Is there a way to quickly check every table in a mongodb database with the column "title"? - mongodb

Is there a way to quickly check every table in a mongodb database with the column "title"? I need to identify every table or rather collection where there's a column with the word "title", is there a way to do this using a mongodb query?

In Mongo there is no straight forward query to check all collections and fields. Instead, you can get a list of all collections using getCollectionInfos and then query each collection to see if there exists the field that you are looking for.
result = db.getCollection({"title":{$exists:true}});
if(result != null){
This will not look for nested documents, though.


Translating MySQL NOT IN to MongoDB

I've recently started using MongoDB, and while translating queries, I've stumbled upon a problem when trying to translate MySQL NOT IN query.
What I'm trying to do is find ids that are not present in another collection. I need a way to return how many of these ids there are and then a list of these ids.
In MySQL, these ids are in a table called songs and are named spotify_id. I am checking against a table named artists where the ids are called track_id.
MySQL Query:
SELECT spotify_id FROM songs WHERE spotify_id NOT IN (SELECT artists.track_id FROM artists)
My current code using MongoDB:
track_ids = artists.find({}, {'track_id': 1})
track_ids_list = [d.get('track_id') for d in track_ids]
# Getting amount of ids not present in artists
tracks_num = songs.count_documents({'spotify_id': {'$nin': track_ids_list}})
# Getting tracks not present in artists
tracks = songs.find({'spotify_id': {'$nin': track_ids_list}})
The MongoDB query seems to return a positive number of documents, even when all of the ids should be present in both collections. The MySQL query works perfectly on the same database.
Is there a better way to perform a NOT IN query in MongoDB?
Thank you!

Duplicate the documents in same collection in mongo

Is there a way to duplicate the records in a collection into the same collection ? I am trying to generate lots of records and hence this is needed.
If you just want to duplicate easy way is like below
A quick but maybe not the most efficient way to do that could be:
Get all the documents of the collection
For each one re-write the ObjectId with a new value
Insert the modified document inside the collection
With mongo shell you could do that using the forEach as follows:
doc._id = new ObjectId();
This way, each time you run this query, all the documents in the collection are duplicated.

Using MongoDB to query selected field

I am trying to query out the data from my MongoDB database but there are some fields which I would like to omit as MongoDB will query the whole collections with id, n out.
I did this to limit the query but unfortunately only one field could be omitted but not the other which is the 'n' field. How can I omit two fields?
data = collection.find_one({"files_id": file_id},{"_id":0,"data":1})
And I also realized that my query for data has the field name (u'data') too, how can I query it so that it only returns the data? for this case it's a binary data
{u'data': Binary('\x00\x00\xed\x00\n\x00\x00\xd5\xa9\x00\x000\x00\x00\x00#\x00\x00\x0f\xff\xf0\x00\x0b\x80\x00\x00\x00
Kindly assist thanks!

how could mongodb use query condition, index, sort at the same time?

My company project use mongodb as database.
Current data structure is like below: (for table user)
Because this data will be supported by any query condition and sort condtion (more than one).
You know mongodb has to use combine field index at first, but I can't use index for every combination of fields.
So i try to change data structure like below:
If I still use db.collection.find() function ,i can't use sort. Cause I can't accomplish that when data.key = username, sort data.value
If I use db.coolection.aggregate() function, i can't support sort for more than one field.
So how can I achieve my goal?
Is there any other data structure design?
Or is there any options I can do for find or aggregate function?

Get a document in MongoDB without specifying collection

MongoDB IDs are unique for a single database cluster. Is it possible to get documents using their IDs, without specifying the collection name?
If yes, how?
If no, why not?
Yes, but not in a scalable way (since you must query each collection). If you have 2 or 3 collections, this might be ok, but... you probably should review your design to figure out why you're doing this. Why are you, by the way?
You get a list of all of the collections in the database.
You loop through them, and query based on _id
Sample shell code:{});{});{});{});{});{});
db.test2.findOne(); // gives: { "_id" : ObjectId("4f62635623809b75e6b8853c") }
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collName) {
var doc = db.getCollection(collName).findOne({"_id" : ObjectId("4f62635623809b75e6b8853c")});
if(doc != null) print(doc._id + " was found in " + collName);
gives: 4f62635623809b75e6b8853c was found in test2
ObjectId is designed to be globally unique (worldwide, not just within a single cluster). And it pretty much is.
It includes time, machine id, process id and a random number. However, it does not include database or collection name. Therefore, it is impossible to fetch a document using only the id. You have to provide database and collection names as well.