Clothing data error “Graph is linked to external private object ClothingAssetCommon” - unreal-engine4

I’m having a weird problem when it comes to animations for clothing and hair on some characters. If I’m duplicating the skeletal mesh that has clothing data, and save it, it works fine, but if I remove the data, save it, and then when I’m trying to add it back, I’m getting this error (on some, not all), as example Shimbi Jade:
Can't save ./../../../..//ParagonShinbi/Characters/Heroes/Shinbi/Skins/Tier_1/Shinbi_Jade/Meshes/ShinbiJade.uasset:
Graph is linked to external private object ClothingAssetCommon
//ParagonShinbi/Characters/Heroes/Shinbi/Skins/Tier_1/Shinbi_Jade/Meshes/ShinbiJadeOriginal.ShinbiJadeOriginal:Mudang_Apex_geo_hair_LOD0 (ClothConfigs)
Do I need to make the data for clothing public? If so, how? If not, what else do I have to do?


Issue present in packaged vertsion of Game but not in Editor

So I'm having a frustrating issue currently with Unreal where players spawn won't spawn the packaged version but will in the editor. I think I've managed to pin the issue down, but I still have no idea why it's occurring. For context, I am working on a multiplayer battle arena game. I have a player handler blueprint that stores relevant metadata/info about a character.
Handler getting Relevant Info
When the handler is first created, it's assigned a character name and costume/colour variant index from the game instance.
Getting the correct character from the data asset table
It then checks a character data asset table to see which class/mesh/material it should be set to.
This is the data table
The data table references data assets. From my testing this seems to be where the issue lies, that the game can access the data tables in the PIE, but not in the build. Does anyone know why this may be? Is there something I've overlooeked?

Can both image target and object target be added one single database in unity vuforia?

I am developing an android app where I have to train my app to recognize two images and four objects.I created one single database where I added all the images and objects target in vuforia developer site and created the unity package. Now neither image nor object is getting recognized.
Probably the problem is the same for objects and images.
I think you should share some more info about what your doing as well as some meaningful code implementing it.
W/O that, I would suggest:
verify that the database and trackables are loaded and active # runtime
if so, see in console that the trackables are tracked by Vuforia
if so, verify the code enabling your augmentations
Please confirm whether have run trough these steps already and what results you got. I can share some code and further tips once the issue is a little but more specific.

Savinging and generating AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject Swift

I'm having some serious issues here trying to save a AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject in Swift.
I'm using this library:, but it has terrible documentation.
Basically, I can scan fine and can handle that scan and future scans to build a "Scan History" type screen... The problem comes in when I restart the application - my Scan History is empty (obviously). I need to save these scans locally somehow but I'm not sure how to do that.
I've tried saving the attributes of a scan but rebuilding it after app restart is proving to be just as tricky. I've tried saving them as custom objects (which would be ideal and is possible - except for the AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject part as I get errors like non-property etc)
I'm approaching the point where I think I should try something like Realm but I've never used it before.
You can't easily save AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject to Core Data, because it's not a supported type and does not conform to NSCoding. Switching to Realm won't make any difference, because it has the same restrictions (it can't just save an AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject). The reasons are similar-- in both cases AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject isn't a subclass of the appropriate type, and it's not one of the supported property types.
What you need to do depends on how exactly your scan history UI is supposed to look. Saving the AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject is almost certainly not the best approach, though (you might be able to add NSCoding through a Swift extension but it's probably the wrong answer even if it works). There are a couple of possibilities:
Save the data represented by the scanned code instead of the code itself. You get this from the stringValue property of AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject. When you want to show the scan history, generate new images to display. This is straightforward using Core Image-- COQRCodeGenerator, CIAztecCodeGenerator, CICode128BarcodeGenerator, and CIPDF417BarcodeGenerator are all built in.
Take a photo at the same time as you scan the image, and display the photo as the scan history entry. Include the stringValue of the scanned code in the UI so that people can see what the image represents.

Is it Possible to put the whole CoreData-Stack in a framework?

I have a very large Project and I am right in a refactoring session. At the beginning my idea sounds good to me, but now i am stuck and confused and near before a git rollback. You guys are my last chance.
We’ve done a GUI application that shows some data that are living in CoreData. A background Process is fetching data from time to time from the network and put them into the CoreData.
So I’ve got the request thing -> pushing into CoreData and <- getting it out onto the GUI.
That works for very good for us. It’s straight forward and nothing special. My Company is programming this application since January and the requesting and data part gets huge. We also have a 100% test coverage! \o/. Working in that project could be so nice… if… if the GUI things could be separated.
As time goes by I have to split the dev-team into two parts: one for the gui (and the several gui applications that all based on the same data model) The second one for the Request-and-CoreDate part. My Model interface is clean enough to have a nice entry point, so i thought i would be easy to move the Request and CoreData sections into a library-project in my Workspace.
hm, well. no!
I put the Kit.xcdatamodeld into the new library project. I generate all models and add all the code from the main application into the lib. I resolved every problem and start to move the first basic tests into the new project.
I put the managedObjectModel part from our ApplicationDelegate into a DataController in the new project. And changed the first call to use this managedObject from the new class.
let dc = DataController()
_ = GlobalScope(context: dc.managedObjectContext!)
When I run the first test that should store a simple entity than an error occurs in managedObjectModel:
lazy var managedObjectModel: NSManagedObjectModel = {
// The managed object model for the application. This property is not optional. It is a fatal error for the application not to be able to find and load its model.
let modelURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(" <LibName>Kit", withExtension: "momd")!
return NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: modelURL)!
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
My Question is: Is it possible to do the whole CoreData stuff into a Framework? I wan’t have any data model or requests in my gui applications? The plan ist to include the framework and use the getXY() setXY() functions of my models. Also the whole network background fetching should be places in the framework.
But it seams that there is no mainBundle in a framework. So how to get the database the right way?
Thank you very much.
First, Core Data is already a framework. You are looking to put your layer on top of Core Data into a framework. Is it possible? Probably, but it is not a great idea.
There is no value in putting a third (or more) of your application into a framework. It will not make anything cleaner or easier. In fact it will make debugging of your application harder.
Separate out the code using groups in Xcode and call it there. Trying to put things into separate Xcode projects (which is what you would need) would lead to more issues than it is worth.
BTW, there is no way to compile the model into the framework as that is an independent file. Therefore your primary application would need to embed the model file anyway.
You could explore creating your own custom CocoaPod like structure but again, it really is not worth it and maintainability will decrease.
The problem is this line:
let modelURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(" <LibName>Kit", withExtension: "momd")!
It's looking in the main bundle for that resource, which doesn't exist. You'll want to use bundleWithIdentifier or bundleForClass instead, like:
let modelURL = NSBundle(identifier:"com.whatever.yourFrameworkIdentifier").URLForResource...

How can I get sensor data into Unity while using Google Cardboard?

I have the basic Google Cardboard Unity application loaded and working great.
I want to utilize a few sensors on my phone that aren't available in Unity. For example, I want to get access to the STEP_DETECTOR sensor.
I created my own UnityPlayerActivity, and without Cardboard, it seems to work well. My problem is that I have no idea how to use my custom UnityPlayerActivity WITH cardboard.
From what I can tell, the cardboard demo uses a "UnityCardboardActivity" class as the main activity. I took a look at UnityCardboardActivity.jar and it looks like the UnityCardboardActivity class inherits from CardboardActivity, NOT UnityActivity.
So my guess is that UnityCardboardActivity is manually starting the default UnityPlayerActivity somewhere in its code, but I can't change that to start my own custom UnityPlayerActivity in any way that I can tell.
Is there any way to get that sensor data without using a UnityPlayerActivity?
I tried making my activity extend UnityCardboardActivity instead, but for some reason I don't have access to the "getSystemService" method when do that, so I can't get access to any sensors.