Flutter FontLoader: How to specify the font weight and style for the loaded font? - flutter

I'm using the FontLoader to download fonts from the server.
FontLoader allows to specify only the font family name, but not the weight and style for the loaded font file.
My concern is that how flutter understand which font file to pick when the font weight and style are specified in the textStyle property.
Let's say I have 6 font files in the server light, normal, bold weights for each normal and italic styles. I'm loading all of them by the FontLoader, but I do not specify which one is what, as FontLoader allows to specify only the font familly name. So how flutter determine which font to use when it needs to display a text with w300 and style:Italic?
Is that weight and style information available in the font file?


<Unity> I want to add font material at the dropdown(TMP)'s template item label

I use a translator, the sentence can be wrong.
I want to add font material at the dropdown(TMP)'s template item label.
using dropdown(TMP), I needed a template with glowing text.
so I made font material.
works fine at dropdown(TMP)'s "Lable".
However, strangely it doesn't work with template item Label.
I attempted adding font material. and I expected template's font is shine.
tl;dr: The material name has to contain the according font asset name and use the according Font Atlas!
See TextMeshPro - UI Text GameObjects - Font
Material Preset
Choose a material for your font.
Each font Asset has a default material, but you can also create customized materials for it.
This preset list includes all materials whose names contain the font Asset's name, and use the corresponding font atlas texture.
So assuming you are using the default LiberationSans SDF try to name your material
LiberationSans SDF - Start2_Font
and in the Debug Settings section make sure to select the according Font Atlas
Then see if it appears in the material selection dropdown:
Either way the item will not allow you to directly edit the material (also seems odd to be but who knows) so if you need different settings for item and main label you will need to use different materials and edit via the material directly.

Text is always black with any imported font in Unity

I'm using UI toolkit.
I have imported few different fonts, and set up a label. But when I assign custom font and font asset, changing text color becomes unresponsive and text is stuck on black.
There are no additional styles.
I tried - swapping different material in font asset to many different ones, nothing changes. Tried adding styling change in .uss, nothing changes.

How to copy the text along with font styling in flutter?

What I am doing is simple. I am simply copy and paste the font from flutter It copies only the letters the font styles are not copying.
styling properties are given to display text in given Style it is not the property of text. Text is copied in UTF byte Format so, When you copy text Only text gets copied the style and Other property does not get copied.
Flutter works with custom fonts and you can apply a custom font across an entire app or to individual widgets. This recipe creates an app that uses custom fonts with the following steps:
Import the font files.
Declare the font in the pubspec.
Set a font as the default.
Use a font in a specific widget.

How to make a Font Family Fallback in flutter?

It would be great if Flutter allow us to specify our own font fallback chain, just like what we can do now in CSS's font-family property, because browsers support different fonts. Is there a way to do so in flutter?
*for example Raleway as first option, open sans as second option and sans-serif as default
I found a property in textstyles ,,fontFamilyFallback'' which does the job ^–^

how to set selected default font size on font size drop down in tinymce 3.5.8

I am using tiny mce 3.5.8 .i already set default font size is 14px in the tiny mce editor using ed.execCommand("fontSize", true,"14px");.But on the time of rendering font size 12px text shows.
The command you are using is telling the Font Size select list to set itself to the 14px selection but that won't impact the HTML that is already loaded into the editor.
If you want the content in the editor to default to using 14px you should pass a CSS file into TinyMCE (see the content_css init setting) and set the default font size to 14px in that CSS file.
If you load content and then manually use the font size select to set the size you will see that TinyMCE wraps the selection in a span and applies an inline style. You could certainly also do that as you load the content into TinyMCE but then you have a hard-coded font size.
I would think the CSS approach will do what you want while making it easier to change your default font size later if you need to do so.