How Yocto handle multiple .bbappend with the same name? - yocto

For example, I am having meta-A/test.bbappend and meta-A/test.bbappend files.
meta-A/test.bbappend priority 10
SAME_VAR = "a"
meta-B/test.bbappend priority 5
SAME_VAR = "b"
DIFF_VAR = "b"
I think SAME_VAR will be "a" but what about DIFF_VAR?
Would meta-B/test.bbappend be completely ignored due to lower priority?

Every layer has its own priority defined in conf/layer.conf as BBFILE_PRIORITY variable. Priority of the layer defines in which order .bbappend files will append on original .bb.
You can check all layers in your project with
bitbake-layers show-layers
and you will also see the priorities.


Appending/overriding .conf files in Yocto build system

I have a distro layer "meta-clayer" from a 3rd party which i do not want to edit.
Is there any method in yocto to append/overwrite some settings in distro.conf in "meta-clayer" by appending it from my custom created layer similar to bbappend method.
Any inputs will be helpful.
Create your own layer "meta-my-layer", inside
LAYERDEPENDS_meta-my-layer = "clayer"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-my-layer = "100"
#Could be any number higher than the one in meta-clayer/conf/layer.conf
create your own distro in conf/distro/include/mydistro.conf
copy paste the distro of meta-clayer inside it and do your own modification.
Do not forget to update your DISTRO variable in conf/local.conf.
An other way would be to override "settings" in your local.conf file which is the file with the higher priority but this is really not advised and not the best practice.

How wildcarding effect recipe lookup process in yocto?

I have two recipe, One of them is "gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend" and its in meta-petalinux layer and the other recipe's name is "" and its in meta layer.
How wildcarding effects recipe lookup in build process ?
Could you please explain which recipe selected when priority of spesified layers are same, and which recipe selected when priority of spesified layers are different ?
gstreamer1.0_1.16.1.bbappend will be applied on only.
gstreamer1.0_%.bbappend will be applied on anything that matches the pattern: gstreamer1.0_ + whatever (e.g. version) + .bb.

Replace one variable in Yocto

I am using the raspberry pi layer and the IMAGE_CLASSES variable is set this way, I checked doing bitbake core-image-minimal -e | grep "^IMAGE_CLASSES".
I want to modify what is set in ../meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/include/, which defines how the image is partitioned. I want to avoid to edit this file from the raspberrypi layer.
# RaspberryPi BSP default settings
IMAGE_CLASSES += "sdcard_image-rpi"
I would like to use my own .class file. I tried creating a layer with a higher priority, the same filename, same location and different content, but still, bitbake -e returns the same content. And of course, this layer has been added in the bblayer.conf.
I also tried to add in my local.conf:
IMAGES_CLASSES_remove += "sdcard_image-rpi"
Again, no change.
Any idea?
I'm not sure I understand your intention. If you want to override a .class file completely, you can place modified version of it in your custom meta layer, and place your custom layer on top of bblayers.conf (your custom meta should be placed before the one you are overriding class from).
BTW: IMAGES_CLASSES_remove += "sdcard_image-rpi" does not look correct: you should either use _append / _remove override or '+=' operator, not both.

waf copy a file from source tree to the build tree

I have the following snippet, to copy a file as-is to the build dir:
for m in std_mibs:
print("Copying", m)
bld(name = 'cpstdmib',
rule = 'cp -f ${SRC} ${TGT}',
#source = m + '.mib',
source = bld.path.make_node(m + '.mib'), # <-- section 5.3.3 of the waf book
target = bld.path.get_bld().make_node(m + '.mib')
I see that this rule, though hit (from the print), the copy doesnt seem to be happening!
I also changed the source to use the make_node as shown, in an example in the section 5.3.3 of the waf book, still no luck! Am I missing something obvious here!?
Also, I have some rules after this, which rely on the copied files, and I tried adding
an intervening
I hope that the sequencing will work, if this copy succeeds
If you run the rule once, it will not be run again until source is updated. This is true even if the target is deleted, for instance (which is probably how you were testing.)
If you want to recopy if the target is deleted, you will need always=True, or you'll need to check for existence and set target.sig = None.
Two alternatives:
features="subst" with is_copy=True:
bld(features='subst', source='wscript', target='wscript', is_copy=True)
waflib.extras.buildcopy like this:
from waflib.extras import buildcopy
def build(bld):
cp is not platform independent.
A task_gen object is created, which later will become a Task, that will be executed before process_sources. Don't expect an immediate effect.
Have a look into your out dir, there will be out/${TGT} (not exactly, but ${TGT} path relative to your top directory)
This is totally to be expected behaviour, since you do not want to modify your source tree when building.

Is it possible to use variables in a ClearCase config spec?

For example, instead of writing the following:
element * .../my_branch_01/LATEST
element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch my_branch_01
I would want to write something like this:
element * .../%MY_BRANCH%/LATEST
element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch %MY_BRANCH%
Is this even possible? What is the correct syntax?
The only native way to do this in ClearCase is to use attribute within a config-spec.
According to the version selector rules, you can make a "selection by query" rule, based for instance on an attribute:
element * ...{MY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=="aValue"}
would select the LATEST version on any branch with an attribute 'MY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME' with 'aValue' in it.
That mean you need to change the attribute value on the old branch, put it on the new branch, 'cleartool setcs' your view again, and you should have a new content based on a new version selection.
Not very straight forward, but it could work, except for the mkbranch part (which needs a fixed name).
Regarding GeekCyclist's answer, a few comments:
The solution to include a common config spec can work for Base ClearCase solution, but:
need to be in a share available by all concerned developer
the setcs is indeed necessary to Ccuses the view_server to flush its caches and reevaluate the current config spec, which is stored in file config_spec in the view storage directory. This includes:
Evaluating time rules with nonabsolute specifications (for example, now, Tuesday)
Reevaluating –config rules, possibly selecting different derived objects than previously
Re-reading files named in include rules
all the other developers need to be notified when the common included config spec file changes (there is no native notification included in ClearCase)
If you need to have one "environment" (i.e. one "view" or workspace) with a variable content (depending on a different branch), you need to define a symbolic link (or a windows subst) pointing to different views (each with their own config spec)
That way, you only have to change the link (or the path subst'ed) in order to change the config spec associated with a given fixed path.
It's been a while since I worked in ClearCase (we switched to Subversion), but if I recall correctly there is no way to do this native to ClearCase.
You could use or write a script generator that would create your spec file and then include that in the actual spec:
element * CHECKEDOUT
include scripted_file_output
Then run
cleartool setcs -current
The problem with this approach is that I believe the include spec would need to be regenerated and the cleartool setcs run whenever you change the value of MY_BRANCH.