Bottom native button - flutter

I'm sorry because I don't speak English very well. I would like to know if it is possible to control the bottom 3 native buttons of Android phone? Example When I am in the application, if I click on the home button or another can I write something in the console or another action before my application closes or even program that I am redirected to the page HomePage before my application closes?

For example, regarding the back button, you can control it with WillPopScope :


manually move to mobile home and recent buttons in flutter?

I'm developing online test application using flutter for that i'm trying to block all the back, recent and home button. I have detected the pressing of recent and home button. Issue in that is when i press the home button or recent button directly minimize my app. Is there any possibilities to detect key press home button or recent button.
If possible provide the solution. I have attached the photo for your reference
Back button can be disabled using WillPopScope widget, I also think that the home button can't be disabled but can keep track of them using hardware_buttons package.

Flutter Show a page every time the user opens the app, until they click a button, then it should show a different page when they open the app

The problem I’m asking is how to have a kind of page (call it SetupPage) that is only shown until the user presses a button on the screen. Then when the screen should show the next page(call it HomePage) and every time the app is opened after the button press, the normal page will be HomePage.
I’ve seen this general idea in many apps (sign-in and home page, enter phone number or school and main page, etc) and I would like to have it in my app! I’m thinking of using Navigator routes and having the stack be this at first:
(HomePage, SetupPage)
and then once the button is pressed I can pop SetupPage. But I’m not sure how to implement this.
I already have the SetupPage and HomePage classes made. I’m not doing a sign-in the SetupPage or anything like that. I’m not using FireBase in this app either.
You can use the Flutter package shared_preferences to save a Boolean that tell you at the start of the program is the button pressed or not.

Long Tap on application icon and show popup menu

In my flutter application i want to make a feature, when user install my application and long tapped on it,s icon a popup menu appear so that the user can be transferred to specific pages of the application as a shortcut like in Chrome app, like this:
This will help you link
Some of the functionality need platform-specific code and hence you need plugins for that.

Default iphone keyboard does not close for entire application if it is opened in iframe in ionic 3

i have used cordova--plugin-ionic-keyboard default plugin in my hybrid ios
application in ionic 3 .
when i open a payment gateway link by using iframe and i click on the textbox button for writing a card details keyboard will appear but if any case i want to go back after opening a keyboard then keyboard is not closed or hide for whole app then i have to close the app and start again.
i have searched a lot of things on internet but i can not get a appropriate answer which works for me.
i have tried out hide() method of plugin but whichever page i use this hide method that page is not open means app stop before the page on which i try hide method.
i also used in-app browser but still not work

How to add a link to a website with a button and get back to the app

I was wondering how to add a link to a website so that when the user taps on a button, he will be taken to that webpage, but can then hit an x in the top left corner or hit the home button and then it will take them back to their app. I want it to be like iad where it doesn't close your app when you click on that link.
You can implement your own UIWebView in your app which will display the link, and handle all of the navigation. There are many tutorials on the web. Hope that Helps!