Closure - Timing of deinit self object - swift

class Increment {
var number = 0
deinit {
// let incrementNumber would give an error — 1
lazy var incrementNumber: (Int) -> () = { [weak self] value in
self?.number += value
do {
let increment = Increment().incrementNumber(3)
// output
if I separate the line, self is still alive when the closure is executed.
let increment = Increment()
// output
Can anyone please explain why the Increment get deinit before the incrementNumber() call?

First of all you need to know definition of lazy variable.
According to apple docs, A lazy stored property is a property whose initial value isn’t calculated until the first time it’s used. You indicate a lazy stored property by writing the lazy modifier before its declaration.
Means that when the class is initial, they don't know they have variable lazy inside which is incrementNumber.
That the reason when you call
do {
let increment = Increment().incrementNumber(3)
Increment don't recognized incrementNumber in the class when you access directly. So Swift only see that you do nothing with Increment class in the rest of code then it automatically deinit the unused class.
Update: As Mr. DuncanC's mentioned, because of deinit class first so the compiler create an instance of Increment as AutoReleased, and keep it in memory in order to evaluate the second part of the expression
At the second, you call
let increment = Increment()
Means that you make a class at first then you make lazy variable ( Swift sees that you do something with that class in second line so it waits until everything in class is called). Then in the rest of code class Increment is unused then it automatically deinit. That's the reason you see lazy is call before deinit.
For more further knowledge, you can do like making a not lazy function to see the difference.
class Increment {
var number = 0
deinit {
public func increaseNumber(_ value: Int) {
self.number += value
do {
let increment = Increment().increaseNumber(3)
As you can see that increaseNumber is called before deinit because the class know that it owns func increaseNumber so it was called. Then in the rest of code class Increment is unused then it automatically deinit.


Capture a method weakly

Note: This question is basically the same as this one, but for Swift 4 or 5.
Say I have a class that captures a closure:
class CallbackHolder {
typealias Callback = (String) -> Void
var callback: Callback
init(_ callback: #escaping Callback) {
self.callback = callback
func useCallback() {
This class simply holds a callback in a variable, and has a function that uses that callback.
Now, say I have a client class that owns such a callback holder. This class wants the callback holder to call one of its methods as the callback:
class Client {
func callback(string: String) {
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: callback)
deinit {
This class has a callback, a callback owner that calls that callback, and a deinit that prints something so that we know whether we have a retain cycle (no deinit = retain cycle).
We can test our setup with the following test function:
func test() {
We want the test function to print both Hi! and deinit, so that we know that the callback works, and that the client does not suffer from a retain cycle.
The above Client implementation does in fact have a retain cycle -- passing the callback method to the callback owner causes the owner to retain the client strongly, causing a cycle.
Of course, we can fix the cycle by replacing
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: callback)
lazy var callbackOwner = CallbackOwner(callback: { [weak self] in
This works, but:
it is tedious (compare the amount of code we now need)
it is dangerous (every new client of my CallbackOwner class must remember to do it this way, even though the original way is completely valid syntax, otherwise they will get a retain cycle)
So I am looking for a better way. I would like to capture the callback weakly at the CallbackOwner, not at the client. That way, new clients don't have to be aware of the danger of the retain cycle, and they can use my CallbackOwner in the most intuitive way possible.
So I tried to change CallbackOwner's callback property to
weak var callback: Callback?
but of course, Swift only allows us to capture class types weakly, not closures or methods.
At the time when this answer was written, there did not seem to be a way to do achieve what I'm looking for, but that was over 4 years ago. Has there been any developments in recent Swift versions that would allow me to pass a method to a closure-capturing object without causing a retain cycle?
Well one obvious way to do this would be to not hold a reference to CallbackHolder in Client i.e.
class Client {
func callback(string: String) {
var callbackOwner: CallbackHolder { return CallbackHolder(callback) }
deinit {
In the above case, I'd probably make CallbackHolder a struct rather than a class.
Personally, I don't see any value in wrapping the callback in a class at all. Just pass the callback around, or even Client. Maybe make a protocol for it to adhere to
protocol Callbackable
func callback(string: String)
extension Callbackable
func useCallback() {
self.callback(string: "Hi!")
class Client: Callbackable {
func callback(string: String) {
deinit {
func test(thing: Callbackable) {
test(thing: Client())

Closure stored in class property

Don't understand why compiler make the error on this code snippet
class Addr {
var num: Int = 0
lazy var increment: (Int) -> () = {[unowned self] value in
self.num += value
deinit {
do {
let object = Addr().increment(5) // ERROR
Of course, i can change in capture list [unowned self] to [weak self] but I try to understand why this code not working. Why is the obeject is deinit before the call of the property. Will be thanked for the advanced explanation of this mechanism.
The issue is that since you are not storing a reference to the Addr object, it gets deallocated immediately, even before increment would be called on it.
Storing Addr in a variable and then calling increment on the variable solves the issue.
let object = Addr()

Why Swift closure not capture self?

I was testing swift closure with Xcode playground.
This is my code:
import UIKit
class A{
var closure: ()->() = {}
var name: String = "A"
init() {
self.closure = { = + " Plus"
deinit {
print(name + " is deinit")
var a: A?
a = A()
a = nil
As what is expected, a is self contained by closure, so a is never released.
But, when I add this line before the last line:
a?.closure = { a?.name = "ttt" }
Then, I found "A is deinit" in the output window, which means a is released.
Why? is a not recycle reference?
To be test, I use a function to set the closure, which the code is version 2:
import UIKit
class A{
var closure: ()->() = {}
func funcToSetClosure(){
self.closure = { = "BBB"}
var name: String = "A"
init() {
self.closure = { = + " Plus"
deinit {
print(name + " is deinit")
var a: A?
a = A()
a = nil
Again, a is never released.
So I got the conclusion, when closure is set by init or a function in the class, it will cause recycle reference, when it is set out side the class, it will not cause recycle reference. Am I right?
There are retain cycles in both cases. The difference is the nature of the reference, not the place where closure is set. This difference is manifested in what it takes to break the cycle:
In the "inside" situation, the reference inside the closure is self. When you release your reference to a, that is insufficient to break the cycle, because the cycle is directly self-referential. To break the cycle, you would have had also to set a.closure to nil before setting a to nil, and you didn't do that.
In the "outside" situation, the reference is a. There is a retain cycle so long as your a reference is not set to nil. But you eventually do set it to nil, which is sufficient to break the cycle.
(Illustrations come from Xcode's memory graph feature. So cool.)
As the SIL documentation says, when you capture a local variable in a closure, it will be stored on the heap with reference counting:
Captured local variables and the payloads of indirect value types are
stored on the heap. The type #box T is a reference-counted type that
references a box containing a mutable value of type T.
Therefore when you say:
var a : A? = A()
a?.closure = { a?.name = "ttt" }
you do have a reference cycle (which you can easily verify). This is because the instance of A has a reference to the closure property, which has a reference to the heap-allocated boxed A? instance (due to the fact that it's being captured by the closure), which in turn has a reference to the instance of A.
However, you then say:
a = nil
Which sets the heap-allocated boxed A? instance's value to .none, thus releasing its reference to the instance of A, therefore meaning that you no longer have a reference cycle, and thus A can be deallocated.
Just letting a fall out of scope without assigning a = nil will not break the reference cycle, as the instance of A? on the heap is still being retained by the closure property of A, which is still being retained by the A? instance.
What causes the retain cycle is that you reference self in the closure.
var a: A?
a = A()
a?.closure = { a?.name = "ttt" }
a = nil
You change the closure to no longer reference self, that's why it is deallocated.
In the final example, you make it reference self again in the closure, that is why it does not deallocate. There are ways around this, this post is a great list of when to use each case in swift: How to Correctly handle Weak Self in Swift Blocks with Arguments
I would imagine you are looking for something like this, where you use a weak reference to self inside the block. Swift has some new ways to do this, most commonly using the [unowned self] notation at the front of the block.
init() {
self.closure = { [unowned self] in = + " Plus"
More reading on what is going on here: Shall we always use [unowned self] inside closure in Swift

Accessing "self" in initializing closure

In Swift 3 the dispatch_once function was removed and the migration guide suggests to use initializing closure:
let myGlobal = { … global contains initialization in a call to a closure … }()
_ = myGlobal // using myGlobal will invoke the initialization code only the first time it is used.
I'd like to access 'self' instance variables from within the initializing closure like so:
class SomeClass {
var other = SomeOtherClass()
let initialize: () = {
// self.other - this doesn't work, complains about unresolved identifier 'self'
// how to access self.other here?
} ()
func doSomething() {
// initialize will only be called once
Why is 'self' not accessible in the closure and how can make it to be?
This quoted example of the Migration Guide is misleading because it's related to a global variable.
The closure of a instance let constant is called (once) immediately when the class is initialized. That's the reason why it cannot use other variables declared on the same level.
What you can do is to initialize initialize (the variable name is not the best one ;-) ) lazily. The closure is also called only once but – as the guide describes – only the first time (when) it is used.
class SomeClass {
let other = SomeOtherClass()
lazy var initialize : () = {
let test = self.other
func doSomething() {
// initialize will only be called once
_ = initialize
When an instance of the 'SomeClass' class is created, it will first create all of the variables and constants on that instance. During this time, self may not be fully initialised, because it may be halfway through setting up. Because of this, self is not available until after the initialisation step has completed.
In the example, they were talking about a global variable which has no concept of self, or a static constant on the class which also has no concept of self.
If it needs to be an instance method/variable you could:
a) make it a lazy var like
lazy var initialise : ()->Void = {
return {
// can access self here
which will be created the first time you call it, rather than during initialisation. Of course you lose the constant that way, and you have to store the closure which is wasteful since you're only executing it once.
b) put the code inside of an init method:
init() {
// if your class doesn't have a super class, you can access self.other here.
// If it does have a super class (like NSObject) you must first call super.init() here to complete the initialisation.
// This can only be done after all other variables have been set.

Avoiding retain cycle when using function as a block in swift

following is a code sample you can run in a playground
import Foundation
class TempNotifier {
var onChange: (Int) -> Void = {t in }
var currentTemp = 72
init() {
// 1.
onChange = { [unowned self] temp in
self.currentTemp = temp
// 2.
onChange = {[unowned self] temp in
// 3.
unowned let s = self
onChange = s.tempHandler
deinit {
private func tempHandler(temp: Int) {
self.currentTemp = temp
var tN: TempNotifier? = TempNotifier()
tN = nil
It illustrates 3 ways of assigning a value to a block with potential retain-cycle. Case 1. and 2. create no retain cycle due to unowned self however in case 3. it seems like there is no way to break the retain cycle (deinit is never printed). As you can see, I even tried to create a local unowned reference.
Is this the desired behaviour, is it "by design"? Or am I missing something?
Cross-posted from
Yes, this is the designed behavior.
Accessing a method without calling it, like s.tempHandler, is equivalent to a closure expression like { x in s.tempHandler(x) }. Here s is not marked unowned or weak, and hence is retained by the closure. If you want it to be captured as unowned or weak, you must explicitly write out the closure.