Batch create transcription always results in: The recordings URI contains invalid data - transcription

I would like to use Azure Speech Services Batch Transcription APIs to create a transcription of my audio file. I've already had success using the Speech Service SDK (for Node.js), but was interested in trying out one of the newer features available in v3.1 preview version of the api (displayFormWordLevelTimestampsEnabled), so I figured I had to do use the REST API service to do that.
Overall my problem is that for whatever input I've feed the Create Transcript API for contentUrls, I always end up getting the same error:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidData",
"message": "The recordings URI contains invalid data."
After a little digging, I found some tips through the Azure portal to use sox to handle transcoding the audio file in the specific format requested.
The specific format they mention in the portal documentation shows:
If you are using REST API, make sure that it uses one of the formats in this table:
Bit rate
Sample Rate
256 kbps
16 kHz, mono
256 kpbs
16 kHz, mono
With the sox specific commands being:
SoX command
Check the audio file format.
sox --i
Convert the audio file to single channel, 16-bit, 16 KHz.
sox -b 16 -e signed-integer -c 1 -r 16k -t wav .wav
I ran my mp3 through the second command and verified the file with the first, and the contents of the file looks like:
Input File : 'out5.wav'
Channels : 1
Sample Rate : 16000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:30.09 = 481488 samples ~ 2256.97 CDDA sectors
File Size : 963k
Bit Rate : 256k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM
Finally, I uploaded the file to a public S3 bucket, to use as my content url for my request:
"contentUrls": [
"locale": "en-US",
"displayName": "Test"
Still it failed with the same error that I posted above. Any insights into what might be wrong? Thanks!
The answer below mentioned being able to reference a reports.json file on the Get Transcript/Create Transcript api call.
When I use the Create Transcript API my payload is:
"self": "",
"model": {
"self": ""
"links": {
"files": ""
"properties": {
"diarizationEnabled": false,
"wordLevelTimestampsEnabled": false,
"displayFormWordLevelTimestampsEnabled": false,
"channels": [
"punctuationMode": "DictatedAndAutomatic",
"profanityFilterMode": "Masked"
"lastActionDateTime": "2022-09-13T23:37:09Z",
"status": "NotStarted",
"createdDateTime": "2022-09-13T23:37:09Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"displayName": "Test"
Calling the Get Transcript I see:
"self": "",
"model": {
"self": ""
"links": {
"files": ""
"properties": {
"diarizationEnabled": false,
"wordLevelTimestampsEnabled": false,
"displayFormWordLevelTimestampsEnabled": false,
"channels": [
"punctuationMode": "DictatedAndAutomatic",
"profanityFilterMode": "Masked",
"error": {
"code": "InvalidData",
"message": "The recordings URI contains invalid data."
"lastActionDateTime": "2022-09-13T23:37:22Z",
"status": "Failed",
"createdDateTime": "2022-09-13T23:37:09Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"displayName": "Test"
And finally looking at the transcript files I'm getting an empty list:
"values": []
I see no reference to a reports.json, or any data populated here at all.

In many cases you can get a detailed error information by doing a GET on<transcription_id>/files and looking at the report.json that is referenced there.
If that doesn't help, you could post transcription id(s) of failed transcription so someone from the team (I am one of them) can look at the service logs.


WbCmd Movesense: Trouble With Putting Objects

I'm testing on Windows with PowerShell.
When I put simple types like bool, WbCmd works like expected.
PS> wbcmd --port TCP7044 --path /Component/Led --op put --opdatatype bool --opdata true
WbCmd Movesense:
"response": 200,
"responsestring": "HTTP_CODE_OK",
"operation": "put",
"uri": "/net/ECSI00000000/Component/Led",
"querytimems": 0,
"querytimens": 536100
But when I try to put an object, it "fails to find the data type."
PS> wbcmd --port TCP7044 --path /Component/Leds/0 --op get
WbCmd Movesense:
"response": 200,
"responsestring": "HTTP_CODE_OK",
"operation": "get",
"uri": "/net/ECSI00000000/Component/Leds/0",
"content": {
"IsOn": true,
"LedColor": [
"querytimems": 0,
"querytimens": 613500
PS> wbcmd --port TCP7044 --path /Component/Leds/0 --op put --opdatatype LedState --opdata '{ "LedState":
{ "IsOn": false, "LedColor": 0 } }'
WbCmd Movesense:
"response": 404,
"responsestring": "Failed to find data type LedState",
"operation": "put",
"uri": "/net/ECSI00000000/Component/Leds/0",
"querytimems": 3,
"querytimens": 3526200
How can I fix that or get more information about what happens in the background?
There are two led API's in the Movesense sensor. The simple /Component/Led with a true/false value (matching the single led in current Movesense sensor). The second LED API has beed added to support multiple / multicolor LED's that are found in other Movesense compatible devices.
For Movesense sensor I'd recommend using the simple API. However to put to the complex API using wbcmd, use the following command (I've tested and it works, did in Mac, that's why the port looks like that):
wbcmd --port /dev/cu.usbserial-AL01XHQC --path /component/leds/0 --op put --opdata '{"IsOn":true}'
Full Disclosure: I work for the Movesense team

How to create a schedule in pagerduty using restApi and python

When through the documentation of pagerduty was but still not able to understand what parameters to send in the request body and also facing trouble in understanding how to make the api request.If any one can share the sample code on making a pagerduty schedule that would help me alot.
Below is the sample code to create schedules in PagerDuty.
Each list can have multiple items (to add more users / layers)
import requests
url = ""
"schedule": {
"schedule_layers": [
"start": "<dateTime>", # Start Time of layer | "start": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+05:30",
"users": [
"user": {
"id": "<string>", # ID of user to add in layer
"summary": "<string>",
"type": "<string>", # "type": "user"
"self": "<url>",
"html_url": "<url>"
"rotation_virtual_start": "<dateTime>", # Start of layer | "rotation_virtual_start": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+05:30",
"rotation_turn_length_seconds": "<integer>", # Layer rotation, for multiple user switching | "rotation_turn_length_seconds": <seconds>,
"id": "<string>", # Auto-generated. Only needed if you want update and existing Schedule Layer
"end": "<dateTime>", # End Time of layer | "end": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+05:30",
"restrictions": [
"type": "<string>", # To restrict shift to certain timings Weekly daily etc | "type": "daily_restriction",
"duration_seconds": "<integer>", # Duration of layer | "duration_seconds": "300"
"start_time_of_day": "<partial-time>", #Start time of layer | "start_time_of_day": "00:00:00",
"start_day_of_week": "<integer>"
"name": "<string>", # Name to give Layer
"time_zone": "<activesupport-time-zone>", # Timezone to set for layer and its timings | "time_zone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"type": "schedule",
"name": "<string>", # Name to give Schedule
"description": "<string>",# Description to give Schedule
"id": "<string>", # Auto-generated. Only needed if you want update and existing Schedule Layer
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Token token=<Your token here>',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, json=payload)
Best way to do this is to get the postman collection for PagerDuty and edit the request as per your liking. Once you get a successful response, convert that into code using the inbuilt feature of postman.
Using PagerDuty API for scheduling is not easy. Creating new schedule is okaish, but if you decide to update schedule - it is definitely not trivial. You'll probably occur bunch of limitation: number of restriction per layer, must reuse current layers, etc.
As option you can use a python library pdscheduling

GCS Transfer via Source: URL list "errorCode": "UNKNOWN"

I'm trying to transfer 7,860,379 files, using the transfer system via URL list, however always encounter the same error:
{ //...
"errorBreakdowns": [
"errorCode": "UNKNOWN",
"errorCount": "1",
"errorLogEntries": [
"url": " or ",
"errorDetails": [
// ...
All the my URLs are valid and the file format as documented:
^([^ ]+)\t([0-9]+)\t([a-f0-9]{32})$
The error I find the API is very generic, someone went through the same problem?
Since, I thank you.
Based on your regex, I suspect you are not providing a base-64 encoded MD5, as it often contains '=' characters. To do this, you need to compute the binary version of your MD5 and then convert it to base64.
Example: Hk2gdsIpWTDz3kQssoTqKg==

Asterisk REST ARI snoop (cURL)

I try to:
curl -v -u j123:j321 -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/channels/1421226074.4874/snoop?spy=SIP/695"
In response to receiving:
"message": "Invalid direction specified for spy"
I try to:
SIP/695; SIP:695, SIP#695, localhost#695, channel, channelName
It's all not working.
Call comes into the queue from sip-416 to queue_1 and distribute to 694. I need to connect 695 for wiretapping channel 1421226074.4874.
I only need to listen and not to whisper.
Help me please)
The error message is telling you what the problem is:
"message": "Invalid direction specified for spy"
The spy parameter is a direction for spying, not the channel to spy on (see reference documentation here). You've already specified the channel to snoop on in the URI path - you need to specify the direction of the media in the spy parameter.
As an aside, apparently the auto generated wiki isn't display enum values, which is unfortunate. We'll have to fix that.
For reference, here's the parameter in the Swagger JSON:
"name": "spy",
"description": "Direction of audio to spy on",
"paramType": "query",
"required": false,
"allowMultiple": false,
"dataType": "string",
"defaultValue": "none",
"allowableValues": {
"valueType": "LIST",
"values": [

wget command line - define format and encoding

trying to download all categories from an ecommerce website using rest and wget (curl either) I cannot make a readable file. the following line is the one that Im executing:
...>wget --no-check-certificate
I receive information like this->
½Û’Û8².ü*_[6q Hö]>t{\=¶ÇëðÇŽˆ¢ªè–ÄÜmïXûÖôeÇŽ¹˜˜»û®^ìHU €()‰dåŠ1]ì®,$&
I expected something like:
, {
"id": "MLA1743",
"name": "Autos, Motos y Otros"
}, {
"id": "MLA1384",
"name": "Bebés"
}, {
"id": "MLA1039",
"name": "Cámaras y Accesorios"
}, {
"id": "MLA1051",
"name": "Celulares y Teléfonos"
}, {
"id": "MLA1798",
"name": "Coleccionables y Hobbies"
sorry if its a newbie question but i cannot find a proper tutorial. brgds
The content is gzip-encoded. You can figure this out by looking at the Content-Encoding header the servers sends with the response. You can access the data like this:
wget -o- | zcat
Or just save it to a file first:
wget -o all.gz
gunzip all.gz