Google Cloud Client for Cloud Storage with App Engine Standard (Python 2.7) - google-cloud-storage

I'm trying to use Google Cloud Storage with App Engine Standard (Python 2.7).
I've been trying to follow the simple 4-step installation instructions here:
After following the instructions, when trying to run, I get a message "ImportError: No module named pkg_resources" caused by the import pkg_resources at the top of I don't understand how this is supposed to work, since the vendor.add call comes later in the file, so the pkg_resources installed in lib is not yet available. If pkg_resources is supposed to be present elsewhere, where? Somewhere in the app engine installation? How would it get there?
I do already have other third-party libraries installed and working in lib, so that part of the configuration is probably ok. That being said, these instructions do install A LOT of libraries into this app-specific lib folder, which I'd love to avoid if possible.
Anyway, I can work around this pkg_resources problem by importing pkg_resources after the vendor.add call (but it leaves me concerned that the instructions aren't working).
With the workaround, I then get "ImportError: No module named moves" from file C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\google\, line 29, in 'from six.moves import http_client`. There is no "six" folder in "lib", only "".
I feel as if I may be missing something, since the original instructions are so simple, yet not working for me. Can anyone help?


pyodbc has a .pyi file but mypy doesn't see the stub file

pyodbc has a .pyi file but when running pytest-mypy, I have this error:
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
3: error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "pyodbc"
3: note: See
This should only happen when the library doesn't have stub files but it appears there are stub files. What should I do?
I'm using Python 3.10.2 and i've updated pyodbc to the latest version (pyodbc==4.0.34)
Let's assume your python is installed in /usr. In that case, your python executable will be in /usr/bin, and any libraries you install with pip will be installed in /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages. In this case, all the sources for pyodbc can be found in /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyodbc.
Following this pattern we would expect to find type stubs in /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyodbc.pyi, but there is an issue in pyodbc, so that the stubs are actually installed in /usr/pyodbc.pyi.
In order to pick up this path, you will need to modify settings in your development environment. In Linux, try setting PYTHONPATH=/usr in your environment. The link mentioned in rogdham's comment includes others' comments on how to make this work in VS Code. Other development environments should support similar workarounds.

Run simple swift script from terminal with imported library

I would like to migrate some python code to swift which includes numpy and found a library called Matft.
I'm doing this on a VM and Xcode is very slow, so it would be great to avoid that and use the terminal (ideally run the .swift from a shared folder), but than I got the error: "no such module".
I found that I could pass -I flag and specify a path for the lib, but does not working for me.
Can someone give an easy explanation how to import external library in such situation?

perl lib issue - not finding lib dir

For years I have been using the following at the top of my scripts:
use lib '/var/www/vhosts/';
That works fine when the lib is within the same domain space as the calling script.
However, I want to call in from a centralised library so I will have just one place to set db credentials.
So, if I adjust that line to call in from another account on the same server, it cannot find the library.
use lib '/var/www/vhosts/';
Running on plesk, if that may make a difference. Used to run on cPanel and I had no issue.
I would appreciate a pointer, having already read some docs and I am confused.
Only someone with access to the configuration of your web server can answer this for sure, but I'd guess that each of your vhosts is running as a different user and the users can only read files from their own web space.
This approach won't work. If you want to to have a centralised module library then either install the modules that you want in the system module library (i.e. where cpan will install them by default) or create your own new centralised library somewhere that isn't under one of the vhost directories (perhaps under /opt).
However, it's worth noting that best practices for deployment of applications are moving in completely the opposite direction. It's generally considered a good idea for each application to have its own set of dependencies installed in its own module library. Using a cpanfile to record the exact versions of the dependencies that you're using makes this simple.

How to create and compile a custom module in MongooseIM

System Info:
MongooseIM version: 3.0.0
Installed from: pkg
Erlang/OTP version: 18
Ubuntu 16.04
I am having trouble creating a standard base for a custom module. I want to create a simple hello world program as outlined in the documentation for ejabberd.
However, I cannot get it to work for MongooseIM. Are there any instructions for how to do this? As a beginner I am just looking for building blocks to creating my own modules, and everything I look at is a little too complex for what I am trying to achieve at the moment.
Here is the code for my module: (taken from ejabberd)
And here is my log error:
I have added the following line in my config file with all other running modules:
{mod_hello_world, []}
I am assuming it has something to do with the compilation and there being no .beam file created for the modules as well as some syntax errors specific to MongooseIM. I am also unfamiliar with documentation for compiling modules when using a pre-built pkg as opposed to installing from source.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a MongooseIM developer working for Erlang Solutions.
The link you posted hints at the answer to the immediate question:
If you compiled ejabberd from source code, you can copy that source code file with all the other ejabberd source code files, so it will be compiled and installed with them. If you installed some compiled ejabberd package, you can create your own module dir, see Managing Your Own Modules.
MongooseIM (a.k.a. MIM) does not support the latter method of managing modules, i.e. it's not possible to drop source code into some predefined location when MIM is installed from a package and let it just compile and run the module. If we want to write a custom module, we have to build MongooseIM from source.
To be precise, we don't have to build the whole server from source and package it ourselves. We have to, however, clone the repository, place the new module source there (due to build time requirements like header files) and build it there. Once we get a .beam file of the new module we can just drop it into an installed MongooseIM's code path.
To be even more precise, let's say we have installed MIM from mongooseim_3.0.0-1~ubuntu~artful_amd64.deb available from the Downloads page at, therefore we want to build a module compatible with 3.0.0:
Clone MIM: git clone
cd mongooseim
git checkout 3.0.0
Place mod_hello_world.erl under ./src/
rebar3 compile
Once rebar3 finishes get ./_build/default/lib/mongooseim/mod_hello_world.beam and copy to the target host where we installed MIM from a package.
Please note, though, that an example taken straight from ejabberd documentation might not work "as is" in MongooseIM. In this simple module, for example, we'll not be able to include logger.hrl as MongooseIM doesn't have such a header file - we would have to -include("mongoose_logger.hrl"). instead.

How can I import a .PYD module in IronPython?

I'm trying to use a python package from IronPython.
Everything works fine if I import regular python modules.
But when I try to do the following:
import win32ui
I get:
No module named win32ui
I've hunted through the code in IronPython.Runtime.Importer and there's no mention of .pyd
Anyone know a way around this?
You can check out IronClad which is working to provide this support. It may or may not work w/ your PYD of choice.
A .pyd file is a DLL. So unless IronPython (which is written in .net) can correctly load C DLLs written for CPython, you might be out of luck.
In fact, according to the IronPython FAQ, you are unfortunately unable to import .pyd files:
Q: How do I build and call into PYD libraries?
A: IronPython does not support using PYDs built for CPython since they
leverage implementation details of CPython. You can get a similar
effect for new "PYD"s you would like to implement by writing them in C#
or VB and building a DLL for .NET.