The code block below executes without the CSV being generated suggesting it has no return. However the conditions given are definitely valid for at least one object.
A Mail Enabled Security group in O365 has the "SecurityEnabled" property set to true, the "MailEnabled" property set to true and the property "GroupTypes" is an empty array? string? "{}" whatever the curly brackets are supposed to represent but they're empty.
$Groups = Get-MgGroup -Property "Members" -All
foreach($group in $Groups){
if ( (($group.SecurityEnabled) -and ($group.MailEnabled)) -and ($group.GroupTypes -ne 'Unified')){
$members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $group.Id
'Display Name' = $group.DisplayName
'Members' = $members.AdditionalProperties.displayName -join ";"
} | Export-Csv -path "$OutputFolder\MailEnabledSecurityGroups.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
The GroupTypes property from the MicrosoftGraphGroup instance is an array, in this case you want to use containment operators, more specifically -notin or -notcontains, the condition would look like:
# with `-notcontains`
if ($group.SecurityEnabled -and $group.MailEnabled -and $group.GroupTypes -notcontains 'Unified') {
# with `-notin`
if ($group.SecurityEnabled -and $group.MailEnabled -and 'Unified' -notin $group.GroupTypes) {
As for why it was not working before, -ne and -eq can act as a filter when the LHS (left hand side) of the comparison is an array and because $group.GroupTypes was an empty array, the comparison returned null and the if condition evaluated to false because of this.
$obj = [pscustomobject]#{
GroupTypes = #()
$obj.GroupTypes -ne 'Unified' # => null
$obj = [pscustomobject]#{
GroupTypes = #('something else')
$obj.GroupTypes -ne 'Unified' # => something else
As aside, it's probably a better idea to export the output all at once instead of appending to the CSV file on each loop iteration (Disk I/O is expensive and will slow down your script a lot!):
Get-MgGroup -Property "Members" -All | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.SecurityEnabled -and $_.MailEnabled -and 'Unified' -notin $_.GroupTypes) {
$members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $_.Id
'Display Name' = $_.DisplayName
'Members' = $members.AdditionalProperties.displayName -join ";"
} | Export-Csv -path "$OutputFolder\MailEnabledSecurityGroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Filtering on Azure side may increase the speed of your code and also reduce the amount of conditions being evaluated on client side:
Get-MgGroup -Property "Members" -Filter "securityEnabled eq true and mailenabled eq true" | ForEach-Object {
if ('Unified' -notin $_.GroupTypes) {
# code here
After reading many of the posted solutions here, none fully applies mine.
This works (returns expected number of instancesNames based on criteria):
$response.result | Where-Object {$_.targetType -eq "webserver" -and ($_.agentHostName -eq "ServerA" -or $_.agentHostName -eq "ServerB")} | select-Object "instanceName"
However, since n number of servers may be found, I created a loop to dynamically create this query:
[System.Text.StringBuilder]$clause = " {`$_.targetType -eq ""webserver"" -and ("
$i = 1;
foreach ($server in $serversArray) {
if ( $i -eq $serversArray.Count ) {
$clause.Append("`$_.agentHostName -eq ""${server}"")}")
} else {
$clause.Append( "`$_.agentHostName -eq ""${server}"" -or ")
$clause.Append(" | select-Object ""instanceName""")
$filter = [scriptblock]::Create($clause)
$instances = $response.result | where-object $filter
the $clause variable contains:
{$_.targetType -eq "webserver" -and ($_.agentHostName -eq "serverA" -or $_.agentHostName -eq "serverB")} | select-Object "instanceName"
However, it returns all instanceNames (not filtered) instead of the ones that meet the criteria. What am I doing wrong here?
The -in operator would simplify your code. For example:
$response.result |
Where-Object {($_.targetType -eq 'webserver') -and ($_.agentHostName -in $serversArray)} |
Select-Object 'instanceName'
Using the script below I am trying to filter out applications that don't have a $requirement like Windows 10. When I run this I am still getting returned results with application requirements containing windows 10.
| Where { $_ -notlike 'All_x64_Windows_10_and_higher_Clients' };
Any idea what I am doing wrong here? Possible issue with the line above?
$warningpreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Get-Content C:\temp\Applications.txt | foreach-object {
$app = Get-CMApplication -Name "$_";
[XML]$appXML =$app.SDMPackageXML;
$Requirement = $appXML.AppMgmtDigest.DeploymentType.Requirements.Rule.OperatingSystemExpression.Operands.RuleExpression.RuleID | Where { $_ -notlike 'All_x64_Windows_10_and_higher_Clients' };
If ($Requirement -ne $null -or $Requirement.length -gt 0) {
Write-output "Application Name: $_ | Requirement: $Requirement "
The -Like Operator is used for WildCard searches in PowerShell. So you need an * somewhere in your filter.
Try this:
| Where { $_ -notlike "*All_x64_Windows_10_and_higher_Clients*" };
I am trying to get a list where the title does not have temp or temporary or *contractor or contractor*.
This code is working, meaning I get a list which does not have temporary records.
$pTitle = $profile["Title"]
if ($pTitle -ne "Temporary")
However the following code does not work when I add -or and -notlike for the wildcard.
$pTitle = $profile["Title"]
if ($pTitle -ne "Temporary" -or $pTitle -notlike "Temporary" -or $pTitle -notlike "contractor" -or $pTitle -notlike "Temp")
You actually want -and here. Your expression will only evaluate to false if all of the words are found currently.
$List = #(1,2,3)
If I ask you to return all the items in the list that are:
not equal to 1
not equal to 2
not equal to 3
the answer will be the whole list
$List | where { ($_ -ne 1) -or ($_ -ne 2) -or ($_ -ne 3) }
You are getting your logical operators mixed up.
Look at replacing -or with -and
I'm trying to read the event log for a security audit for all users except two, but is it possible to do that with the -notlike operator?
It's something like that:
Get-EventLog -LogName Security | where {$_.UserName -notlike #("*user1","*user2")}
I have it working for a single user, like:
Get-EventLog -LogName Security | where {$_.UserName -notlike "*user1"}
V2 at least contains the -username parameter that takes a string[], and supports globbing.
V1 you want to expand your test like so:
Get-EventLog Security | ?{$_.UserName -notlike "user1" -and $_.UserName -notlike "*user2"}
Or you could use "-notcontains" on the inline array but this would only work if you can do exact matching on the usernames.
... | ?{#("user1","user2") -notcontains $_.username}
I think Peter has the right idea. I would use a regular expression for this along with the -notmatch operator.
Get-EventLog Security | ?{$_.Username -notmatch '^user1$|^.*user$'}
In order to support "matches any of ..." scenarios, I created a function that is pretty easy to read. My version has a lot more to it because its a PowerShell 2.0 cmdlet but the version I'm pasting below should work in 1.0 and has no frills.
You call it like so:
Get-Process | Where-Match Company -Like '*VMWare*','*Microsoft*'
Get-Process | Where-Match Company -Regex '^Microsoft.*'
filter Where-Match($Selector,[String[]]$Like,[String[]]$Regex) {
if ($Selector -is [String]) { $Value = $_.$Selector }
elseif ($Selector -is [ScriptBlock]) { $Value = &$Selector }
else { throw 'Selector must be a ScriptBlock or property name' }
if ($Like.Length) {
foreach ($Pattern in $Like) {
if ($Value -like $Pattern) { return $_ }
if ($Regex.Length) {
foreach ($Pattern in $Regex) {
if ($Value -match $Pattern) { return $_ }
filter Where-NotMatch($Selector,[String[]]$Like,[String[]]$Regex) {
if ($Selector -is [String]) { $Value = $_.$Selector }
elseif ($Selector -is [ScriptBlock]) { $Value = &$Selector }
else { throw 'Selector must be a ScriptBlock or property name' }
if ($Like.Length) {
foreach ($Pattern in $Like) {
if ($Value -like $Pattern) { return }
if ($Regex.Length) {
foreach ($Pattern in $Regex) {
if ($Value -match $Pattern) { return }
return $_
don't use -notLike, -notMatch with Regular-Expression works in one line:
Get-MailBoxPermission -id newsletter | ? {$_.User -NotMatch "NT-AUTORIT.*|.*-Admins|.*Administrators|.*Manage.*"}
Easiest way I find for multiple searches is to pipe them all (probably heavier CPU use) but for your example user:
Get-EventLog -LogName Security | where {$_.UserName -notlike "*user1"} | where {$_.UserName -notlike "*user2"}
List all computers beginning with XX1 but not names where 4th character is L or P
Get-ADComputer -Filter {(name -like "XX1*")} | Select Name | Where {($ -notlike "XX1L*" -and $ -notlike "XX1P*")}
You can also count them by enclosing the above script in parens and adding a .count method like so:
(Get-ADComputer -Filter {(name -like "XX1*")} | Select Name | Where {($ -notlike "XX1L*" -and $ -notlike "XX1P*")}).count
Using select-string:
Get-EventLog Security | where {$_.UserName | select-string -notmatch user1,user2}
$listOfUsernames = #("user1", "user2", "etc", "and so on")
Get-EventLog -LogName Security |
where { $_.Username -notmatch (
'(' + [string]::Join(')|(', $listOfUsernames) + ')') }
It's a little crazy I'll grant you, and it fails to escape the usernames (in the unprobable case a username uses a Regex escape character like '\' or '(' ), but it works.
As "slipsec" mentioned above, use -notcontains if possible.