Storyblok field-type plugin upgrade - plugins

I have written a custom Storyblok field-type plugin which works like a charm. But I am missing some extra data to be stored. Now I updated this plugin, saved it and published again. But now all places where I used this field-type plugin are broken.
Is there a 'best practice' for incrementally upgrade your Storyblok plugin without breaking existing usages? Or do I just need to remove all old usages and add the field again to each Storyblok story? In other words. Create the Storyblok plugin once and never change it again.
With new features etc just create a new plugin with kind of versioning numbers like 'plugin-X-v1' and 'plugin-X-v2' and go through your whole content to find the plugins, remove old and add new one?


Full build of modernizr3?

I'm using modernizr in my MVC application, and I'd like to use the inputformaction detect added in Modernizr v3. The latest version available on nuget is 2.8.3. So that means I need to add it independently from nuget. There doesn't seem to be any official full build.
The only thing I can find on their website is Download, which prompts me to create a custom build. If I select the features I'm using now, then I'll need to come back to this website every time I want a new detect, and remember all the options I chose last time. That's not really practical. I've also found that you can make custom builds using a node package and a .json definition file. I don't really feel like installing node just for this if I can avoid it.
All I want is a complete build of modernizr. Is there any way to do it other than writing a script to check all the checkboxes on their download page?
There is no such thing as a "complete" build of Modernizr. While it may be a minor inconvenience for you to rebuild when you need new detects, it can cost your users tons of time and money downloading and running javascript that is completely unneeded. There are a bunch of tools that will automate the custom build for you (bower, npm, grunt-modernizr, gulp-modernizr).
If you want a build that contains all of the options - which again is huge and horrible on perf, you can use

Naming audio plug-ins using JUCE framework

I've been working on developing some audio plugins recently using the JUCE framework. I'm having an issue regarding naming the plugin. I've created separate projects for entirely different plugins. However when I load the plugin by starting Logic Pro X, I seem to only get the most recent plugin that I built, however, the plugin is always title as the very first plugin that I made. That is to say, It seems that when I make a new plugin, it takes on the name of my previous plugin and replaces it.
I've tried renaming the Plugin Code, but the AU validation tool recognizes the plugin as having the Plugin Code of the previous plugin.
Has anyone come across this problem or have any suggesting as to what might be causing it?
Additionally, I was using the WDL framework before using JUCE and had the same problem. This of course makes me think that the problem is not specific to JUCE or WDL.
Any input is appreciated, Thanks!
Open the Introjucer with one of your projects and select the "Config" tab in the left panel. Then select your project at the top of the tree view.
In the right panel, you should see 2 fields called "Plugin Manufacturer Code" and "Plugin Code".
Your other project should have the same Plugin Manufacturer code, but a different Plugin Code to uniquely identify each plugin.

Wordpress download plugin with older file versions

I'm looking for a way to offer downloads of files that change a lott. I like to have one file item in the list, but also offer the 'older' downloads. A good example is the way filehippo offers files. You can click CCleaner, but then your also offered the older versions. So if you need those, they are easily found. And old files don't clutter the general list.
I couldn't find a plugin that advertises such a feature.
Any suggestions?
did you try Wordpress Download Manager?
I haven't used it much, but you can add categories to uploads to organize them. So for your problem, you could just make sure you use the File Manager after installing the plugin, and assign categories to each upload, then list groups of them you want to display. Make sure you put the version in the file name and you should be able to keep it organized.
See more on their information page. You can even make packages of downloads, etc. Hope it helps.
Below steps helps me download any version of the plugin
Go to plugin page on WordPress site ex:
Open any plugin screenshot/image. It will open link straight to image ex:
Change above URL and go to 1 folder before assets which will allow you to browse directory, go to tags folder (ex:
From there you will be able to see and download any version of the plugin.
Only works for plugins that are in WP store.

To modify a core eclipse plugin

In order to modify an eclipse plugin, what are the steps to find its editable code ?
I read and debug source provided with eclipse distribution but to try a fix in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation behavior I need to make it editable.
Well, the source repository is available at, the plugin compiled with the source should be available from the standard eclipse update site.
I'm guessing you are considering changing the source, recompiling and using your plugin instead of the standard one? There is a different way to change functionality, its with fragments. For example, look at a question I asked earlier, follow the links in my text and Andrews answer for more information.

Problem with update site categories in Eclipse 3.4

I am using Eclipse 3.4 (ganymede official, not the service pack).
I have an update site that organizes features into categories; everything looks great in the editor and in the XML.
Once the site is online, accessing it in the usual manner tells me that all the features are "uncategorized". I've tried from multiple computers running 3.4 and the same problem persists.
What is curious is that I used Eclipse 3.3, and it saw the categories well, though of course it wasn't able to instlal the plugins which are made from 3.4.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a known problem?
It appears to be a known problem, due to the new 'p2' provisioning system.
See this discussion, and this bug. What it seems to say is... "stay put until 3.5M3, and then try it again".
This solution works for me:
Use the PDE update site project to create the site.xml and build your plugins. Make sure you set the category here.
Delete the artifacts.xml and content.xml created by the update site build.
Use the P2 Metadata Generator to generate your artifacts and content files. I use the compress option so I'm getting jars.
The update site should include: the site.xml, content & artifacts jars, features and plugins folders.
If you follow this procedure, it will work just fine in Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4. Naturally, you should automate this process with Ant.
Important notes:
I never got the metadata generator Ant task to work, so I invoke it in its' Java form (the second example in the link above).
Make sure you clear the artifacts and content xmls before the generation
Inputs: site.xml and built plugins/features folders
Specify the metadataRepositoryName which is the update site title (shown to the user in some cases)
I'll do my best to blog about it soon...
Let me know if you have any questions.
What seems to work for me is to put the tag, defining the category in the site.xml, before the tag including the other category tag. If you add the category with eclipse's editor after adding the feature, it'll have messed that up...
A no-brainer for most..but it can be a problem for newbies on Eclipse update sites: be sure to add your feauture as a child under the category: