification() here.
localNotification() async {
final NotificationAppLaunchDetails? notificationAppLaunchDetails =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin!.getNotificationAppLaunchDetails();
if (notificationAppLaunchDetails?.didNotificationLaunchApp ?? false) {
// redirect to new screen if true.

How to forbid navigating back to Login page after successful login?

I have a question. How to achieve this behavior using auto_route's AutoRedirectGuard:
User opens Flutter app in browser but session expired and is redirected to the Login Page.
User successfully logs in.
User is redirected to Home page.
User cannot click the "back" button and see Login page again.
1, 2, 3 is working. I just can't get the 4th step right. This is the code of the AuthGuard:
class AuthGuard extends AutoRedirectGuard {
final AuthService authService;
bool isLoggedIn;
AuthGuard(this.authService, this.isLoggedIn) {
authService.authChanges.listen((isLoggedIn) {
if (this.isLoggedIn != isLoggedIn) {
this.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn;
reevaluate(strategy: const ReevaluationStrategy.rePushFirstGuardedRouteAndUp());
Future<void> onNavigation(NavigationResolver resolver, StackRouter router) async {
if (await authService.isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
redirect(const LoginRoute(), resolver: resolver);
If the user is logged-in and navigating to login redirect them to home page. In onNavigation function.
This is covered in a similar post that you can read the OP here.
You can set up a gate in main.dart conditioned on authentication, and use Navigator.pushReplacement when leaving the AuthScreen.
home: isLoggedIn ? HomeScreen() : AuthScreen(),
You can add an after login callback in LoginPage
On your LoginPage, add onLoginCallback parameter
final void Function(bool)? onLoginCallback;
const LoginPage({
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
and then call it whenever user is done logging in
In your AuthGuard
Future<void> onNavigation(NavigationResolver resolver, StackRouter router) async {
if (await authService.isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
onLoginCallback: (success) {
if (success) {
router.removeLast(); // <- here is the part so that the user can't go back to login

How to use Provider in a particular view/screen

I am using the Flutter provider package to manage all the states and separate the business logic from the UI part, and have all the API call present in the provider class that I need to call every time the user moves to that page.
But the issue is I don't want to hold the data even when the user moves to another screen that is the case when I declare provider in main.dart.
class _HomeScreenAppState extends State<HomeScreenApp> {
bool _isLoading;
int counter = 0;
String seller, user;
void initState() {
_isLoading = true;
void didChangeDependencies() {
Future<void> _fetchHomedetails() async {
await Provider.of<HomeDetailProvider>(context, listen: false)
I have used ChangeNotifierProvider(create:(context) =>HomeProvider(),
builder:(context) => HomeScreen()
But if there is any dialog (bottomsheet, alertdialog) which is using HomeProvider, the dialog cannot access the HomeProvider data present on its parent widget.

Redirect user from named route

So I have a similar issue as the person who asked this older question, except with different requirements that none of the answers there help with.
When a user opens the app, I want them to be greeted with the login page if they haven't logged in or the home page (a bottom nav bar view) if they did. I can define this in the MaterialApp as follows:
initialRoute: authProvider.isAuthenticated
? '/home'
: '/login',
routes: {
'/home': (_) =>
child: AppBottomNavigationBar(),
create: (_) => BottomNavigationBarProvider()),
'/login': (_) => LoginView()
So far so good. Except I want this to work on the web, and now even though the default screen when a user first opens myapp.com is myapp.com/#/login, any user can bypass the login screen by simply accessing myapp.com/#/home.
Now I tried to redirect the user to the login page in the initState() of the bottom navigation bar (and setting the initialRoute to be /home), but on mobile this has undesirable behaviour.
If I try this:
void initState() {
if (!Provider.of<AuthProvider>(context, listen: false).isAuthenticated) {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
then simply pressing back will return the user to the home page, again bypassing the login. If I try to use popAndPushNamed instead of just pushing, pressing back will open a blank screen (instead of closing the app).
Is there any way to do this correctly so it works on both web and mobile?
If you use the RouteAware mixin on your widget classes, they will be notified when they are navigated to (or away from). You can use this to check if the user is supposed to be there and to navigate them away if they are not:
To use it, first you need some global instance of RouteObserver that all your widget classes can access:
final routeObserver = RouteObserver<PageRoute>();
Then you need to register it with your MaterialApp:
routeObservers: [routeObserver],
Then register your widget to the route observer:
class HomeViewState extends State<HomeView> with RouteAware {
void didChangeDependencies() {
routeObserver.subscribe(this, ModalRoute.of(context));
void dispose() {
void didPop() {
// This gets called when this widget gets popped
void didPopNext() {
// This gets called when another route gets popped making this widget visible
void didPush() {
// This gets called when this widget gets pushed
void didPushNext() {
// This gets called with another widget gets pushed making this widget hidden
In your case, you can use the didPush route to navigate the user to the login page if they get to that page in error:
void didPush() {
if (checkLoginStateSomehow() == notLoggedIn) {

didChangeAppLifecycleState doesn't work as expected

I hope I understand how didChangeAppLifecycleState worked correctly.
I have page A and page B . When I click the back device button from page B ( Navigator.of(context).pop(); ), I expect didChangeAppLifecycleState in pageA will get called, but it doesn't.
class _ABCState extends State<ABCrList> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
setState(() {
This is the initState in pageA. The function used to call backend service.
void initState() {
_bloc.getList(context); // return list and populate to ListView
The way you're thinking it is Android's way where onResume works, but in Flutter, things don't happen this way.
Generally, this gets called when the system puts the app in the background or returns the app to the foreground.
There are mainly 4 states for it:
resumed: The application is visible and responding to user input.
inactive: The application is in an inactive state and is not receiving user input.
paused: The application is not currently visible to the user, not responding user input, and running in the background.
detached: The application is still hosted on a flutter engine but is detached from any host views.
When you're navigating to PageB from PageA, use something like:
Navigator.pushNamed(context, "/pageB").then((flag) {
if (flag) {
// you're back from PageB, perform your function here
setState(() {}); // you may need to call this if you want to update UI
And from PageB, you'll can use
Navigator.pop(context, true);