Use WinMove to move relative to location, instead of absolut destination - autohotkey

Is it possible to move a window by for example 200 pixles downwards, or similar?
I have only found the WinMove command, but it requires an fixed location, instead of just moving the window a bit downwards for example.
So if I wanted to move the calc downwards a bit in the below example, how would I go about doing that?
Run, calc.exe
WinWait, Calculator
WinMove, xxxx?

What you need in this case, is the WinGetPos command.
; Press F1 to move the Calculator window 10 pixel downwards:
If !WinExist("Calculator") ; "!" means "NOT" in this case
Run, calc.exe
WinWait, Calculator
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Calculator
WinMove, Calculator, , X, Y+10


How to click in two different programs at the same time?

I want to be able to start a timer at the same time that i start a video in media player classic & also be able to pause both at the same time.
lets say that i have to click in the timer the one tha tis in the top left of the image and then click f1 or else the script does not work... also if i want to click it again after the first time it does not work properly..
I tried the following code:
MouseClick, left, 146, 115
MouseClick, left, 87, 300
I suppose that adding
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
at the top of your script will help you achieve what you're looking to do.
However, I suggest you use ControlClick instead.
ControlClick, x87 y300, Hourglass,, Left
ControlClick, x100 y100, Media Player Classic,, Left
This will send a click to the x and y relative to each window regardless if they're on top or not (they cannot, however, be minimized)
(please note that you probably have to adjust the x and y coordinates)
From my (limited) experience, I believe even hotkeys will carry out actions sequentially i.e. one after the other, in most cases the time delay between clicks will be insignificant howeverwon't be exact.
If the timer (Hourglass) is something you have created yourself, I would maybe suggest adding another button or a hotkey specifically for this use case that adds; for example, a 0.5s delay before the timer begins & then starts the media 0.5s later allowing for them to work in tandem, but as far as starting both applications simultaneously I'm not aware of a method for this.
To clarify though, what was the actual issue with the quoted code above?

Trigger AHK script based on the position of the mouse

Is it possible to trigger an AHK script based on the position of the mouse? Say, if I wanted to press a button or series of buttons on my keyboard if I move my mouse to the corner or edge of the screen. Also, can this be done multiple times per second until the mouse is moved out of the specified area?
All I could find from googling is AHK scripts for moving the mouse using the keyboard, when I want to do the opposite.
I did it, thanks Aaron and ahkcoder.
I got a little better feel with Up and Down instead of PgUp and PgDn, to anyone else, play with the timings until it's sufficient. You'll also need to modify the values for the edges of your screen.
; move up and down when mouse is at edges of screen
SetTimer, foo, 65
MouseGetPos, x, y, id, control
; ToolTip, %x% %y%
; will trigger only at edges of a full screen
if (y = 1087){
; bottom
send {Down}
send {Down}
send {Down}
; sleep, 300
else if(y = 8){
; top
send {Up}
send {Up}
send {Up}
Yes. Easiest way I can think of to do what you are asking is to use SetTimer and MouseGetPos to evaluate the position and if it matches than trigger your script.
The 2nd example code on the MouseGetPos is using SetTimer. This should get you headed in the right direction.

Trying to determine if mouse clicked inside window region

I have a simple Autohotkey script that I want to use to determine if the mouse was clicked inside a window. I want the function to fail if the click was on the title bar or on the scroll bars of the window. My script looks like this:
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, A
MouseGetPos, x,y
Rightmargin := Width - 50
Topmargin := Y+25
if (x < Rightmargin and y > Topmargin)
MsgBox You're Inside
The problem is when I run this, it freezes up my machine. All the left mouse clicks are captured and do not get through to the system and for some reason the test case always fails (I never see the MsgBox).
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
Variables, Labelnames and so on are case-insensitive in AutoHotkey. So, with WinGetPos, X, Y and MouseGetPos, x,y, you are allocating these two variables twice, overwriting the window's position coordinates. So, for example, you might want to rename x to mouseX and y to mouseY.
Since you obviously want your mouse coordinates being measured by the current window, you should also include coordmode, mouse, relative before your hotkey assignments.
Finally, if you also want your Click to be send to the window, includ a tilde ~ before your Hotkey: ~LButton::.

How to click 2 screen regions at once and how to click without moving pointer in autohotkey

So how to click 2 screen regions at the same time or very fast one after another by using a single hotkey. The intent is to cover clicking on an object that can appear in 2 random areas of the screen by using a single key.
As an example I have tried using
a::click 735, 626 send, 750, 204 send, but it creates a loop for a few seconds, where the mouse is unresponsive and hovers in those areas, and using 2 separate hotkeys takes more time than i would wish.
I would also like to know if it is possible to issue a click command via a hotkey but not move the mouse pointer at all. I would like to set a hotkey that pressed will issue a left click command on a determined area of the screen but not move the mouse pointer in order to do so.
You definitely need to take a look at the help docs or FAQ again as well as some other examples to understand basic syntax. It is only one command per line. Here is an example of code that will get you going.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 ; Sets default mouse speed to maximum
MouseGetPos, X, Y ; Stores current mouse position
Click 735, 626
Click 735, 500
MouseMove, % X, % Y ; Moves mouse back to original position
For the second question about issuing a click command without using the pointer, I suggest you look at the ControlClick documentation here:

Autohotkey - ImageSearch

I m trying to test a GUI by comparing my current screen with an image of the required screen and seeing if they match. I m using ImageSearch of AutoHotKey for this.
CoordMode, Pixel
ImageSearch,x,y,0,0,A_ScreenWidth,A_ScreenHeight,*255 C:\Documents and Settings\XYZ\Desktop\AutoHotkey\help window.bmp
if ErrorLevel=1
Msgbox 0,Fail,Fail
if ErrorLevel=0
MouseClick, left, 50, 191
Sleep, 100
I keep getting an ErrorLevel =1. Any suggestions on how I can resolve this.
The *255 is messing you up. This basically nullifies the image search, since everything on the screen will match the image. Try something lower. It's unlikely you should need higher than *100
Also, as a general tip, try using the smallest possible version of the image you're searching for.