Execute sbt task with modified dependency - scala

I want to create a custom runLocal task that executes the sbt run task with modified unmanagedClasspath.
I want the unmanagedClasspath modification to only be visible/last while running runLocal, not run.
What I've tried in build.sbt:
Runtime / unmanagedClasspath ++= Seq(new java.io.File("src/main/my_resources")).classpath
val runLocal = taskKey[Unit]("Run app with my config")
runLocal := {
(Runtime / run).toTask("").value
The above works but the problem is that the modification of unmanagedClasspath is "global" and affects every task that uses this value.
How can I run runLocal with modified unmanagedClasspath that is not visible outside that task?

What I ended up doing is using a Command.
Commands have access to the state and are able to modify it.
val runLocal = Command.command("runLocal") { state =>
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
val localConfigClasspath = Seq(new java.io.File("src/main/my_resources")).classpath
val newState = extracted.appendWithoutSession(Seq(Runtime / unmanagedClasspath ++= localConfigClasspath), state)
Project.extract(newState).runInputTask(Runtime / run, "", newState)._1
This way the config is only changed while running sbt runLocal without affecting sbt run.


changing settings in sbt task

I'm trying to defined custom task in sbt that will run main class in debug mode.
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
fork in run := true
lazy val runDebug = inputKey[Unit]("run in debug")
runDebug := {
javaOptions in run += "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005" //this doesn't work
(run in Compile).evaluated
I cannot make sbt to set javaOptions correctly. How to use Def.settings with inputTask to define another inputTask ?
Tasks cannot modify settings, instead try commands like so
commands += Command.command("runDebug") { state =>
s"""set javaOptions in run += "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005""""::
"run in Compile" :: state

How to do Slick configuration via application.conf from within custom sbt task?

I want to create an set task which creates a database schema with slick. For that, I have a task object like the following in my project:
object CreateSchema {
val instance = Database.forConfig("localDb")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val createFuture = instance.run(createActions)
Await.ready(createFuture, Duration.Inf)
and in my build.sbt I define a task:
lazy val createSchema = taskKey[Unit]("CREATE database schema")
fullRunTask(createSchema, Runtime, "sbt.CreateSchema")
which gets executed as expected when I run sbt createSchema from the command line.
However, the problem is that application.conf doesn't seem to get taken into account (I've also tried different scopes like Compile or Test). As a result, the task fails due to com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'localDb'.
How can I fix this so the configuration is available?
I found a lot of questions here that deal with using the application.conf inside the build.sbt itself, but that is not what I need.
I have setup a little demo using SBT 0.13.8 and Slick 3.0.0, which is working as expected. (And even without modifying "-Dconfig.resource".)
name := "SO_20150915"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.0" withSources() withJavadoc(),
"com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "3.0.0",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % "1.6.4",
"com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.3.175"
lazy val createSchema = taskKey[Unit]("CREATE database schema")
fullRunTask(createSchema, Runtime, "somefun.CallMe")
sbt.version = 0.13.8
hello {
world = "buuh."
h2mem1 = {
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test1"
driver = org.h2.Driver
connectionPool = disabled
keepAliveConnection = true
package somefun
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
* SO_20150915
* Created by martin on 15.09.15.
object CallMe {
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
val settings = new Settings()
println(s"Settings read from hello.world: ${settings.hw}" )
val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")
try {
// ...
println("Do something with your database.")
} finally db.close
class Settings(val config: Config) {
// This verifies that the Config is sane and has our
// reference config. Importantly, we specify the "di3"
// path so we only validate settings that belong to this
// library. Otherwise, we might throw mistaken errors about
// settings we know nothing about.
config.checkValid(ConfigFactory.defaultReference(), "hello")
// This uses the standard default Config, if none is provided,
// which simplifies apps willing to use the defaults
def this() {
val hw = config.getString("hello.world")
If running sbt createSchema from Console I obtain the output
[info] Loading project definition from /home/.../SO_20150915/project
[info] Set current project to SO_20150915 (in build file:/home/.../SO_20150915/)
[info] Running somefun.CallMe
Settings read from hello.world: buuh.
Do something with your database.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 15.09.2015 10:42:20
Please verify that this unmodified demo project also works for you.
Then try changing SBT version in the demo project and see if that changes something.
Alternatively, recheck your project setup and try to use a higher version of SBT.
So, even if your code resides in your src-folder, it is called from within SBT. That means, you are trying to load your application.conf from within the classpath context of SBT.
Slick uses Typesafe Config internally. (So the approach below (described in background) is not applicable, as you can not modify the Config loading mechanism itself).
Instead try the set the path to your application.conf explicitly via config.resource, see typesafe config docu (search for config.resource)
Option 1
Either set config.resource (via -Dconfig.resource=...) before starting sbt
Option 2
Or from within build.sbt as Scala code
sys.props("config.resource") = "./src/main/resources/application.conf"
Option 3
Or create a Task in SBT via
lazy val configPath = TaskKey[Unit]("configPath", "Set path for application.conf")
and add
configPath := Def.task {
sys.props("config.resource") = "./src/main/resources/application.conf"
to your sequence of settings.
Please let me know, if that worked.
Background information
Recently, I was writing a custom plugin for SBT, where I also tried to access a reference.conf as well. Unfortunately, I was not able to access any of .conf placed within project-subfolder using the default ClassLoader.
In the end I created a testenvironment.conf in project folder and used the following code to load the (typesafe) config:
def getConfig: Config = {
val classLoader = new java.net.URLClassLoader( Array( new File("./project/").toURI.toURL ) )
ConfigFactory.load(classLoader, "testenvironment")
or for loading a genereal application.conf from ./src/main/resources:
def getConfig: Config = {
val classLoader = new java.net.URLClassLoader( Array( new File("./src/main/resources/").toURI.toURL ) )
// no .conf basename given, so look for reference.conf and application.conf
// use specific classLoader

Update a timestamp SettingKey in an sbt 0.12 task

I need a way to update a SettingKey[String] in my sbt build each time the compile task executes. A SettingKey is necessary so it can be injected into application via sbt-buildinfo. Creating a command is one way to accomplish this per this question, but I want it to happen when the compile task executes, which can be caused by any number of other tasks. Any ideas how to accomplish this in sbt 0.12?
You cannot use SettingKey[String] as the SettingKeys are only computed once - during the project load, which is specified in the documentation:
For a setting, the value will be computed once at project load time.
For a task, the computation will be re-run each time the task is
How about following Build.scala
import sbt._
import Keys._
import sbtbuildinfo.Plugin._
object HelloBuild extends Build {
val helloSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++
buildInfoSettings ++ Seq (
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= buildInfo,
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](
// Here is the interesting part
BuildInfoKey.action("buildTime") {
buildInfoPackage := "org.myorg.myapp"
lazy val project = Project (
id = "project",
base = file ("."),
settings = helloSettings

Play framework: Running separate module of multi-module application

I'm trying to create a multi-module application and run one of it's modules separately from the others (from another machine).
Project structure looks like this:
/ \
module1 module2
I want to run a module1 as a separate jar file (or there is a better way of doing this?), which I will run from another machine (I want to connect it to the main app using Akka remoting).
What I'm doing:
Running "play dist" command
Unzipping module1.zip from universal folder
Setting +x mode to bin/module1 executable.
Setting my main class (will paste it below): instead of play.core.server.NettyServer im putting my main class: declare -r app_mainclass="module1.foo.Launcher"
Running with external application.conf file.
Here is my main class:
class LauncherActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case a => println(s"Received msg: $a ")
object Launcher extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("testsystem")
val listener = system.actorOf(Props[LauncherActor], name = "listener")
listener ! "hi!"
println("Server ready")
Here is the console output:
#pavel bin$ ./module1 -Dconfig.file=/Users/pavel/projects/foobar/conf/application.conf
[WARN] [10/18/2013 18:56:03.036] [main] [EventStream(akka://testsystem)] [akka.event-handlers] config is deprecated, use [akka.loggers]
Server ready
Received msg: hi!
#pavel bin$
So the system switches off as soon as it gets to the last line of the main method. If I run this code without Play - it works as expected, the object is loaded and it waits for messages, which is expected behavior.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Or should I set some options in module1 executable? Other ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Scala - 2.10.3
Play! - 2.2.0
SBT - 0.13.0
Akka - 2.2.1
Java 1.7 and 1.6 (tried both)
Build properties:
lazy val projectSettings = buildSettings ++ play.Project.playScalaSettings ++ Seq(resolvers := buildResolvers,
libraryDependencies ++= dependencies) ++ Seq(scalacOptions += "-language:postfixOps",
javaOptions in run ++= Seq(
Keys.fork in run := true)
lazy val common = play.Project("common", buildVersion, dependencies, path = file("modules/common"))
lazy val root = play.Project(appName, buildVersion, settings = projectSettings).settings(
resolvers ++= buildResolvers
).dependsOn(common, module1, module2).aggregate(common, module1, module2)
lazy val module1 = play.Project("module1", buildVersion, path = file("modules/module1")).dependsOn(common).aggregate(common)
lazy val module2: Project = play.Project("module2", buildVersion, path = file("modules/module2")).dependsOn(common).aggregate(common)
So I found a dirty workaround and I will use it until I will find a better solution. In case someone is interested, I've added this code at the bottom of the Server object:
val shutdown = Future {
readLine("Press 'ENTER' key to shutdown")
}.map { q =>
println("**** Shutting down ****")
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Await.result(shutdown, 100 days)
And now system works until I will hit the ENTER key in the console. Dirty, I agree, but didn't find a better solution.
If there will be something better, of course I will mark it as an answer.

sbt 0.11 run task examples needed

My projects are still using sbt 0.7.7 and I find it very convenient to have utility classes that I can run from the sbt prompt. I can also combine this with properties that are separately maintained - typically for environment related values that changes from hosts to hosts. This is an example of my project definition under the project/build directory:
class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
lazy val extraProps = new BasicEnvironment {
// use the project's Logger for any properties-related logging
def log = MyProject.this.log
def envBackingPath = path("paths.properties")
// define some properties that will go in paths.properties
lazy val inputFile = property[String]
lazy val myTask = task { args =>
runClasspath, extraProps.inputFile.value :: args.toList).dependsOn(compile)
describedAs "my-task [options]"
I can then use my task as my-task option1 option2 under the sbt shell.
I've read the new sbt 0.11 documentation at https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki including the sections on Tasks and TaskInputs and frankly I'm still struggling on how to accomplish what I did on 0.7.7.
It seems the extra properties could simply be replaced a separate environment.sbt, that tasks have to be defined in project/build.scala before being set in build.sbt. It also looks like there is completion support, which looks very interesting.
Beyond that I'm somewhat overwhelmed. How do I accomplish what I did with the new sbt?
You can define a task like this :
val myTask = InputKey[Unit]("my-task")
And your setting :
val inputFile = SettingKey[String]("input-file", "input file description")
You can also define a new configuration like :
lazy val ExtraProps = config("extra-props") extend(Compile)
add this config to your project and use it to set settings for this configuration :
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")).config( ExtraProps ).settings(
inputFile in ExtraProps := ...
myTask in ExtraPops <<= inputTask { (argTask:TaskKey[Seq[String]]) =>
(argTask, inputFile) map { (args:Seq[String], iFile[String]) =>
then launch your task with extra-props:my-task