Debug bcrypt iterations with a static salt - hash

I want to debug bcrypt rounds with a static salt using this python lib
import bcrypt
salt = bcrypt.gensalt(14)
password = b"foo"
foo_1_round = bcrypt.kdf(password, salt, desired_key_bytes=10, rounds=1)
foo_2_rounds_manually = bcrypt.kdf(foo_1_round, salt, desired_key_bytes=10, rounds=1)
foo_2_rounds = bcrypt.kdf(password, salt, desired_key_bytes=10, rounds=2)
I expected to see equal foo_2_rounds and foo_2_rounds_manually


HSM RSA OAEP Encryption with Asymmetric hashes fails

I am using the PKCS11Interop library to Encrypt and Decrypt data with the parameters below.
p.HashAlg = (uint)CKM.CKM_SHA256;
p.Mgf = (uint)CKG.CKG_MGF1_SHA1;
p.Source = (uint)CKZ.CKZ_DATA_SPECIFIED;
p.SourceData = IntPtr.Zero;
p.SourceDataLen = 0;
CK_MECHANISM mech = CkmUtils.CreateMechanism(CKM.CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP, p);
The error I get is CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID when attempting to Encrypt/Decrypt.
But when I use CKG_MGF1_SHA256 for MGF1 then both encryption and decryption works.
Am I missing something or mismatched hashes aren't supported by HSM boxes?

How to encrypt/decrypt in flutter using ECB mode/AES256 without having IV?

I am trying to encrypt string in flutter/Dart. I have tried the below code but looks like having IV is mandatory.
final key = Key.fromBase64("Some_Key");
final iv = IV.fromBase64("Some_Key"); // I do not need IV for encryption/decryption
final encrypter = Encrypter(AES(key, mode: AESMode.ecb, padding: 'PKCS7'));
final encrypted = encrypter.encrypt(employeeNumber, iv: iv); //No IV needed
Could someone please let me know how to encrypt and decrypt the strings using AES 256 bit/ ECB mode / PKCS7 padding and without IV.
Please note that I do not need IV at the moment. Kindly help...
I also wanted to avoid IV, and then I found the following solution :
Make the dummy IV as
var ivBtyes = Uint8List.fromList([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]);
final iv = encrypt.IV(ivBtyes);
set the AES mode as ECB and padding as "PKCS7". then your code -
final encrypted = encrypter.encrypt(employeeNumber, iv: iv);
Though you are passing IV as dummy it will be ignored in ECB mode.

Determining attributes of flutter encrypt.dart

I am using encrypt.dart to AES encrypt a string ("text") based on a 32 digit password ("password") as follows:
encryptPass(String text, String password) {
final key = getKey(password);
final iv = encrypt.IV.fromLength(16);
final encrypter = encrypt.Encrypter(encrypt.AES(key)); //Uses AES/SIC/PKCS7
final e = encrypter.encrypt(text, iv: iv);
String encryptedString = e.base64.toString();
return encryptedString;
getKey(String masterPass) {
String keyString = masterPass;
if (keyString.length < 32) {
int count = 32 - keyString.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
keyString += ".";
final keyReturn = encrypt.Key.fromUtf8(keyString);
return keyReturn;
Side note: This works, but it produces the same value every time for a given input string, even though my "iv" and "salt" are supposedly random. How does this happen?
MAIN PROBLEM: I am trying to recreate this process using spongy castle in kotlin. The problem is that I don't know certain important attributes of the encrypt.dart AES functions. What values are used for:
salt length: 16, 32, 128, 256?? ("desiredKeyLength" var in encrypted.dart. not specified anywhere)
iteration count: (I think this is 100, but I am not certain.)
Secret Key algorithm: I assumed PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 based on "final pbkdf2" of encrypted.dart.
key length: ?
Here is my current attempt at spongy castle implementation for reference:
fun encryptAESBasic(input: String, password: String): String {
Security.insertProviderAt(org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1)
val masterpw = password.toCharArray()
val random = SecureRandom()
val salt = ByteArray(256)
val factory: SecretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1")
val spec: KeySpec = PBEKeySpec(masterpw, salt, 100, 128)
val tmp: SecretKey = factory.generateSecret(spec)
val key: SecretKey = tmp
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/SIC/PKCS7PADDING", "SC")
val iv = ByteArray(16)
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, IvParameterSpec(iv))
val cipherText: ByteArray = cipher.doFinal(input.toByteArray())
return cipherText.toString()
The Dart code uses a zero IV (an IV consisting of only 0x00 values), which is why always the same ciphertext is generated.
As you already figured out, the Dart code applies the SIC mode and PKCS7 padding by default. The SIC mode is another name for the CTR mode, which is a stream cipher mode and therefore does not require any padding. The PKCS7 padding used in the Dart code is therefore unnecessary.
Note that using CTR mode in conjunction with a static IV (such as a zero IV) is a fatal bug and in general extremely insecure (s. here).
As key derivation, the Dart code pads the password with . until the key size is 32 bytes, which is required for AES-256. This key derivation is also very insecure. When using a password, a reliable key derivation function such as PBKDF2 should always be used (as in the Kotlin Code).
The Dart code should therefore be revised and made more secure before porting to Kotlin. This requires the following changes:
A random IV is to be generated for each encryption.
PKCS7 padding should be disabled.
The code does not check the authenticity/integrity of the ciphertext. An additional authentication tag (MAC) must be applied for this purpose. It is recommended to switch from CTR to GCM mode, which is based on CTR mode but includes data authenticity/integrity in addition to confidentiality (authenticated encryption) and generates the tag implicitly.
A secure key derivation (e.g. PBKDF2, see Kotlin code) must be used. In combination with this, a random salt is to be generated for each key derivation (s. also the other answer).
Salt and IV (both not secret), as well as the tag are to be concatenated with the ciphertext (salt|IV|ciphertext|tag). Note that for GCM, many libraries perform concatenation of ciphertext and tag implicitly.
Of course - from a technical point of view - the Dart code can be ported to Kotlin, e.g.
fun encryptPass(text: String, password: String): String {
val secretKeySpec = SecretKeySpec(getKey(password), "AES") // Apply a reliable key derivation function (getKey() is insecure)
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/PKCS5PADDING") // Disable padding (CTR doesn't require padding)
val iv = ByteArray(16) // Generate random IV (CTR with static IV is extremely insecure)
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, IvParameterSpec(iv))
val cipherText: ByteArray = cipher.doFinal(text.toByteArray(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) // Authenticity/integrity missing
return Base64.encodeToString(cipherText, Base64.DEFAULT); // Concatenation of salt, IV, ciphertext and authentication tag missing
fun getKey(masterPass: String): ByteArray {
return masterPass.padEnd(32, '.').toByteArray(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
which gives the same result as the Dart code (the use of SpongyCastle is not necessary), but this code should not be used for security reasons.
The following data (the answers to your questions) were taken from (lines 65-72):
iterationCount = 100
PBKDF2KeyDerivator(Mac('SHA-1/HMAC')) = PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
The key length is taken from the key instantiation: final key = Key.fromLength(32);
and the salt length is equal to the key length: salt = SecureRandom(desiredKeyLength).bytes;
The algorithm mode defaults in defaults to SIC
"AES(this.key, {this.mode = AESMode.sic, this.padding = 'PKCS7'}"

Kraken API MATLAB client invalid signature error

I'm trying to do some authenticated calls to Kraken private endpoints but without success. I'm still getting an error EAPI:Invalid signature.
Does anybody know what's wrong?
Here's the code:
function [response,status]=kraken_authenticated(uri,postdata)
% test uri='0/private/AddOrder'
% test postdata='&pair=XBTEUR&type=buy&ordertype=limit&price=345.214&volume=0.65412&leverage=1.5&oflags=post'
% nonce
nonce = num2str(floor((now-datenum('1970', 'yyyy'))*8640000000));
% 1st hash
Opt.Method = 'SHA-256';
Opt.Input = 'ascii';
sha256string = DataHash(['nonce=',nonce,postdata],Opt);
% 2nd hash
sign = crypto([uri,sha256string], secret, 'HmacSHA512');
header=[header_1 header_2];
[response,status] = urlread2(url,'POST',['nonce=',nonce,postdata],header);
Crypto function is in another file:
function signStr = crypto(str, key, algorithm)
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.*
keyStr = java.lang.String(key);
key = SecretKeySpec(keyStr.getBytes('UTF-8'), algorithm);
mac = Mac.getInstance(algorithm);
toSignStr = java.lang.String(str);
signStr = java.lang.String(Hex.encodeHex( mac.doFinal( toSignStr.getBytes('UTF-8'))));
I've also tried
sign = crypto([uri,sha256string], base64decode(secret), 'HmacSHA512');
but without success.
This is guide for authenticated call HTTPS Header:
API-Key = API key
API-Sign = Message signature using HMAC-SHA512 of (URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data)) and base64 decoded secret API key
This is guide for authenticated call POST Data:
nonce = always increasing unsigned 64 bit integer
otp = two-factor password (if two-factor enabled, otherwise not required)
I've tried to pass "nonce" parameter or all parameters in "postdata" to POST data but without success.
Thanks for help.
The problem is in function crypto here:
keyStr = java.lang.String(key);
key = SecretKeySpec(keyStr.getBytes('UTF-8'), algorithm);
As the base64 encoded private key from kraken is not necessarily UTF-8 encoded, you cannot use UTF-8 encoding to extract the key and pass UTF-8 string to the SecretKeySpec function. You need to use byte array instead.
Similar issues
Solution for javascript

KRL: Signing requests with HMAC_SHA1

I made a test suite for math:hmac_* KRL functions. I compare the KRL results with Python results. KRL gives me different results.
code: results:
How can I get valid signatures from KRL? I'm assuming that they Python results are correct.
UPDATE: It works fine unless you want newline characters in the message. How do I sign a string that includes newline characters?
I suspect that your python SHA library returns a different encoding than is expected by the b64encode library. My library does both the SHA and base64 in one call so I to do some extra work to check the results.
As you show in your KRL, the correct syntax is:
These use the same libraries that I use for the Amazon module which is testing fine right now.
To test those routines specifically, I used the test vectors from the RFC (sha1, sha256). We don't support Hexadecimal natively, so I wasn't able to use all of the test vectors, but I was able to use a simple one:
test_case = 2
key = "Jefe"
key_len = 4
data = "what do ya want for nothing?"
data_len = 28
digest = 0xeffcdf6ae5eb2fa2d27416d5f184df9c259a7c79
Key = 4a656665 ("Jefe")
Data = 7768617420646f2079612077616e7420666f72206e6f7468696e673f ("what do ya want for nothing?")
HMAC-SHA-256 = 5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c75a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843
Here is my code:
global {
raw_string = "what do ya want for nothing?";
mkey = "Jefe";
rule first_rule {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
pre {
hmac_sha1 = math:hmac_sha1_hex(raw_string,mkey);
hmac_sha1_64 = math:hmac_sha1_base64(raw_string,mkey);
bhs256c = math:hmac_sha256_hex(raw_string,mkey);
bhs256c64 = math:hmac_sha256_base64(raw_string,mkey);
notify("HMAC sha1", "#{hmac_sha1}") with sticky = true;
notify("hmac sha1 base 64", "#{hmac_sha1_64}") with sticky = true;
notify("hmac sha256", "#{bhs256c}") with sticky = true;
notify("hmac sha256 base 64", "#{bhs256c64}") with sticky = true;
var hmac_sha1 = 'effcdf6ae5eb2fa2d27416d5f184df9c259a7c79';
var hmac_sha1_64 = '7/zfauXrL6LSdBbV8YTfnCWafHk';
var bhs256c = '5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c75a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843';
var bhs256c64 = 'W9zBRr9gdU5qBCQmCJV1x1oAPwidJzmDnexYuWTsOEM';
The HEX results for SHA1 and SHA256 match the test vectors of the simple case.
I tested the base64 results by decoding the HEX results and putting them through the base64 encoder here
My results were:
Which match my calculations for HMAC SHA1 base64 and HMAC SHA256 base64 respectively.
If you are still having problems, could you provide me the base64 and SHA results from python separately so I can identify the disconnect?