Using VBScript to send an email with a clickable link - email

I have a web form which sends an email. The email portion is taken care of by .asp with the following VBScript inside (edited of course)...
mail.Subject = "Phone shipped per " & Uploader.Form("Ticket") & " for " & Uploader.Form("Rep")
Mail.HTMLBody = "Team," & Uploader.Form("Rep1st") & "'s phone is being shipped out on UPS: " & Uploader.Form("Tracking") & " and should arrive by " & Uploader.Form("Arrive") & ". This is already provisioned to our Mobile Device Management server." &_
"Your cellphone number is: " & Uploader.Form("Phone") &_
"DUO Mobile Setup:" &_
<br>"Please use the (Security Team) attachment to request an activation link pushed to your phone. Open the attachment, fill in the info and send the message.<b>*</b> The activation link will come in as a text message. When received, tap the link. If prompted how to open: Select DUO > Always.<b>*</b> When prompted to Name the account, tap: Next, Save, Skip, Continue & OK." &_
"Mail:" &_
<br>"Please follow the {Outlook Setup} pdf to provision the phone with email." &_
This outbuts the following in an email
Phone shipped per 222222 for Test Two
Test's phone is being shipped out on UPS: 123456789 and should arrive
by 09-16-22. This is already provisioned to our Mobile Device
Management server.
Your cellphone number is: 1112223333
DUO Mobile Setup:
Please use the (Security Team} attachment to request an activation link pushed to your phone. Open the attachment, fill in the info and
send the message.
The activation link will come in as a text message. When received, tap the link. If prompted how to open: Select DUO > Always.
When prompted to Name the account, tap: Next, Save, Skip, Continue & OK.
Please follow the {Outlook Setup} pdf to provision the phone with email.
What I would like to do is put a clickable link in the "DUO Mobile Setup" which will use the following code...
Click Here
With the result in the email to be...
DUO Mobile Setup:
Please (Click Here) to request an activation link blah, blah, blah

So, of course right after I post the question, I figure out the answer. It was the "" surrounding the href info that was messing me up, I needed to use '' instead...
Here is the line:
"<br><b>*</b> Please click (<a href='mailto:Your_Email_Here?subject=Security%20Team%20-%20repush%20Duo%20registration%20to%20new%20phone&body=Hello%20Security%20Team,%0aPlease%20repush%20Duo%20Registration%20to%20my%20new%20phone%20(Activation%20link%20only).%20Details%20below:%20%0a%0aName:%20%0aPhone%20Number:%20%0aDevice%20Type:%20Android'>Security Team</a>) to request an activation link pushed to your phone." &_
Which results the line in the email as:
DUO Mobile Setup:
Please click (Security Team) to request an activation link pushed to your phone.


HUAWEI can't get user email info in

i do authorization in my app with huawei -
i want to get access token, then male request to obtain user info, but can't get
emailenter image description here
enter image description here
Two things you can check:
Image 1 shows the request parameter getNickname set as 1. According to the doc: "When getNickName is set to 1, the nickname is returned." Therefore it is possible for the response only show a displayName only (not an email). The email is usually masked as a display name.Attempt to can change getNickname = 0 and try again.
If above change is not working, according to the developer documentation, "...information, such as address, can be obtained only if the app has the permission to obtain the information."
You can check that your app has the permission and has been properly applied to your app and try again.

ASAuthorizationController and sign up / sign in flow

I have the "Sign Up With Apple" flow working fairly well for my app (Swift code).
I.e. when users visit the app for the first time, it will prompt them to "Sign In With Apple" (which really should be "Sign Up" since I am using the .signUp button) -- that's the 1st screen -- and then continue on by offering the
Create an account for [app] using your Apple ID "[email]"
and allowing users to choose whether they want to share their email or hide it (using an Apple forward email address). Finally they are asked to enter their password.
All good.
However from a flow viewpoint, the "Sign Up" (i.e. creating an account) isn't the only thing that should be available.
So when we've already had the user logged in before and we've stored the opaque user ID provided earlier by the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential I would expect that :
when I select .signIn for the ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton and
when I provide the following :
let request = appleIDProvider.createRequest()
request.requestedOperation = .operationLogin
request.user = fedId
that the ASAuthorizationController would change its wording and not ask the user again about
Create an account for [app] using your Apple ID "[email]"
which is really not what we're hoping users to see.
Is there something I am missing that would allow that flow to be different (i.e. more of a "Sign In" flow) ?
Note : The SignUp flow uses the following
let request = appleIDProvider.createRequest()
request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email]
which creates somewhat of a different look in the 2nd screen (choose email address to share) but it's really not ideal.

How to send google script sender email to

I send 200 emails to a community of students via a google-spreadsheet attached google script.
My mailing call is as follow :
"", // targetEmail
"", // something
// emailContentHTML
{ htmlBody: "<b>Hello John</b><br><p>I'am king of Nigeria.<br>Got gold everywhere.<br>Need your help I'am in danger.<br>Want to share with you.<br>Could you send me 50$<br>Sinceraly, your friend.</p>"}
The script being run by my google account, the 200+ participants see the email as coming from me ( I understand this is fair game to limit spamming and co, but my company has a gmail domain name and I would like a solution so to not get dozens of "Thanks you" alerts in the following days. For sure, I do NOT want them to keep me in their following discussion.
So I look for something such as create a account, and then a js thing so the script sign email with this email.
Also, is there a way to programatically sign the google-script mailing from an other account of my company ( ?
Note : google-script-manual
Since the script is being run under your Gmail account, the easiest way to do this is to add noReply: true to the message object. This will result in the email being sent from a generic email. The noreply email account does not need to be created for this to work.
Note that this does not work for personal Gmail accounts.
The documentation for this is at this link as noted in Edward Wall's answer.
"", // targetEmail
"", // something
// emailContentHTML
{ htmlBody: "<b>Hello John</b><br><p>I'am king of Nigeria.<br>Got gold everywhere.<br>Need your help I'am in danger.<br>Want to share with you.<br>Could you send me 50$<br>Sinceraly, your friend.</p>",
//send from generic address
noReply: true}
You could use the following method from the MailApp documentation
sendEmail (title, replyTo, subject, body)
Setting the replyTo to your do-not-reply email will mean that anyone who presses reply will send their email to your do-not-reply mailbox
MailApp.sendEmail (
"", // targetEmail
"", // reply to email
Link to MailApp Documentation
The easiest way to send email from the account is having the Apps Script will have to run under the authority of that account.
How you achieve this depends on how the script is being executed. If it is being executed by a Trigger, the Trigger must be created by the no-reply account.
If the script is published as a web-app, it should be deployed from the no-reply account, and set to execute as
If the script is triggered manually, it will have to be triggered by somebody logged in as the no-reply user.
A simpler option is to set a reply-to address, as shown in Edward Wall's answer.

How can I get email id of the google user while using playgameservices sdk in Unity 3D?

I am using playgameservices sdk for unity in my game. However, I am not able to get the email id of logged in user on iOS. Do I need to define any permission while initialising the playgamesserviceplatform class? Please let me know the correct procedure to get email id.
I found this link that might be helpful. Below is the process described in the link
In order to access the player's email or access token, you need to configure a web app associated with your game in the Play Game Console. If your game does not use a custom back-end application, you can set the launch URL to be https://localhost.
Copy the client id from the web application and enter it in the setup dialog for this plugin. This will configure the correct permissions and settings needed to access the email address and access token.
To get the email:
Debug.Log("Local user's email is " +
To get the access token:
Debug.Log("AccessToken is " +
To get the id token:
Debug.Log("IdToken is " +
NOTE: The email and access tokens are only available on the UI Thread. If you need to get these from the non-UI thread, you can use the helper function RunOnGameThread:
() => { Debug.Log("Local user's email is " +
// use the email as needed

How to handle Email on Google TV

My HoneyComb application runs on tablets and Google TV. I have setting to send email in my settings fragment, but it returns error of "No app can handle this function."
Is there a way to send email to browser through my application if there is no client (createChooser) available?
I also tried to display a summary of the customer service email, but summary is not working on HoneyComb. I was trying this so I could have disabled Intent on tv.
Is there a way to send email to browser through my application if there is no client (createChooser) available?
Not unless you know the specific email Web app and all of its details, and that email Web app supports some sort of direct-email-sending capability.
Either prompt the user to install an email app, or send the email yourself (e.g., JavaMail), or do not use email for communications on Google TV. I would expect few Google TV users to be using email on their televisions, so you need to plan accordingly.
Google TV includes a default, stub email app, so the system will appear to have an email app installed, even when there is none. There's a special check necessary to detect the stub:
Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
emailIntent.setType("plain/text"); // special mime legacy for gmail; others work
List<ResolveInfo> match = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(emailIntent, 0);
boolean hasEmailer = match.size() > 0;
Log.w("thuuz", "has plain/text Emailer: " + hasEmailer);
if (match.size() == 1) {
ResolveInfo info = match.get(0);
boolean real = true;
if (info.activityInfo.packageName.startsWith(""))
real = false;
Log.w("thuuz", "has *real* Emailer: " + real);