I want to control visibility of fields in flow with the values stored in manually assigned variables - apex

I want to control the visibility of fields in flow with the values stored in manually assigned variables which are coming from LWC component and then are set with manually assign variables in flow.
I want to check the values of this variables and then want to show field conditionally.
I have read salesforce documentation and found out that I cannot use these variables to control field visibility in flow.
Can anyone please help me with a workaround for this?


Which are the default attributes of an agent in Anylogic? What is the proper way to copy an agent?

I am trying to figure out which are the main default attributes of agents in Anylogic, e.g., the Id, the position and the index. So far I haven't found them in the help or at stackoverflow.
1) Do you know where this can be found or can you summarize the main you know? For instance the id used as unique identifier or the index used as the position inside of the population.
2) Are there any attributes regarding the agent history? For example time stamps as the creation time or the blocks it has passed through?
3) Is it possible to change the default id attribute of an agent? Can two agents have the same id?
4) As the split block doesn't copy any of the parameters or variables values to the copy, what is the proper way to copy an agent? I noticed in other publication Benjamin mentioned using agent.set_MyParam(original.MyParam). What would be "MyParam" in this code? Would this copy the value of parameters, variables and the current state in the statechart? Is it possible to make a copy and initialize its current state in the statechart as the original agent's current state?
Thank you for your help.
There are many things that are generated when you generate an agent... the best you can do is to check the api for the agent here: agent api
You can only see these things on the log if you activate it, but not from the API
the id is a unique identifier and i've never been in a situation where i need to change it,but if you want to change it, you can use the setId method, in which case, 2 or more agents may have the same id.
you can only use set_MyParam if the MyParam is a parameter, you can't do the same with variables. Nevertheless, if you want to copy an agent, you need to do it variable by variable, state by state, everything from scratch. There's no magical way to copy the exact same agent with all its current values and states and connections etc

Watson Assistant: Context variable in slot is not being updated

I'm currently working with some required slots in Watson Assistant, but I have a problem that I don't understand.
When the user enters the node with the slot the first time, the variable is updated with the corresponding value, but the second time I try to enter the node (without entering the entity), it ignores the slot as if the entity had been entered.
I know that the context variable is keeping the original value, but should not verify that the entity exists instead of the variable?. Are there some best practices to clean this kind of context variables (either in the UI tool or the backend)?
A context variable can be used to store values across dialog steps. You determine when it is set and when it is cleared. You can clear the context variable by either
setting its value to null or
removing the variable.
Usage depends on your design and flow.

FileMaker Pro 14 - Pass Variable From Button Press

I have a number of columns, and I want to be able to have the user press the label for each column to sort the data alphabetically\numerically by that field.
I can already accomplish this rather easily, but not very efficiently. I could make one script for each column and set it to sort by that column, perhaps even creating a global variable to keep track of the direction. Instead, I'd like to reduce it to one script and pass a variable to the script based on what button\label was pressed.
So far I've found people saying you can change the color of each one and get the variable that way, but I don't want the category headers to be different colors. Yes, I could simply use a one-step process for each one, but no way to reverse it when they click it a second time. Any ideas?
You can pass a script parameter where you specify the script to be performed on the button. From there, you can specify what field to sort on and if you like, set global variables for how the fields were sorted (order and name) that you can use in conditional formatting to give visual feedback.
There are lots of techniques out there for this, but this is one I have used especially for arbitrarily large data sets where sorts should not be done on calculations.

Run workflow over all entities to copy data from one field to another

I'm in a situation where i need to add a default value "blank" to my "Two Options" field. Since I cannot set a default value of "null" to an already created Two Options field, I though of creating a new custom field of type "Option Set" and add the same two options Yes/No in addition to setting the Default value to Unassigned.
I need to create a workflow that copies the old values choices into the new field. I understand that I can't simple equate the values of two fields of different type but I'm going to do that with Check conditions to set the new field value corresponding to the old field value.
I'm not sure how to run this workflow against all the existing records in my CRM online with no codes. Is that possible ?
Without using code or custom tools your best options are:
Do an advanced find, select all the records in the view and run the workflow - this will run the workflow against every record. You can view up to 250 records at a time (check personal settings to change this) so this might work for you.
Export all the data to Excel, make the change in Excel in bulk. Reimport the data. This way you don't need workflow at all.

Rails Param Troubles - old vs new data

When I send form data in my rails application, I need to perform a function using both the original value AND the newly submitted value. Is there any way, upon submit, that I can carry over both the original value and the newly input one to be used in the controller?
Thanks much.
Two choices:
Add a hidden input field with the old value in your form
If you are using an ActiveRecord model and your form is changing
values on that model, you can use #person.changes to see a list
properties with their old and new value. See