Keycloak as SAML IdP to ADFS - keycloak

I have a Keycloak server that is functioning as my identity provider, using X.509 authentication to the users in my realm. I have successfully configured this as an external identity provider (SAML 2.0) to an ADFS server since I'm trying to allow access to an IIS-hosted web application through Web Application Proxy.
My current effort is to configure the claim rules to map the incoming SAML assertion attributes to internal Active Directory user accounts, so that ADFS/WAP can perform integrated Windows authentication internally once the external authentication is mapped to an internal user.
Most of the search results I've found address the exact opposite, assuming that I've authenticated with ADFS and need to map LDAP attributes to an outgoing claim.
Can anyone provide help, or direct me to a good source?


How does quarkus support basic authentication with keycloak as identity provider?

I want to secure a rest service with basic authentication. The credentials should be used to obtain an access token from a keycloak instance for that client and check the allowed roles on the service.
The quarkus security architecture guide states that at least one extension installed that provides a username/password based IdentityProvider is required. It refers to JPA IdentityProvider and JDBC IdentityProvider, only. But I want to authenticate agains keycloak.
I have successfully setup a web app and a rest service with quarkus-oidc. It authenticates the user and provides access to the rest service via access token.
I also used properties files with basic authentication successfully.
My keycloak myclient setup has Direct Access Grants Enabled with Access Type set to confidential.
My configuration in
Is this a valid combination?
When I debug into HttpAuthenticator constructor the only mechanism found is OidcAuthenticationMechanism, I'd expect BasicAuthenticationMechanism to be present.

Local Identity based login along with saml 2.0 SSO

There is an existing mechanism to log into a website. Now, external / remote SAML IDP is being added to facilitate SSO. The website uses other micro-services and components that provide data and functionality to the website.
Is there a way to have an existing mechanism of local identity username password credentials to continue to co-exist as an alternate strategy for authentication alongside remote IDP SSO while keeping rest of the services handling authorization in a semantic way (using a saml token)?
P.S. I looked at the options to implement existing auth mechanism as saml IDP, but building it seems complex even with the likes of shibboleth or openSAML libraries.
P.P.S. I haven't looked at possibility of reimplementing existing auth mechanism with openId connect to co-exist with remote saml idps.
Sure: one can provide a landing page to the user that gives a choice between using a local account or an account at a remote IDP.

Keycloak client vs user

I understand that keycloak has built-in clients and we add the users later on.
But in general, what is the difference between a client and a user in Keycloak?
According to the Keycloak documentation
User - Users are entities that are able to log into your system
Client - Clients are entities that can request Keycloak to authenticate a user. Most
often, clients are applications and services that want to use Keycloak to secure
themselves and provide a single sign-on solution. Clients can also be entities that
just want to request identity information or an access token so that they can
securely invoke other services on the network that are secured by Keycloak
In short words, not only for keycloak but for OAuth and OpenId Connect too, a client represents a resource which some users can access. The built-in clients for keycloak represent some resources for keycloak itself.
Clients and users are two completely different constructs in keycloak.
In plain English, client is an application. Example for an application could be a e.g. or any mobile application. Client can be a simple REST API. Keycloak's built in clients are for keycloak internal use, But any user-defined application has to be registered as a client in keycloak.
Users are the one which authenticate via keycloak to gain access to these applications/clients. Users are stored in keycloak DB or any externally hosted LDAP but synced with keycloak.

Building federation environment with ADFS 3.0 and Ping Identity

We are trying to federate our application, so that our customers can gain access to our application using their respective corporate identities.
Well, I understand the mechanism of federation process, I’ve been able to setting up ADFS and I’ve modified the code of our application for accepting claims into my lab environment and all work fine.
In the next weeks I’m going to build a federation trust between ADFS and our customer’s product (Ping Identity) and I need your help to understand what kind of information I’ll have to exchange with customer’s IT department to complete that step.
I’ve never been experience with Ping Identity products.
Appreciate any help.
Many Thanks
I am going to make a couple of assumptions about your application, mainly that it is .NET application hosted on IIS. This type of application integrates Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) using tags in the web.config and then reads the authenticated users identity information via the Claims Identity object passed to your application. In this case your application is referred to as the Service Provider (SP).
If your customer is using PingFederate, the integration is straightforward in that a WS-Federation SP Connection would be configured on their server referred to as the Identity Provider (IdP). If your customer is using PingOne, then the integration will be tricky.
The information to exchange for PingFederate is driven by the configuration in the configuration in web.config. You need to configure the thumbprint which is based on the digital signing certificate of the WS-Federation response containing the SAMLv1.1 token. Your customer will be able to provide the thumbprint value. You will also need to configure the federated authentication URL, issuer, and realm, which is the information about PingFederate IdP server. The issuer is the URL for your SP application to redirect to the PingFederate IdP server, along with the realm which equates to the PingFederate SP Connection. Be sure that you configure the audienceUris to be the same value as the realm. The PingFederate administrator will need to know your Service URL endpoint which is your SP application endpoint to receive the WS-Federation response with the SAMLv1.1 token.

Configuring Ping Federate and Spring SAML to authenticate application

I installed PingFederate on an AWS EC2 running Windows_Server-2008-R2_SP1-English-64Bit-Base-2014.04.09. I have a Java application that is using Spring Security for authentication.
I have read about how with PingFederate, I can set up an Identity Provider(IdP) and a Service Provider(SP). I have gathered that the IdP would be the Application User providing login credentials(the Identity) and passing this to the SP which has the Target Application apart of the SP in this diagram on this page here:
This image also shows the Federated Identity Software on both sides of the IdP and the SP.
I have created an IdP and SP with my local PingFederate server just to see what the configuration options are and I am confused on which parts of this I actually need to be able to have a SSO for my Spring Security application.
My questions are:
Do I need an IdP and SP to implement that I am trying to do.
Right now our usernames and passwords are stored in a SQL Server, would I leverage this for PingFederate to use to authenticate the users?
Should I even be using Spring Security SAML for this or would another route be more appropriate?
Thanks for any help, I have reached out to PingFederate but my Regional Solutions Architect happens to be out until Friday.
I also apologize if I am completely off in my thinking, I am trying to wrap my mind around what is needed.
Presuming your goal is to establish federation between Ping and your application (in order to e.g. externalize authentication or enable single sign-on), your thinking is correct.
The Ping Federate serves as an Identity Provider (IDP) and you can configure it to connect to your SQL server, so that it can authenticate your existing users from there. IDP communicates with other applications which are called Service Providers (SP).
In order to connect to Ping your application therefore needs to be able to act as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider and using Spring SAML is a very good way to enable it to do so.
The typical flow of data between SP and IDP for single sign-on is similar to:
User accesses SP application which requires authentication
SP creates an AuthenticationRequest and sends it to IDP (using redirect in user's browser)
IDP processes the request and authenticates the user
IDP responds back to SP with an AuthenticationResponse message
SP processes the response and creates a session for the user based on the included data
There is an assumption being made that you need SAML between your Spring app and PingFederate. That is not true depending on how it is deployed and if you (see Andy K follow-up questions). You should check out the OpenToken Integration Kit for Java or perhaps the ReferenceID Int Kit from Ping as a possible solution. Much simpler to integrate than trying to hack together another SAML solution that may not be needed. However, I would recommend talking to your RSA who can give you the best approach for your scenario.