Laravel how to deploy in vercel - deployment

I'm trying to deploy Laravel 8 project in Vercel, however, I am constantly facing this error:
Error: No Output Directory named "dist" found after the Build
completed. You can configure the Output Directory in your Project
I have followed the steps mentioned here, but unfortunately it showing the same error. Has anyone experienced such problem before?

Simply create the "dist" directory/folder in your project root directory.


Error while using node module in SAP UI5 app

The requirement is to use of the node modules in my controller file of a UI5 app. I've installed the module and it resides in my npm_module folder. Based on the below blog, I've added some configurations in my ui5.yaml, yet I get the error pasted below.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Blog Referred:
Code screenshot
Error: failed to load 'thirdparty/aws-sdk.js' from resources/thirdparty/aws-sdk.js: script load error
Update: The issue was the path mentioned in the controller. I changed it to refer to the dist folder where the actual aws-sdk.js existed. And it resolved the error.

Deploying issue using netlify (during the building process)

I have built a site using Hugo from a template called uBlogger, pushed everything on GitHub and then I used Netlify to deploy the site.
On the deploy log, it says
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "css/db6b6c.scss" (text/x-scss): SCSS processing failed: file "stdin", line 1, col 6: Invalid CSS after "#id-1{": expected "}", was "<nil>}"
Honestly I have been trying to look for the file "db6b6c.csss", which doesn't exist in my project, and I haven't found any information online so I have no clue of what to do. Does that mean I have to go through all the files there is in my folder and look for "#id-1{" ?
Check first if this is similar to this thread, where:
the OP did not initially download the extended version of Hugo,
the OP, on Netlify, one user switched to Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (default, instead of an older one), and everything worked.

Showing Recent Messages error: Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment

Just shown up on my Xcode a couple of hours ago and none of the other stack overflow answers are working. Anybody know how to fix this? My project won't build or archive(currently using Xcode 10.2) Thank you!
To fix this error, Make sure you have firebase script above the "Copy bundle resources" in Build phases section of your target in Xcode.
I assume you are using Google Firebase.
As the error say your GOOGLE_APP_ID could not be found.
Drag "GoogleService-Info.plist" in your project folder. This configuration file is generated when creating your project. If you don't have it you might want to regenerate it again as described on Firebase Console

The absolute uri cannot be resolved : Custom Tag Issue

I am facing one problem when my code goes to publish. I have page in which i used a component with custom tag. It work fine in author, but when i replicate my code from author to publish it gives error like : The absolute uri: http:|| cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application . I have correctly replicated the my /apps/mysite folder on publish. But it gives error on publish but not on author.Any troubleshooting steps that can help me?
Make sure that bundle with your custom tag library was installed correctly on publish enviroment (via /system/console/bundles).
And, could you describe how you deploy your project on publish enviroment?

MvvmCross V3 + Nuget - how to resolve dll not found issue?

I am attempting to work through the N+1 TipCalc tutorial & get the following error when trying to compile the core project:
Error 1 Metadata file '1\packages\MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore.3.0.4\lib\portable-win+net45+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch40+sl40+wp71\Cirrious.CrossCore.dll' could not be found C:\Source.CS\trunk\Learning\Mono\TipCalc1\TipCalc.N=1\TipCalc.Core\CSC TipCalc.Core
Error 2 Metadata file '1\packages\MvvmCross.HotTuna.StarterPack.3.0.4\lib\portable-win+net45+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch40+sl40+wp71\Cirrious.MvvmCross.dll' could not be found C:\Source.CS\trunk\Learning\Mono\TipCalc1\TipCalc.N=1\TipCalc.Core\CSC TipCalc.Core
Error 3 Metadata file '1\packages\MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore.3.0.4\lib\portable-win+net45+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch40+sl40+wp71\Cirrious.MvvmCross.Localization.dll' could not be found C:\Source.CS\trunk\Learning\Mono\TipCalc1\TipCalc.N=1\TipCalc.Core\CSC TipCalc.Core
NuGet 2.5 RC was installed from here
Profile104 xml files created as per instructions & have been used for a few weeks with V3 prior to attempting to use NuGet for the MvvmCross components.
Pre NuGet TipCalc tutorial was accomplished without problems.
Downloading the complete project from GitHub also compiles without issues.
I haven't been able to see any difference between the packages.config file in the downloaded project and the project being created from scratch.
The profile of the core project is also the same in each case.
The dll's are at the location indicated.
There were no issues with using NuGet to download the package, only when attempting to compile the project.
Any suggestions as to what I have missed?
My guess is that the problem is in your path
The path seems to be C:\Source.CS\trunk\Learning\Mono\TipCalc1\TipCalc.N=1\TipCalc.Core\CSC
And the message is that '1\packages\MvvmCross.HotTuna.CrossCore.3.0.4\lib\portable-win+net45+MonoAndroid16+MonoTouch40+sl40+wp71\Cirrious.CrossCore.dll' could not be found
So maybe try using a path without an =?