Unity how to fix local tarball file path as relative path - unity3d

I'm working on Unity with other people and there was a package installation problem while sharing the project. The package could be installed through url in the past, but it no longer supports url and only tgz files can be downloaded.
There was no problem installing the package, but a package installation error occurred when the project was run on another computer after sharing the project.
Looking at the error code, it was a problem with the path of the installed package. I included the tgz file in the project folder that I share and modified the absolute path of the package-lock.json file as the relative path. (Because each computer has a different project installation path.)
However, the modified path of the package-lock was changed back to the absolute path after the project was executed, so it was thought that the project could not be collaborated with this method.
What I'm curious about is that
Why does the path of the package-lock.json file change to the absolute path after executing unity?
Is there any other good way to share the package after installing it in the same situation as mine?


How to make the node_modules folder accessible during the build process of a ui5 themelib?

I want to build an open UI5 theme-library using the ui5 tooling (CLI).
This is normally no problem, but I want to build it using an other UI5 theme-library which I installed via npm and which resided in the node_modules directory.
During the build process after executing
ui5 build --config ui/ui5.yaml
I get the error message, that the .less file from the node_modules directory can't be found:
Error Message: Could not find file at path
I tried to include the file this way:
#import "../../../../../node_modules/#my-company/imported-ui-themelib/dist/resources/sap/ui/core/themes/mytheme/library.source.less";
in a library.source.less file which is located in the directory:
The .less file in the node_modules directory is installed and I copied the relative path to make sure there are no typos. But somehow the runtime of the build process does not include the node_modules folder to be accessible.
Can anyone help? How can i make the node_modules folder accessible during the build process of my ui5 themelib? Maybe somehow in the ui5.yaml config file?
Would be very thankful for any help!
Thanks in advance

NetBeans Include External JAR in Export to Zip

I have a NetBeans project that uses the GSON library. I've tried including the GSON.jar file without requiring future users to separately download it. However it doesn't seem to work. The project looks for the file from the relative path of my computer so the file isn't found on another user's computer. Is there a way to include GSON.jar and "Export to Zip" and keep the reference in the project itself? I'm lost!
Thank you
Exporting a Project to ZIP zips up the project folder only, and not anything outside of the folder, including dependencies. If you include the GSON.jar file in the project folder, then the JAR file will be included in the .ZIP file. It's a good practice anyway since NetBeans will use a relative classpath and thus if you move the project itself NetBeans won't give you an error message when loading the project.

Buildroot Build Issue

I'm using Buildroot 2015.08.01. I have this "weird" issue. We use an "external tree" setup here. I modified the .mk file to add/remove some libraries for the application to fix some unresolved symbol issues. Changes are made in a /src directory. I do a -dirclean, verify the package is removed from the /output/build directory. Then I make the package: the modified sources are copied to the /output/build directory to do the build. However, it seems buildroot is NOT using the modified .mk file in the build directory, as the changes made are not present on the Linker output line (i.e. still using the "old" link file list). I recall that buildroot seems to remember various names/symbols. So how do I "flush" this so that buildroot will use the new link file list?
When I manually edit the console output with the updated list, and execute in this in the build directory, it works just fine.
Thank you for your insights into this "weird" issue.

Installing NuGet packages to custom folder in a project in Visual Studio 2015

I have a Visual Studio 2015 solution with many projects. For one of the projects I would like the files from NuGet to download to a specific folder in my project. For example, I intend to use Bootstrap and also Signalr. I would like Bootstrap to download everything into one folder in my application, and not create folders within my project root. For example, I have a folder called 'Libs' in the project and would like those libraries to use 'Libs' as their root folder. This is due to an external build solution that handles everything in the 'Libs' folder.
I've found these docs about using a NuGet.config folder for the solution, but this does not handle my problem. Any ideas?
As far as I'm aware, this isn't possible. Each Nuget package is written with specific instructions on how to install into a project. One of those instructions is where to put files, another example would be what transform to apply to the web.config. Nuget doesn't specify a way to modify these instructions. The only thing you could do would be to modify the packages yourself - download the .nupkg file and open it up as a zip file, you will be able to edit the folder structure from there.

Copy tools from nuget package to bin folder

I have some automated tests that are using Selenium WebDriver. Tests should run on Chrome so I need to have ChromeDriver.exe. I am using NuGet to download the libraries and found that the ChromeDriver could be downloaded as a package too (http://www.nuget.org/packages/WebDriver.ChromeDriver).
However, this package contains only ChromeDriver.exe in the Tools folder. I need to copy this file into the bin folder because tests need to find it. Is there some way to do the copy in a generic way (without specific paths), because in the folder where the ChromeDriver.exe is unpacked from package contains version number so I would need to change the paths when the new version will be used. Also I would need to do similar thing with the NUnit.Runner package.
You could probably use a post-build event. Then inside the event use copy/xcopy and move it into the bin folder after the project has successfully built.