Best software to use to program a Pycom FiPy? - micropython

The two recommended editors for a pymakr project are:
Visual Studio Code alongside the Pymakr plugin, which flat-out doesn't work for me (and based on the predominately 1-star reviews it has, I'm not the only one).
Atom, which hasn't worked with the newest version of Node JS (a requirement for the pycom) in over 3 years.
And yet, I can't find anyone talking about alternatives. What do you use to program your pycom? Thanks!


Do the Spring Tools in the VsCode version have the same features as the Eclipse version?

I tried to find videos or texts explaining the difference, but I didn't find anything to convince me. I'm just getting started and I want to specialize in an IDE only, if possible. I'm studying JScript (vue) frameworks and I'm already using VSCode for that.
P.S .: forgiveness for my English. I know it's terrible
The Spring Tools 4 offerings differ indeed slightly between the different IDEs. In case you are already using Visual Studio Code, I would recommend to stay with that IDE, add the Java Extension Pack ( and the Spring Extension Pack ( to it, and go from there.
You can take a look at the readme of those extensions to see which features are included. The majority of the Spring specific tooling is included across the different IDES.
One bigger difference is the Spring Boot dashboard, which includes a bunch of features when used in Eclipse, but a lot less in the Visual Studio Code environment. That is probably the most noticeable difference.
In the end, this is more a matter of which IDE you prefer in general and go from there. And in case you are missing something specific, let us know. Your feedback and enhancement requests would be more than welcome.

Relationship between Eclipse, Aptana, PyDev, and LiClipse

I've been going nowhere but in circles trying to understand the odd relationships between and varying levels of "standalone-ness" of these tools.
I've been using Aptana Studio on OSX for about 4 years and been happy with it, however my recent update to 3.6 blew up so many things I ended up rolling back to 3.4 just so I could work.
For better or worse, I do like Aptana, but I'm not bound to it and am now very frustrated with the latest version, specifically that all the python stuff went haywire. Searching for help is painful, as threads and advice are many years old.
So, in way of questions:
can anyone explain the relationship between Eclipse, Aptana, PyDev, and LiClipse? And more importantly:
a recommendation that meets the following criteria
What I need/want is:
something free and open source
with a current and active community
easily themeable with dark colors so I'm not staring at the sun 8 hours a day
tight python features (pep, pylint, ability to jump to references with a keypress, etc)
tight html/css/javascript features
Like I said, I do like Aptana, just frustrated in the apparent lack of a current community and how it seems to be falling apart.
Well, I'm not sure this is a good question for stackoverflow... anyways, I'll try to explain how it goes:
Aptana Studio 3 is an IDE which is currently supported by Appcelerator. Their main focus is currently on supporting the Appcelerator mobile platform (actually that's Titanium Studio, but Aptana Studio 3 is the basis for it -- the languages they aim for are html/css/javascript, which is what's needed for Titanium)... Although they do integrate a pretty old version of PyDev too (as PyDev requires a newer java whereas they're still on an older version of Java, so, I guess it's currently hard for them to keep it up to date).
Back in the day, they supported the development of PyDev, but decided to stop that support some time ago -- there's a bit more history at:
After that, LiClipse ( was created out of my frustration to support dark themes and have support for more languages (it was a crowdfunded project -- it should've been an open source project, but didn't reach its goals for that, so, in the end it's closed source, and its revenue is a part of what keeps the PyDev development going on).
And at last, Eclipse is the basis for both platforms -- so, external plugins should integrate nicely into any of those.
Now, on the recommendation front:
LiClipse should meet your dark/python/html/css/javascript issues (its focus on the editors front is on being dark-themed/lightweight and easy to add support for new languages), but it's not completely open source (some parts of it have been made open source though:
Aptana Studio 3 should still work and give support for the dark/python/html/css/javascript too, but given that they have to convert some things from the PyDev Java to its own version, Python support is always a bit outdated (as for the current community/support, I can't really comment, but I guess you should be able to report problems to them to try to solve the issues you have).
And the other choice (which may be a bit more work to configure) would be using a bare Eclipse and installing PyDev and separate plugins for html/css/javascript (it seems there are multiple available, but I can't really comment on any of those).

Haxe/OpenFL in FlashBuilder/Eclipse?

I am looking for a possible solution of developing Haxe/OpenFL applications on a Mac.
While Windows has a very good IDE, the Macs are left much weaker support.
I tried every IDE I could find for mac that has a Haxe plug-in, but they often lack basic features and are pretty outdated and buggy.
Is there a way to install Haxe SDK and have an ability to use OpenFL API on Flash Builder (4.7 would be best)? Flash Builder is based on Eclipse, maybe I can find plug-in for Eclipse?
If not, how does one write their own plug-in?
NOTE: I know of Win emulators that helps to run FD on a Mac, but I cannot have that option right now.
there is a Haxe bundle for SublimeText 2 and i think it's quite complete for Haxe development
Lots of developer also say that IntelliJ is a way to go
But i have never try it yet.
There is a list of IDEs over here:
I'm not sure how up-to-date the list is. If you want to build an editor, consider joining this project

Netbeans and Insubstantial

I recently saw that there was an approach to integrate the Substance LAF with Netbeans that was abandoned in 2008. Now, the active development is made within the Insubstantial - project and since 2008, a lot of advances where made.
Everytime i see an article about Substance (and/or Flamingo) and Netbeans, the authors are using an outdated version of Substance, but not the new Insubstantial libraries.
Does someone know how to use them with Netbeans? The standard way by just adding the --laf parameter doesn't seem to work and i guess there wouldn't have been the integration project if it's that simple.
My target is to use a self-written SubstanceSkin with my Netbeans Platform application.
Kind regards,
You can try using -Dswing.defaultlaf in netbeans.conf.
For example :
Here is the documentation and the available skins.

Will emacs/vi ever be able to implement Intellisense/Refactorings as well as Visual Studio and Eclipse?

I love the old school editors because they enable users to absolutely fly through their code, editing almost as fast as they can think.
However, they suck balls at awareness of their environment, lacking robust implementations of features like Intellisense (pre-emptive strike: no, there really isn't an intellisense implementation in emacs that is trivial to install and doesn't suck) and common refactorings (pre-emptive strike #2: "global search and replace" does not a refactoring tool make). (i.e. It would be nice to be able to use nothing but vim to develop in .Net, but at the moment it is an ill-conceived undertaking at best).
I love Visual Studio/Eclipse/XCode because they are so integrated with their environments that I almost never need to look up API documentation, and can refactor fearlessly.
However, they suck balls at basic text manipulation and macros (relative to vi/emacs), are not available on all platforms (with exception of Eclipse), are likely either going to change nontrivially or perhaps just not be around in the next 10-20 years, and most importantly, are unable to run tetris.
Will we ever see the day when emacs or vi will be able to be as tightly integrated with .Net, Java and Objective-C projects as Visual Studio, Eclipse and XCode?
If not, is it because of proprietary concerns? (i.e. would require emacs to ship with a copy of the .Net framework)? Or is it just because at the moment our team doesn't have the manpower?
Why not load a Vi / Emacs emulator into Visual Studio / Eclipse and get the best of both worlds?
There are free versions of both for Visual Studio 2010 and above.
VsVim - Free
Emacs Emulator - Free
ViEmu - License Fee, works prior to VS 2010
Eclipse has some as well.
See eclim which provides Eclipse features for Emacs/Vim, so you can work in your favorite editor while having intelligent completion and other features supported by an Eclipse backend.
If we don't have the manpower to implement these features natively then the best we can do is to utilize the features implemented by others.
I think a significant part of the reason is technical and is due to Elisp: Elisp is very slow, and it lacks libraries. A good IDE requires a good parser, various auxiliary data-structures, and needs to be fast (e.g. parsing many files).