How to merge two leads using an apex Trigger - triggers

I'm new to salesforce and I'm trying to learn more. Currently I'm stuck at a point where I don't know what to do further. Kindly point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated.
So what im trying to do is to compare lastnames to find duplicates when the record is being created and if a duplicate is found then instead of creating it as a new record it should be merged with existing record.
So to achieve the task I have wrote the following trigger handler:
public class LeadTriggerHandler {
public static void duplicateMerge(){
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id,Name, Email, Phone, FirstName, LastName FROM Lead];
List<Lead> leadTrigger =;
for(Lead leadVarTrigger : leadTrigger){
for(Lead leadVar : leadList){
//System.debug(leadVar.LastName + '==' + leadVarTrigger.LastName);
if(leadVarTrigger.LastName == leadVar.LastName)
//System.debug(leadVar.LastName + '==' + leadVarTrigger.LastName);
//leadVarTrigger.addError('This is a duplicate record');
Database.merge(leadVar, leadVarTrigger);
System.debug('Trigger Successful');
the following is my trigger:
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (after insert) {
if(Trigger.isafter && Trigger.isInsert)
And when I try with after insert i get the following error:
LeadTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Merge failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00Q5j00000ENUGVEA5; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Unable to create/update fields: Name. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.: [Name] Class.LeadTriggerHandler.duplicateMerge: line 18, column 1 Trigger.LeadTrigger: line 5, column 1
And if i try with before trigger i get the following error for the same code:
LeadTrigger: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id at index 0: null External entry point Trigger.LeadTrigger: line 5, column 1

Actually, according to your code, you are allowing the record to be created and saved to the database by using after insert. Your before insert failed because your handler class is referencing an Id, however, if you use before logic, the record isn't saved to the database yet, meaning it doesn't have an Id. With that being said, let's try the following. :)
The Trigger (Best practice is to have one trigger with all events):
trigger TestTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
if(Trigger.isafter && Trigger.isInsert)
//Can't conduct DML operations with or trigger.old
//So we will create a set and send this to our handler class
Set<Id> leadIds = Trigger.newMap.keySet();
The Handler Class:
public class LeadTriggerHandler {
public static void duplicateMerge(Set<Id> idsFromTrigger){
//Querying the database for the records created during the trigger
List<Lead> leadTrigger = [SELECT Id, LastName FROM Lead WHERE Id IN: idsFromTrigger];
List<String> lastNames = new List<String>();
//This set is important as it prevents duplicates in our dml call later on
Set<Lead> deDupedLeads = new Set<Lead>();
List<Lead> leadsToDelete = new List<Lead>();
for (Lead l : leadTrigger){
//getting all of the Last Names of the records from the trigger
//We are querying the database for records that have the same last name as
//the records that were created during our trigger
List<Lead> leadList = [SELECT Id, Name, Email, Phone, FirstName, LastName FROM Lead WHERE LastName IN: lastNames];
for(Lead leadInTrigger : leadTrigger){
for(Lead leadInList : leadList){
if(leadInTrigger.LastName == leadInList.LastName){
//if the lead from the trigger has the same last name as a lead that
//already exists, add it to our set
//add all duplicate leads from our set to our list and delete them
delete leadsToDelete;
This handler has been bulkified in two ways, we removed the DML operation out of the loop and the code is able to process a scenario where someone mass inserts 1000s of leads at a time. Plus, rather than querying every lead record in your database, we only query for records that have the same last name as the records created during the insert operation. We advise using something more unique than LastName like Email or Phone as many people/leads can have the same Last Name. Hope this helps and have a blessed one.


Fetching id field of an entity in the SQL Transaction

I have the following schema.
Person(pid, pname)
Beer(bid, bname)
I would like to insert a likes item. However, I am accepting the following format for the new users : (Pid, pname, bid, bname).
I would like to create a transaction for that to avoid conflict ( This is a highly simplified version of my real problem but the issue is the same). In my Person table, I set pid Auto-Increment(or Serial in Postgresql). Also the same goes for bid.
I have stuck in a point where I know the Person does not exist but the beer exists. So, I have to create a Person, then add an entity to Likes relation.
As far as I know, when I use the Autocommit(false) in dB, the transaction won't save until the commit. So, should I change the db design:
Change the auto-increment field to a normal integer, not null field.
In the transaction, after the autoCommit(false) has begun, read the last entry of the person
Increment it by one while creating the new person
Then create likes relation
Or, is there any other way around or do I miss something about transactions?
Here is what I have done so far:
try {
String add_person_sql = "INSERT INTO Person (name) VALUES(?)";
PreparedStatement add_person_statement = mydb.prepareStatement(add_person_sql);
String add_likes_sql = "INSERT INTO Likes (pid, bid) VALUES(?, ?)";
PreparedStatement add_likes_statement = mydb.prepareStatement(add_likes_sql);
add_person_statement.setString(1, pname);
// The problem is, without saving the person I cannot know the id of the person
// AFAIK, this execution is not finished until commit occurs
// How can I fetch person's id
add_likes_statement.setString(1, pid);
add_likes_statement.setString(2, bid);
catch(Exception e){
You can tell JDBC to return the generated ID from the insert statement, then you can use that ID to insert into the likes table:
mydb.prepareStatement(add_person_sql, new String[]{"pid"});
The second parameter tells the driver to return the generated value for the pid column.
Alternatively you can use
mydb.prepareStatement(add_person_sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
that tells the driver to detect the auto increment columns.
Then run the insert using executeUpdate()
add_person_statement.setString(1, pname);
int newPid = -1;
ResultSet idResult = add_person.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
newPid = idResult.getInt(1);
add_likes_statement.setString(1, newPid);
add_likes_statement.setString(2, bid);

Apex code to update new Opportunity with values from related object

What would be the proper method to update a list of new Opportunities with the values from a related record.
for (Opportunity{
[SELECT Id, CorpOwner__r, Contact__r,(SELECT Id, AccountLocation from Account)]
o.CorpOwner__r =Account.Id; o.AccountLocation = opps.Account.AccountLocation;
insert opps
Do you call the lookup fields by the __r suffix? Could you do a before insert operation and still look up the Opportunity.CorpOwner__r relationship to values in the CorpOwner__r Account record, or does that relationship not exist since the record has not been created? What would be a proper batchified way to go about it?
Here's a possibility that demonstrates a number of concepts:
trigger UpdateOpptyWithAccountInfo on Opportunity (before insert) {
// Keep this SOQL query out of the FOR loop for better efficiency/batching
Map<Id, Account> relatedAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>(
[SELECT Id, AccountLocation__c
FROM Account
(SELECT AccountId
FROM Opportunity
for (Opportunity o : {
/* Find each opportunity's Account in the map we queried for earlier
* Note: there's probably a more efficient way to use a Map of Opportunity IDs to Account objects...
* This works fine and could be more readable.
for (Account a : relatedAccounts.values()) {
if (a.Id == o.AccountId) {
// Once you've found the account related to this opportunity, update the values
o.CorpOwner__c = a.Id;
o.AccountLocation__c = a.AccountLocation__c;
// We're still inside an `insert` trigger, so no need to call `insert` again.
// The new fields will be inserted along with everything else.
If you're establishing the relationship between objects, use the __c suffix:
o.CorpOwner__c = a.Id; // Associate Account `a` as Opportunity `o`'s CorpOwner
If you're looking up a field on a related object, then you would use __r:
System.debug(o.CorpOwner__r.Name); // Print Opportunity `o`'s CorpOwner's name

Apex Trigger to Update Lookup Field (Contact)

Need some advise on how to populate a lookup field (contact) via apex trigger
I've created a lookup field called Contact__c on Idea object.
I would like to populate the Contact__c with the createdby User if it was originated from the web (CreatedBy.Contact.Account.Name == "Web Ideas") and leave it empty for internal idea creation.
I have read up and created the following trigger and was able to save and run. However, upon saving the idea record, i am getting an error : UpdateContactonComplaints: data changed by trigger for field Contact: id value of incorrect type: 005N0000000l9iMIAQ
trigger UpdateContactonComplaints on Idea (before insert, before Update) {
list<id> oid = new list<id>();
for(Idea o:{
map<id, Idea> ExtendU = new map<id, Idea>(
[select CreatedbyID from Idea where id in: oid]);
for(Idea o:{
o.Contact__c = ExtendU.get(;
In the Trigger, the user id(id of the User who created the idea) is assigned to Contact custom lookup field).
So, it throws an error, data changed by trigger for field Contact: id value of incorrect type:

Prevent duplicate values on bulk insert (Salesforce)

I need a trigger that receives data from users (Bulk load of about 1000 records) and store them in a Salesforce database. The problem is that users can show up more than once in or even on a different batch. The custom object name is CBK_User and has an EXTERNAL_ID (unique) called USER_ID. In my code I check that the users does not yet exist in the database:
Map<String, CBK_User__c> users = new Map<String,CBK_User__c>
([select Id, USER_ID__c from CBK_User__c where USER_ID__c in : userIds]);
(userIds has the external ids of the objects)
When a I try to insert, it gives me the error:
DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: USER_ID__c duplicates value on
record with id: a1QJ0000000HRd8"
How do I prevent duplicate values on bulk insert?
I've adapted your problem to this basic example (Exercise 2: Lead duplicate prevention)
You should clean first the "new" list from duplicated entries, and then clean from existing in db.
trigger CBK_UserDuplicatePreventer on CBK_User__c (before insert, before update) {
//Enter a map declaration to hold records which we will add,
// this will become a unique map, no duplicate values within it.
Map<String, CBK_User__c> cbkUserMap = new Map<String, CBK_User__c>();
//The next few lines loop across the array of records that are passed into
//the trigger in bulk fashion from any API or User Interface database operation.
//The goal of this loop is to ensure that there are no duplicates within
//the batch that we have received and to gather a list of externalIds that we will use later
for (CBK_User__c cbkUser : {
/* Make sure we don't treat an externalId that
isn't changing during an update as a duplicate. */
if ((cbkUser.USER_ID__c != null) && (System.Trigger.isInsert ||
(cbkUser.USER_ID__c != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(cbkUser.Id).USER_ID__c))) {
// Make sure another new CBK_User__c isn't also a duplicate
if (cbkUserMap.containsKey(cbkUser.USER_ID__c)) {
cbkUser.USER_ID__c.addError('Another new CBK_User__c has the same USER_ID.');
} else {
cbkUserMap.put(cbkUser.USER_ID__c, cbkUser);
// Using a single database query, find all the CBK_User__c in
// the database that have the same USER_ID as ANY
// of the CBK_User__c being inserted or updated. */
for (CBK_User__c cbkUser : [SELECT USER_ID__c FROM CBK_User__c WHERE USER_ID__c IN :cbkUserMap.KeySet()]) {
CBK_User__c newCbkUser = cbkUserMap.get(cbkUser.USER_ID__c);
newCbkUser.USER_ID__c.addError('A CBK_User__c with this USER_ID already exists.');

Implementing if-not-exists-insert using Entity Framework without race conditions

Using LINQ-to-Entities 4.0, is there a correct pattern or construct for safely implementing "if not exists then insert"?
For example, I currently have a table that tracks "user favorites" - users can add or remove articles from their list of favorites.
The underlying table is not a true many-to-many relationship, but instead tracks some additional information such as the date the favorite was added.
FavoriteId int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
UserId int not null,
ArticleId int not null
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_UserFavorite_1 ON UserFavorite (UserId, ArticleId);
Inserting two favorites with the same User/Article pair results in a duplicate key error, as desired.
I've currently implemented the "if not exists then insert" logic in the data layer using C#:
if (!entities.FavoriteArticles.Any(
f => f.UserId == userId &&
f.ArticleId == articleId))
FavoriteArticle favorite = new FavoriteArticle();
favorite.UserId = userId;
favorite.ArticleId = articleId;
favorite.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;
The problem with this implementation is that it's susceptible to race conditions. For example, if a user double-clicks the "add to favorites" link two requests could be sent to the server. The first request succeeds, while the second request (the one the user sees) fails with an UpdateException wrapping a SqlException for the duplicate key error.
With T-SQL stored procedures I can use transactions with lock hints to ensure a race condition never occurs. Is there a clean method for avoiding the race condition in Entity Framework without resorting to stored procedures or blindly swallowing exceptions?
You can also write a stored procedure that uses some new tricks from sql 2005+
Use your combined unique ID (userID + articleID) in an update statement, then use the ##RowCount function to see if the row count > 0 if it's 1 (or more), the update has found a row matching your userID and ArticleID, if it's 0, then you're all clear to insert.
Update tablex set userID = #UserID, ArticleID = #ArticleID (you could have more properties here, as long as the where holds a combined unique ID) where userID = #UserID and ArticleID = #ArticleID
if (##RowCount = 0)
Insert Into tablex ...
Best of all, it's all done in one call, so you don't have to first compare the data and then determine if you should insert. And of course it will stop any dulplicate inserts and won't throw any errors (gracefully?)
You could try to wrap it in a transaction combined with the 'famous' try/catch pattern:
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
// your thing...
catch (UpdateException ex)
// here the second request ends up...