How To Scrape this embbed public tableau - tableau-api

I am very new to the world of scraping data off of websites and am at a lost on how to grab data off of a website that is using Tableau Public
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NetSuite REST Services - Company Address

I am working on external application to pull data from NetSuite using NetSuite's REST services.
Unable to find the way to pull Company Address.
Please respond if you the way.
The Company's address would be present in NetSuite's Company Information section (i.e navigate to Setup --> Company --> Company Information).
If you are using a NetSuite Restlet script to pull Company address, you need to use "N/config" module.
So using the N/config module, load the company information record:
var companyInfo = config.load({
// then get value of Company address
var companyAddress = companyInfo.getValue({
fieldId: 'mainaddress_text'
return companyAddress; // return the address in Restlet script
Hope this helps.

Implementing API for captcha while calling a public URL?

I am trying to implement REST API for a form(Let's say booking a ticket). That is a public URL . In Web the public URLs are protected with Captcha to avoid spammers. So do I need to implement an REST API for providing a captcha and get back the captcha input along with the other inputs while adding details to the form ??
Thanks In Advance

I need a script to show different banner based on state or city using visitor IP address

I need tips on a simple ad management script/software that allows me to set specific locations with city and/or state for the banner to show.
Im using wordpress
You can fetch visitor city/state via php or js using geoplugin json web service:

does Google Visualization send your data to Google?

Does Google Visualization, when creating a chart , send your data (the x and y values and labels) back to Google? Or does it create the chart with Javascript in the client?
I mean the HTML5 Google API loaded with this command
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});
( ) , not the old Chart API that created an image.
I am concerned about the security of my data, which is internal corporate data I want to present only on our intranet.
They claim that the data is kept only a short time for debugging purposes, then deleted. However if this is legally protected data under HIPA or SEC regulations that is unlikely to be good enough.
After reading further I found these on Google saying that for many charts, no data is sent to Google (or even your own server).
"All Google-authored charts are developed with privacy and security considerations in mind. All Google chart documentation pages include a data policy section that describes whether a chart sends any chart data from the page."
Line Chart: All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server.
Scatter Chart - same
Area Chart - same

private RSS feed items

What are the best methods to create private RSS feeds? I have some public feed items and some private feed items. When user clicks on private feed item link, he needs to be authenticated before viewing the post.
Thank you.
You can use HTTP authentication (401 + WWW-Authenticate header)
You can create unique, unguessable feed URLs. This is easiest for users, as it "just works" with any feed reader without extra step.
Ideally you should allow user to invalidate all those URLs from your website (in case private feed URL "leaks")
E.g.: store random string (uuid/hash of random data) in your users table, when serving feed look up user using this string. When user wants to invalidate feed URLs, generate new random string.