Test password quality with powershell - powershell

Running this script in powershell the passwords.txt file containing the default password that is being used for accounts.
But when I run it outputs the quality report but with no numbers.
Also once the script is put through it asks for a filter which I input: samAccountName -like '*,OU=Mgmt,DC=balrok,DC=edu'
$Passwords = Get-Content -Path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\passwords.txt
Get-ADUser | Test-PasswordQuality
Note: The Test-PasswordQuality cmdlet is part of the third-party DSInternals module.


Bult attribute edit in local AD

I'm trying to find a PowerShell script that updates the title attrubute in AD for a large number of users. I was hoping to find a script that imports the changes from a csv file and updates the atribute only for the users in the list. I found the below script but apparently it is working only for Azure AD, and I need it for the local AD. Perhaps someone more switche on than me can help me amend the below script.
#Import Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Import CSV File to set variable for the user’s logon name + update data + delimiter
$Users = Import-CSV -Delimiter ";" -Path "c:\psscripts\users.csv"
#Using your code to filter AD Sam Accounts listed CSVData is listed with the information you wish to update
Foreach($user in $users){
#Using your code to filter AD Sam Accounts Based on column samaccountname in the csv file
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.samaccountname)'" | Set-ADUSer `
-title $($User.Title)`
That code is fine, beyond some variable consistency and lack of checks, and does target local AD, though use of that deliminator would likely be unusual if you're just using a standard csv file. If you have the data in an excel document with the column headers of "SamAccountName" (typically email addresses) and "Title", and then save the file as a csv, the below amended code should work for you. Added logic to test for blank Title, as you can't assign a blank value to an attribute.
#Import Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Import CSV File with AD SAM account and Title data from users.csv in the C:\psscripts directory of your computer
$Users = Import-CSV -Path "c:\psscripts\users.csv" | Where {$_}
#Filter AD Sam Accounts listed in CSV and update title for listed accounts
Foreach($user in $Users){
#Check for value of $user.Title in case of null value
If ($user.Title){
#Filter AD Sam Accounts Based on column SamAccountName in the csv file and update the account Title field
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.SamAccountName)'" | Set-ADUSer -Title $($user.Title)
else {
#Filter AD Sam Accounts Based on column SamAccountName in the csv file and clear the account Title field
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($user.SamAccountName)'" | Set-ADUSer -clear -Title
I'd recommend testing it on a test user account or two before going whole hog on your actual list. Goes without saying that you need to be logged into a PS session as a domain account with adequate privileges to make the changes to the accounts when running the script. VS Studio Code is a good environment to work in, and you can launch the program as the elevated account (shift + right-click program icon, choose run as a different user) within your normal account environment, to sandbox the privileges to just what you're working on in VS Studio Code.
If you are trying to work in Azure AD, you'd need to add these lines and approve your account access request within Azure, depending on your tenant setup, to actually run the script successfully. Depending on the tenant configuration, this may be required in a hybrid AD/Azure AD environment regardless of your intent to apply to local AD.
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All", "Directory.ReadWrite.All"
Select-MgProfile -Name "beta"
Best regards, no warranties given or implied, please accept as answer if this works for you.

Powershell GPO Login Script checking AD resource group membership

The system I have to work with uses AD resource group membership to manage most of the permissions for users and computers. I have been asked to improve the current logon script as it currently contains some VB ADSISEARCHER calls. I started trying to do this purely in powershell but have hit a number of hurdles.
Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module. Then I tried the .net approach with System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry although this is a step away from a pure PowerShell solution at least it isn't as Legacy as the VB route. However when I try to build the object it also appears to be missing the name space.
First Attempt:
function Get-UserResourceMembership
# Username or Groupname to Discover Group Membership
$Groups = #(Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $User)
foreach($ADGroup in $Groups)
if($ADGroup.ObjectClass -eq "Group")
Get-UserResourceMembership $ADGroup
$GrpMembership = #($ADGroup)
return ,$GrpMembership
Second Attempt:
# $rootGroup is passed in from earlier in the script
$groupname = $rootGroup.'Group Name'
$filter = ("(&(objectCategory=Group)(name=$($groupname)))")
$searcher.Filter = $filter
$searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$searchResults = $searcher.FindAll().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf |
% { (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://"+$_)) } |
Sort-Object Children | select #{name="Group Name";expression={$_.Name}}
foreach($resource in $searchResults)
if($resource.'Group Name' -match "<Groupname>")
$printResource += $resource
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group membership [nested] from Active Directory from a standard users login script??? Any idea's much appreciated....
PS I can't change the way the system is designed (above my pay grade).
As for ...
• Target machines do not have the Active Directory Module installed
• The users logging into the system have a restricted user accounts
• The resource groups are nested so the script needs to handle this
Does not matter, they do not need to be installed on a client to use
them. You can use PSRemoting to proxy those using 'Implicit
Remoting'. The cmdlets are only available in the remote session.
Does not matter, as every user has read access, by default to ADDS
in Windows.
You can get to those using the cmdlets you are using and
there are even pre-built scripts in the Microsoft PowershellGallery.com
for this as well.
As for …
I have tried a couple of approaches firstly the pure Powershell Cmdlet
method of Get-ADGroup or Get-ADPricipalGroupMembership but these
Cmdlet's require the Active Directory Module.
As noted above, this can be addressed as described below:
PowerShell Implicit Remoting: Never Install a Module Again
Remote Session
# create a session then import a module via the session, for example:
$adsess = New-PSSession -ComputerName savdaldc01
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess
Get-ADUser -Filter *
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
# It's also possible to prefix modules loaded from remote servers to differentiate from local modules, e.g.
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -PSSession $adsess -Prefix OnDC
Get-OnDCADUser -Filter * #I don't have regular Get-ADUser anymore
Remove-Module ActiveDirectory
Remove-PSSession $adsess
As for ...
Does anyone in the community have any suggestions how to pull group
membership [nested]
Get nested group membership - function
This function will recursively enumerate members of a given group
along with nesting level and parent group information. If there is a
circular membership, it will be displayed in Comment column.It accepts
input from pipeline and works well with get-adgroup. Download:
As well as just doing this...
We can get group members by using the Active Directory powershell
cmlet Get-ADGroupMember. The Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet provides the
option to get all the nested group members by passing the parameter
-Recursive. This powershell script also handles circular membership (infinite loop) problem.
Function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers
[String] $Group
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
($Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive)
Get-ADNestedGroupMembers "Domain Admins" | Select Name,DistinguishedName
or this way.
function Get-NestedGroupMember
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $Identity
$userdn = $user.DistinguishedName
$strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$userdn)"
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter $strFilter -ResultPageSize 1000
All of the methods below list all groups including nested groups.
The example below would execute a gpresult command in the user's context. The gpresult outputs to an XML file within the user's local profile, which they should have full access to already. Then the XML file is read and traversed through each node until you reach the node containing the groups. The group list contains local and domain groups and is outputted directly to the console. This can easily be stored in a variable or output to a file. If you only want domain groups, that could easily be filtered from here with a Regex. It requires that the client machines are running at least Windows Vista SP1 or later.
gpresult /USER "$env:userdomain\$env:username" /X "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml"
$xml = [xml](Get-Content "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml")
$xml.Rsop.UserResults.SecurityGroup.Name."#text" # Displays the groups
Remove-Item "$env:userprofile\rsop.xml" # Removes the XML file
You could also use a potentially use Regex matching to find the group list:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupsUnfiltered = (($out | out-string) -split "-{10,}")[-1]
$Groups = ($GroupsUnfiltered.trim() -replace "(?m)^\s+","") -split "(?m)\r?\n"
The following can also work if your group list always begins with a predictable group like Domain Users in this example:
$out = gpresult /R /USER $env:username
$GroupList = $out.where({$_ -match "domain users"},'SkipUntil').trim()
This code assumes that the users and machines are joined to the same domain or are at least joined to trusted domains. The second code snippet assumes every user is in the Domain Users group and the machines are natively PowerShell v4 or higher.

Update Job Descriptions in AD using Email Addresses Using PowerShell

I am currently attempting to write a powershell script that will update the Job Description of Various Users in Active Directory via a CSV File
The identifier I have been given to use is the User's Email Address instead of Username (Which I think would of been easier!)
Can anyone assist as I am struggling to write anything effective that works! :(
Ok, suppose your .csv looks like this:
"user1#mydomain.com","New job description for user1"
"user2#mydomain.com","New job description for user2"
"user3#mydomain.com","New job description for user3"
you could then do something like
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-CSV -Path <PATH-TO-YOUR-CSV-FILE> | Foreach-Object {
# properties from the csv
$mail = $_.email
$title = $_.jobtitle
Get-ADUser -Filter {(mail -eq "$mail")} | Set-ADUser -Title $title

Command to Unlock a locked domain user

I'v been using these to list locked users in my domain and prompt me for input samaccountname to unlock desired one:
I did it with 3 file.
first one is ps1 to list all of them
import-module activedirectory
search-adaccount -lockedout | select name, samaccountname, OU
second one is another ps1 file:
$user = Read-Host "Enter user account (SAMACCOUNTNAME) to unlock or press ENTER to refresh list"
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Where {$_.samaccountname -eq $user} | Unlock-ADAccount
and for executing above files, i use a .bat file:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\ps\lockedlist.ps1
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\ps\unlock.ps1
goto loop
and when i run it... it list all locked users and i can copy paste each samaacount name to unlock them
BUT the problem is,when I want to do it with ONE ps1 file it doesnt work. it just ask for samaccountname but it doesnt list it
import-module activedirectory
search-adaccount -lockedout | select name, samaccountname, OU
$user = Read-Host "Enter user account (SAMACCOUNTNAME) to unlock or press ENTER to refresh list"
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Where {$_.samaccountname -eq $user} | Unlock-ADAccount
i know .bat file will be pretty same...
thanks to anyone who reads and helps.
Powershell always tries to optimize the output it gives for you. So the order of the output might not be the same as you expect it from the commands you have in a script. If possible it will concatenate output to be more readable especially when it's the same type of objects. To break this you could use a format cmdlet like Format-Table par example.
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut |
Select-Object -Property Name, sAMAccountName, DistinguishedName |
$user = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter user account (SAMACCOUNTNAME) to unlock or press ENTER to refresh list'
Search-ADAccount -LockedOut |
Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.samaccountname -eq $user} |
At least, it worked in my environment.
And BTW: Since Powershell version 3 you don't need to explicitly import the modules anymore. They will be imported automaticaly. Better would be to use a #Requires statement like #Requires -Modules activedirectory on top of the script. That would even prevent the script to run if there's no active directory module installed

Powershell results different based on save location

I am using powershell to extract all users from an OU who have not signed into their account in 365 number of days.
import-module activedirectory
get-aduser -SearchBase 'ou=staff,ou=brummitt,dc=DUNELAND,dc=LOCAL' -filter 'enabled -eq $true' -Properties samaccountname,lastlogondate |
Where-object {$_.lastlogondate -lt (get-date).AddDays(-365)} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty samaccountname >>'C:\stale\brummitt.txt'
In attempt to organize the folder these are stored in I have created a folder in my servers C: drive called stale and have a folder called scripts in which the powershell scripts are stored.
When I run the script with powershell and the save extension is C:\stale\brummitt.txt it outputs all users in that OU. When the save location is C:\brummitt.txt it returns the correct users who have not signed in for over a year. Why would the results be changing based on the save location and how can this be combated?
I am running the powershell script from within the scripts folder.
Did you try using Tee-Object as a part of the pipeline?, that will give you the opotunity to check the stream to the file on console,