BER result in MATLAB - matlab

I build a pam-2 modulation, then I make a pulse shaping with half sine (matched filter).
Then I send it through the AWGN channel.
At the end I do down sampling and demodulation.
But i have problem with plotting BER. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong:
N2 = 1e2;
M = 2;
range = 0:10;
error = zeros(1,length(range)); %BER
% half sine
Rc = 1e3; % Chip rate
T = 1/Rc; % inverse of chip rate
Tc = 0.5* T;
Fs = 2e3; % sampling frequency
dt = 1/Fs;
over = Fs/Rc; % sampling factor
sps = 10;
time = 0:dt/sps:2*T;
half_Sine = sin(pi*time/(2*T)).^3;
%% BER
for i = 1:length(range)
for n = 1:N2
% Modulation
x=randi([0 M-1],N,1);
h_mod = pammod(x,M);
txSig = conv(over_data,half_Sine, 'same');
Ps = mean(((txSig)).^2);
Sigma = sqrt(Ps * 10^(-range(i)/10) / 2);
Noise = randn(length(txSig), 1) * Sigma;
rx_SIG = Noise + txSig;
% Downsample
down = rx_SIG(1:over:end);
% Demodulation
hDemod = pamdemod(down,M);
% Errors
error(i) = error(i)+...
sum(hDemod~=x) / length(hDemod);
BER = error/n;
grid on
Update:I need to build a ber from 10^1 to 10^6

1.- Your script up and running :
There are many code lines turned comments that I used to get to run the start script. I have left them along, that should be used while debugging only.
close all;clear all;clc;
M = 2;
% pulse : half sine
Rc = 1e3; % [b/s] chip rate
T = 1/Rc; % [s/b] inverse of chip rate
Tc = 0.5* T;
Fs = 2e3; % [Hz] sampling frequency
dt = 1/Fs; % [s]
ov1 = Fs/Rc; % sampling factor
sps = 10;
% single pulse time reference
t = [0:dt2:2*T]; % [s]
% signals usually have a known preable
% a heading known sequence that helps receivers
% extract with relative ease when pulse peaks take place
% the sync preamble has to be long enough to acquire
% the sampling interval.
% For simplicity here I just make sure that the first bit of the signal is always 1
nsync=64 % length sync header
x=[ones(1,nsync) randi([0 M-1],1,N-nsync)]; % signal : data
xm=reshape(x([nsync+1:end]),[(N-nsync)/8 8])
L1=sum(repmat(2.^[7:-1:0],size(xm,1),1).*xm,2); % string to check received bytes against, to measure BER
over_data = pammod(x,M); % signal : PAM symbols
% err1 = zeros(1,length(x)); %BER
% single pulse
pulse_half_Sine = sin(pi*t/(2*T)).^3;
grid on;xlabel('t');title('single pulse')
% A=[.0001:.0001:1];
A=[1e-3 5e-3 1e-2 5e-2 .1 .5 1 10 100];
% A=[5e-2:1e-2:2];
rng1 = [1:numel(A)]; % amount S power levels to check for BER
% to use power on requires a reference impedance
% usually assumed 1, in accademic literature, but then when attempting to correlated
% BER with used Watts if R0=1 the comparison is not correct.
R0=50 % [Ohm]
%% BER measuring loop
% k=1
% Logging BER for different signal power levels,
% Logging signal power levels, it was useful when getting script up and running
for k = 1:length(rng1)
% generating signal
x2=2*(x-.5); % [0 1] to [-1 1]
for k2=1:1:numel(x)
S=[S A(k)*x2(k2)*pulse_half_Sine];
Ps = mean(S.^2)/R0; % signal power
% adding AWGN
% you are making the noise proportional to the signal
% this causes BER not to improve when signal power up
% sigma1 = sqrt(Ps * 10^(-rng1(k)/10) / 2); % not used
noise1 = randn(length(S), 1) * sigma1;
rx_S = noise1' + S; % noise + S
% Downsample
% this downsampling is an attempt to sync received signal
% to the time stamps where pulse peaks are expected
% but it does not work
% dwn1 = rx_SIG(1:ov1:end);
% Demodulation
% because the sampling times of the previous line are not
% centered pamdemod doesn't work either
% hDemod = pamdemod(dwn1,M);
% the missing key step : conv on reception with expected pulse shape
% removing leading samples that only correspond to the
% pulse used to correlate over received signal
% syncing
% [pks,locs]=findpeaks(abs(rx2_S));
% x3(find(pks<.1))=[]; % do not use sign results close to zero
% locs(find(pks<.1))=[];
% t0=dt2*[0:1:numel(rx2_sync)-1];
% figure;plot(t0,rx2_sync);hold on
% plot(t0(locs),pks,'bo')
% 5 header pulses needed, 1st and last header samples are null, not needed
if ~isempty(n01) peaks(n01)=[];locs(n01)=[]; end
% pks([1 end])=[];locs([1 end])=[];
% plot(t0(locs),pks,'rs')
% since we know there have to be 5 leading pulses to be all ones
% we extract the sampling interval from this header
% t3=dt2*[0:1:numel(rx2_S)-1];
% figure;plot(t3,abs(rx2_S));
% hold on
% xlabel('t')
% plot(t3(locs),pks,'ro')
% nt3=[1:nT2:numel(x)*nT2]; % sampling times
% plot(t3(nt3),max(pks)*ones(1,numel(nt3)),'sg')
x3=sign(rx2_S([1:nT2:N*nT2])); % only N bits expected so only sample N times
% x3 [-1 1] back to [0 1] otherwise when comparing v3 against x
% a roughtly 50% of bits are always going to be wrong, which comes
% from the signal statistics
% sampling
% x3=sign(rx_S(locs));
% making sure x3 and x same length
% x3(find(pks<.1))=[]; % do not use sign results close to zero
SNR_log=[SNR_log Ps];
x3_8=reshape(x3([nsync+1:end]),[(N-nsync)/8 8])
err1 = sum(L1~=Lrx) / length(Lrx);
BER = [BER err1];
%% BER(S)
grid on
This is not BIT ERROR RATIO as we know it and as it is used in all sort of quality measurements.
Note that Bit Error Ratio is not the same as Bit Error Rate despite both terms commonly used alike.
A rate implies and amount/seconds a velocity, speed.
BER as used commonly used to measure signal quality is a RATIO, not a rate.
BER = correct_bits/total_bits , but it's not as simple as this, as I am going to show.
For instance note that worst BER obtained with your script with a quick fix doesn't reach above 0.5 (!?) BER certainly reaches 1 when message not 'getting-there'.
I believe the following points are important for you to understand how BER really works.
2.- BER was completely flat for really dispare signal power levels
In an earlier working script not shown even using pulse amplitude A=100, and low noise mean(noise1)=-7.36e-04 about 1/3 of the received symbols are erroneous while figure;plot(rx_S) shows a rather clean signal, no riding ripple, no sudden changes ..
The 1/3 errorenous bit were not corrupted by channel noise but it was already in the transmitted signal. I have spaced each pulse enough to avoid overlapped pulses.
Adjacent pulses need at least 2ms to avoid overlapping.
This is without considering doppler.
Heavily overlapping symbols is what happens when command conv is used on a train of pulses generated the way you did :
S = conv(over_data,A(k)*pulse_half_Sine, 'same');
3.- You started with 1e4 data bits treated as 1e4 modulation symbols
But your transmitted-received time signal also showed length 1e4 time samples, cannot be, way too few time samples.
The time reference of over_data and pulse_half_Sine should not be the same.
Nyquist; signal is currupted beyond recovery if only 2 samples er cycle of let's say carrier modulating pulses.
I tried
h_mod = pammod(x,M);
S = conv(h_mod,A(k)*pulse_half_Sine, 'same'); % modulated signal
h_mod = pammod(x,M);
S = conv(h_mod,A(k)*pulse_half_Sine, 'same'); % modulated signal
S = conv(over_data,A(k)*pulse_half_Sine, 'same'); % modulated signal
and none of these 3 got the expected BER showing whether the signal is strong or weak.
4.- It turns out command upsample is for discrete-time models
sys = tf(0.75,[1 10 2],2.25)
L = 14;
sys1 = upsample(sys,L)
not to directly interpolate a signal to, for instance, double the amount of samples as it seems you attempted.
5.- This is how the transmitted signal (before noise added) should look like
grid on;xlabel('t');title('transmitted signal before noise')
hold on
6.- The chosen pulse is not particularly strong against AWGN
The main reason being because it's a baseband pulse. not modulated, and on top of this only has positive values.
Convolution efficiency highly improves when modulating the pulse, the positive and negative pulse samples to be found across each pulse increases robustness when attempting to decide whether there's pulse or just noise.
For instance Chirp pulses are a lot stronger.
7.- To measure BER : Use bytes, constellation points, coded symbols, but not bare bits
Measuring BER with bare bits, or more broadly speaking, using a random test signal with fixed statistical moments BER is constrained to whatever mean and var assinged to signal and/or mean var from noise in absence of with weak signal.
Rewording, testing for BER with bare bits counting, when weak or no signal BER is actually measuring the noise the signal was trying to avoid.
Roughly 50% of the received bits, regardless of signal or noise, the way you are attempting BER measurement, will always hit what are apparently correct bits : false positives.
To avoid these false positives following I show how to measure BER against expected caracters.
nsync=64 % length sync header
x=[ones(1,nsync) randi([0 M-1],1,N-nsync)]; % signal : data
Now x is 1024 and the initial 64 bits are for syncing only, leaving N-sync for message.
Let's check BER against let's say L1 the expected sequence of bytes
xm=reshape(x([nsync+1:end]),[(N-nsync)/8 8])
L1 is checked against Lrx generated with x3_8 the message part of x3 the demodulated symbols
8.- the upsampling downsampling didn't work
this downsampling on reception
dwn1 = rx_SIG(1:ov1:end);
was an attempt to sync received signal to the time stamps where pulse peaks are expected but it didn't not work.
Because the sampling times were not centered pamdemod didn't work either.
9.- Use sync header to calculate sampling interval
I only convolve the nsync (64) initial bits
These pulses allow a reliable calculation of nT2 the sampling interval to check along the rest of the received frame.
I obtain nT2 with
There's need for further conditioning but basically locs already has the necessary information to obtain nT2 .
10.- This is the graph obtained
when no signal BER = 1 and when signal strength high enough PAM signals show good `BER' ending to 0.
When refining A step, by this meaning making it smaller, one gets the following
BER testers are often plugged to base stations upon setup and left a few hours or even days recording, and such testers do not record bare bit errors, bytes, constellation points, and even frames are checked.
11.- BER/SNR BER/EbN0 not against signal only
BER is usually plotted against SNR (analog signals) or Eb/N0 (digital signals) not just against signal amplitude or signal power.
12.- The Communications Toolbox is an add-on
This toolbox adds the following support functions: pammod pamdemod genqammod genqamdemod, yes pammod and pamdemod use genqammod genqamdemod respectively.
These functions are not available unless the Communications Toolbox is installed.
for BER simulations try Simulink, there are already available BER examples.


High-frequency spur after performing an FFT in MATLAB

I have a modulated signal, and now I want to perform an FFT. However, I am getting a spur at a high frequency, which should not be there (and if it should, I have no clue as to why).
fa=60; %the frequency of the parasitic source in hertz
np=2; %number of periods per bit
for n=1:1:101
for n=102:1:201
for n=202:1:301
for n=302:1:401
for n=402:1:501
for n=502:1:601
for n=602:1:701
for n=702:1:801
y = fft(Sig);
f = (0:length(y)-1)*(1/(0.01*np/fa))/length(y);
I'm expecting just a spike at 60Hz with spurs around it, but instead I'm getting that and a large spike at almost 3kHz with spurs around it.
This peak at almost 3 kHz should be there, since the fft of a real is signal symmetric around the nyquist frequency (actually complex conjugate). The nyquist frequency is half the samping frequency, in your case sampling is done at 3000 Hz, thus the nyquist frequency is 1500 Hz. If you look closer at the peak, you will see that it is at 2940 Hz (which is 3000-60 Hz), due to the fact that the fft is mirrored around 1500 Hz.
There are plenty of sources that explain why this is a property of the Fourier transform (e.g. here).
The actual Fourier transform would be mirrored around the zero frequency, but the fft gives you the fast Fourier transform, which is mirrored around the nyquist frequency. You can use fftshift to center the spectrum around the zero frequency.
I took the liberty to shorten your code, by avoiding repetition of several for-loops, and added the fftshift. Since your signal is real, you can also choose to show only one side of the fft, but I'll leave that up to you.
fa=60; % the frequency of the parasitic source in hertz
np=2; % number of periods per bit
kl = length(Lvl);
dt = 0.01*np/fa; % time step
Tend = np*kl/fa - dt; % time span
t = 0:dt:Tend; % time vector
N = length(t); % number samples
for n = 1:kl
ids = (1:100) + (n-1)*100;
Sig(ids) = Sig(ids).*Lvl(n);
Y = fft(Sig);
fv = (0:N-1)/(N*dt); % frequency range
% FFT shift:
Y_shift = fftshift(Y);
fv_shift = (-N/2:N/2-1)/(N*dt); % zero centered frequency vector
% Plot
figure(1); clf
title('FFT Magnitude')
title('FFT Magnitude zero shift')

how to robustly estimate in MATLAB low and up envelope of signal with trend, few level constant steps and noise

I am looking for robust estimation method of low and up envelope of the signal consisting from smooth trend component, constant steps between few fixed levels and additive noise (+ outliers of course). This question raised during my current research work on real life signal processing.
Typical example of signal is produced by following script:
%% signal definition
% number of samples
Ns = 10000;
% sampling period [secs]
Ts = 1;
time = (1:Ns)*Ts;
% trend component
a = 2;
b = 0;
T = 1e4;
slope = time/Ts * 0.0005;
trend = a * sin(2*pi*time/T) + b + slope;
% steps component (4 constant levels)
step = [zeros(1,1000),linspace(0,1,6),1*ones(1,500),linspace(1,0,6),zeros(1,500),linspace(0,-2,10), -2*ones(1,1200),linspace(-2,1,15),1*ones(1,3000),linspace(1,0,6), zeros(1,3000),linspace(0,-1,6), -1*ones(1,751)];
% noise component (normal noise)
noise = 0.2*randn(1,Ns);
% noise = 0.5*(rand(1,Ns)-0.5);
%% show signals component
close all
hold on
plot(time,trend - 2, 'b--')
plot(time,trend + 1, 'k--')
legend('trend','trend+steps','lowenvelope', 'upenvelope','trend+steps+noise')
title('smooth trend signal with constant steps between 4 levels and noise')
xlabel('time [sec]')
ylabel('value [-]')
hold off
See the following image
The separate signal components are unknown! Steps are always constant and between small number of fixed levels (typically < 4 or 5), so the estimated envelopes should be parallel to the trend signal. Noise is approximated by normal distribution with sigma ~0.1
Any idea how to solve this surprisingly difficult problem? Any relevant references or matlab code links?

Measuring peaks and the distance between them in my plot

I will keep the explanation, how my codes works, very short. I advise you to try this code yourself, so perhaps you understand it better that way. I have an audio-file and read it in my code. Now i switch from the time domain to the frequency domain by using the function FFT. But the only difference is, that i am performing an STFT on my audio signal. I do it every 30ms, until to the length of my signal. I am aware, that there are many different function in matlab, which also can perform this easily, but there are not giving me the results i need. Now, i am plotting many different frequency spectrums every 30ms. But i split up my signal in three frequency bands. They are called LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH. Basically, this means I have 3 different spectrums plotting every 30ms. The next step I do, is summing all the magnitudes from ONE frequency spectrum together, this means I have ONE VALUE per frequency spectrum, which are being squared.
Now, i have the power from every spectrum ! And all of these values are being plotted in my code. I am only plotting the power values, otherwise my code performance time would be extremely slow.
Btw, the code looks long, but there are two for loop. In the first, i read the low spectrum and when it is finished, the second starts with the medium and high spectrum. Basically they are the same. I am aware, i can probably do that with findpeaks or something similar. But how can i write/pull that of? Or what the necessary steps to do that. At the end, i included a file, Hopefully you can see that.
I want to measure the peaks and get the distance between them from the red plot.
Ok, i got the peaks, but not in the way i imagined. I want to show the peaks, which are above 5000-line. Sorry for not being clear at the beginning. See my plot, what i mean. I want to say my code, that only the peaks should be measured, which are above the 5000-line.
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(ValuesOfYc);
p=plot(x,ValuesOfYc,'r-' ,x(locs), pks,'ob');
This is, what I did above, in my first loop. How should i go on from there?
%% read file
[y,fs]=audioread('Undertale - Megalovania.wav');
% audioread = read wav -file
% y = contains the audio signal
% fs = 44100
% 'UnchainMyHeart' = name of the wav-file
t_seg=0.03; % length of segment in ms
fftlen = 4096; %FFT-Points
% Defining size of frequency bands
f_low= 1:200; %lower frequencies
f_medium= 201:600; %medium frequencies
f_high= 601:1000; %higher frequencies
segl =floor(t_seg*fs);
% defining the size of the window shift
% apply hann function on segment length (30 ms)
% transpose vector
% defining start index
% defining end index
N=floor( length(y)/windowshift - 1);
% Calculates the number, how often the window has to shift
% until to length of the audio signal
% Generating new window
% defining frequency vector
ValuesOfYc = NaN(1,N);
ValuesOfYd = NaN(1,N);
ValuesOfYe = NaN(1,N);
x =(1:N)*windowshift/fs;
% defining x-axis
for m= 1:1:N
y_a = y(si:ei);
% a segment is taken out from audio signal length(30ms)
y_a= y_a.*window;
% multiplying segment with window (hanning)
Ya=fft(y_a, fftlen);
% Applying fft on segment
% Squaring the magnitudes from one-sided spectrum
drawnow; % Updating the graphical values
% Showing the power values
%% frequency bands
y_low = Yb(f_low); % LOW frequency spectrum
% Summing all the power values from one frequency spectrum together
% so you get one power value from one spectrum
ValuesOfYc(m) = Yc;
%Output values are being saved here, which are generated from the for
% m = start variable from for loop
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(ValuesOfYc);
p=plot(x,ValuesOfYc,'r-', x(locs(pks>=5000)), pks(pks>=5000),'ob');
p(1).LineWidth =0.5;
xlabel('time (Audio length)')
grid on
% Updating start index
% Updating end index
for o= 1:1:N
y_a = y(si:ei);
% a segment is taken out from audio signal length(30ms)
y_a= y_a.*window;
% multiplying segment with window (hanning)
Ya=fft(y_a, fftlen);
% Applying fft on segment
% Squaring the magnitudes from one-sided spectrum
drawnow; % Updating the graphical values
% Showing the power values
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
%% frequency bands
y_medium = Yb(f_medium); % MEDIUM frequency spectrum
y_high = Yb(f_high); % HIGH frequency spectrum
% Summing all the power values from one frequency spectrum together
% so you get one power value from one spectrum
ValuesOfYd(o) = Yd;
ValuesOfYe(o) = Ye;
%Output values are being saved here, which are generated from the for
% m = start variable from for loop
p=plot(x, ValuesOfYd,'g-', x, ValuesOfYe,'b-' );
p(1).LineWidth =0.5;
xlabel('time (Audio length)')
grid on
% Updating start index
% Updating end index

How to do a frequency band?

Here in this code i am doing a stft on my wav-file. There is no problem with that. At the beginning, i am defining my parameter, afterwards using my wav file and then applying the stft. Basically what i am doing is a real-time spectral analysis. Anyway my question is, how do i a frequency band? I want my signal to be separated in LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH. I want my vector to be saved, from 0-250 Hz in the LOW-Band, 250-5000 Hz in the MEDIUM-Band, 5-22.05k Hz in the HIGH-Band. I advise you, to try my code in Matlab, if you don't understand it. Just take any wav-file. Btw my signal is plotted in the variable "Yres". Any solution is appreciated!
NFA=2; % Number is used for plotting every 2nd picture
t_seg=0.05; % Length of segment in ms
fftlen = 4096;
% Lenght of "fft",because our segment contains 2205 points
% audioread = functions reads WAV-file
% y = A vector which contains my audio signal
% fs = sample frequency (44100)
% 'UnchainMyHeart' = WAV-file
% linspace = Creating time vector
% 0 = Start time
% length(y)/fs = End time
% length(y) = Number of samples in y
% plotting signal in the time domain
segl =floor(t_seg*fs);
% Applying fft function on the variable "segl"
% Defining the size of the window, which goes to the next "segl"
% hann function
%Start index
%End index
AOS= length(y)/windowshift - 1;
% AOS is the number of "segl" we use (About 433)
% Opening new window
% Defining frequency vector
plot(f,Ya),axis([0 fs -90 50])
grid on
%start variable
for m= 1:1:AOS
y_a = y(si:ei);
y_a= y_a.*window;
Ya=fft(y_a, fftlen);
if n==1
if n==NFA
%Tut die Grafikobjekte immer auf den neuesten Stand updaten
plot(f(1:end/2), 20*log10(abs(Yres(1:end/2))));
ylim([-90 50]);
title('Spektrum eines Audiosignal');
grid on;
% Updating start index
% Updating end index
This may not be the best answer! But this may help you get started on something. You can use spectrogram() function from MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox.
Let's suppose you have an audio file named ''UnchainMyHeart.wav'(in your case) with one channel. The code goes as follows:
% Reading the audio file
[y1,fs] = audioread('UnchainMyHeart.wav');
% Parameters for STFT (or spectrogram)
windowDuration = 30e-3; overlapDuration = 15e-3;
windowLength = round(windowDuration*fs); % window length
overlapLength = round(overlapDuration*fs); % overlapping of windows
nfft = 1024;
% Executing STFT for the signal
[S1,F1,T1,P1] = spectrogram(x1,hanning(windowLength), ...
overlapLength, nfft, fs, 'yaxis');
S1 and P1 contain STFT and Power Spectrum Density(PSD) of the signal for a time interval of each section with a time interval whose estimations are contained in T1.
For your question, you are looking for F1 which is a vector of cyclical frequencies expressed in terms of sampling frequency, fs. For example: if you have a sampling frequency of 48 kHz (fs) and nfft of 1024, then you will have 513 [(1024/2) +1)] frequency values spaced by (fs/nfft). i.e. 46.875. So your frequency components will be 0, 46.875, 46.875*2, ..., 46.875*512. The maximum you will have is 24 kHz due to Nyquist criterion.
Now, you can easily write a simple routine specifying the ranges as you said. The same technique can be used in your code which is an implementation of stft. I would suggest using MATLAB's built-in function unless your problem requires an implementation. Hope this helps!
If needed, I can answer why the parameters for STFT are chosen as included in the code.

Ways to Compute Spectrum Matlab

I have a question while computing the spectrum of a time series in Matlab. I have read the documentations concerning 'fft' function. However I have seen two ways of implementation and both wgive me different results. I would appreciate to have some answer about this difference:
1st Method:
Time specifications:
Fs = 1; % samples per second
Fs = 50;
freq = 0:nPoints-1; %Numerators of frequency series
freq = freq.*Fs./nPoints;
% Fourier Transform:
X = fft(timeSeries)/nPoints; % normalize the data
% find find nuquist frequency
cutOff = ceil(nPoints./2);
% take only the first half of the spectrum
X = abs(X(1:cutOff));
% Frequency specifications:
freq = freq(1:cutOff);
%Plot spectrum
2nd Method:
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(nPoints); % Next power of 2 from length of y
Y = fft(timeSeries,NFFT)/nPoints;
f = 1/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% % Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.
% plot(handles.plotLoadSeries, f,2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2+1)))
I thought that it is not necessary to use 'nextpow' function in 'fft' function in Matlab. Finally, which is the good one?
The short answer: you need windowing for spectrum analysis.
Now for the long answer... In the second approach, you are using an optimised FFT algorithm useful when the length of the input vector is a power of two. Let's assume that your original signal has 401 samples (as in my example below) from an infinitely long signal; nextpow2() will give you NFFT=512 samples. When you feed the shorter, 401-sample signal into the fft() function, it is implicitly zero-padded to match the requested length of 512 (NFFT). But (here comes the tricky part): zero-padding your signal is equivalent to multiplying an infinitely long signal by a rectangular function, an operation that in the frequency domain translates to a convolution with a sinc function. This would be the reason behind the increased noise floor at the bottom of your semilogarithmic plot.
A way to avoid this noise increase is to create manually the 512-sample signal you want to feed into fft(), using a smoother window function instead of the default rectangular one. Windowing means just multiplying your signal by a tapered, symmetric one. There are tons of literature on choosing a good windowing function, but a typically accurate one with low sidelobes (low noise increase) is the Hamming function, implemented in MATLAB as hamming().
Here is a figure illustrating the issue (in the frequency domain and time domain):
...and the code to generate this figure:
% Create signal
fs = 40; % sampling freq.
Ts = 1/fs; % sampling period
t = 0:Ts:10; % time vector
s = sin(2*pi*3*t); % original signal
N = length(s);
% FFT (length not power of 2)
S = abs(fft(s)/N);
freq = fs*(0:N-1)/N;
% FFT (length power of 2)
N2 = 2^nextpow2(N);
S2 = abs(fft(s, N2)/N2);
freq2 = fs*(0:N2-1)/N2;
t2 = (0:N2-1)*Ts; % longer time vector
s2 = [s,zeros(1,N2-N)]; % signal that was implicitly created for this FFT
% FFT (windowing before FFT)
s3 = [s.*hamming(N).',zeros(1,N2-N)];
S3 = abs(fft(s3, N2)/N2);
% Frequency-domain plot
hold on
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
grid on
legend( 'FFT[401]', 'FFT[512]', 'FFT[512] with windowing' )
% Time-domain plot
hold on
grid on
legend( 'Original samples', 'Windowed samples' )