The following features are different ways to implement a section of anomaly detection code using distance-based algorithms, using scala and spark.
Both have the same objective but the second is focused on neighborhoods with the aim of reducing execution time.
def stage1(neighbors: Iterator[Tupla], neighborsNew: Broadcast[Array[Tupla]], k: Int, spark: SparkSession): Iterator[TuplaFase1] = { { neighbor =>
var distances = neighbor.distance
neighborsNew.value.foreach { neighborNew =>
distances = insert(euclidean(neighbor.values, neighborNew.values, spark), distances, k, spark)
Data1(, neighbor.values, IA(distances, spark), distances)
def stage1(neighborhoods: Iterator[Neighborhood], k: Int, spark: SparkSession): Iterator[TuplaFase1] = {
neighborhoods.flatMap { neighborhood => { neighbor =>
var distances = neighbor.distance
neighborhood.neighborsNew.foreach { neighborNew =>
distances = insert(euclidean(neighbor.values, neighborNew.values, spark), distances, k, spark)
Data1(, neighbor.values, IA(distances, spark), distances)
In the tests carried out, the results coincide, but the execution times increase considerably. For the first version when the time is 1.294 seconds, in the second with the neighborhood approach it is 5.375 seconds. I don't know why this happens.
I'm implementing an algorithm on GraphX for which I need to also compute the diameter of some relatively small graphs.
The problem is that GraphX doesn't have any notion of undirected graphs, so when using the built-in method from ShortestPaths, it obsviously gets the shortets directed paths. This doesn't help much in computing a graph diameter (Longest Shorted undirected path between any pairs of nodes).
I thought of duplicating the the edges of my graph (instead of |E| I would have 2|E| edges) but I didn't feel it's the right way to do it. So, are there a better way to do it on GraphX notably?
Here is my code for a directed graph:
// computing the query diameter
def getDiameter(graph: Graph[String, Int]):Long = {
// Get ids of vertices of the graph
val vIds =
// Compute list of shortest paths for every vertex in the graph
val shortestPaths =, vIds).vertices.collect
// extract only the distance values from a list of tuples <VertexId, Map> where map contains <key, value>: <dst vertex, shortest directed distance>
val values = => element._2).map(element => element.values)
// diamter is the longest shortest undirected distance between any pair of nodes in te graph
val diameter = => m.max).max
GraphX actually has no notion of direction it you don't tell it to use it.
If you look at the inner workings of the ShortestPaths library you'll see that it uses Pregel and the direction is default (EdgeDirection.Either). This means that for all triplets it will add both source & dest to the activeset.
However if you specify in the sendMsg function of Pregel to only keep the srcId in the active set (as is happening in the ShortestPaths lib) certain vertices (with only outgoing edges) will not be reevaluated.
Anyway a solution is to write your own Diameter object/library, maybe looking like this (heavily based on ShortestPath, so maybe there are even better solutions?)
object Diameter extends Serializable {
type SPMap = Map[VertexId, Int]
def makeMap(x: (VertexId, Int)*) = Map(x: _*)
def incrementMap(spmap: SPMap): SPMap = { case (v, d) => v -> (d + 1) }
def addMaps(spmap1: SPMap, spmap2: SPMap): SPMap = {
(spmap1.keySet ++ spmap2.keySet).map {
k => k -> math.min(spmap1.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue), spmap2.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue))
}(collection.breakOut) // more efficient alternative to [[collection.Traversable.toMap]]
// Removed landmarks, since all paths have to be taken in consideration
def run[VD, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED]): Int = {
val spGraph = graph.mapVertices { (vid, _) => makeMap(vid -> 0) }
val initialMessage:SPMap = makeMap()
def vertexProgram(id: VertexId, attr: SPMap, msg: SPMap): SPMap = {
addMaps(attr, msg)
def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[SPMap, _]): Iterator[(VertexId, SPMap)] = {
// added the concept of updating the dstMap based on the srcMap + 1
val newSrcAttr = incrementMap(edge.dstAttr)
val newDstAttr = incrementMap(edge.srcAttr)
if (edge.srcAttr != addMaps(newSrcAttr, edge.srcAttr)) Some((edge.srcId, newSrcAttr)) else None,
if (edge.dstAttr != addMaps(newDstAttr, edge.dstAttr)) Some((edge.dstId, newDstAttr)) else None
val pregel = Pregel(spGraph, initialMessage)(vertexProgram, sendMessage, addMaps)
// each vertex will contain map with all shortest paths, so just get first
val diameter =
I am running the example multiple linear regression for Flink (0.10-SNAPSHOT). I can't figure out how to extract the weights (e.g. slope and intercept, beta0-beta1, what ever you want to call them). I'm not super seasoned in Scala, that is probably half my problem.
Thanks for any help any one can give.
object Job {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// set up the execution environment
val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val survival = env.readCsvFile[(String, String, String, String)]("/home/danger/IdeaProjects/quickstart/docs/")
val survivalLV = survival
.map{tuple =>
val list = tuple.productIterator.toList
val numList =[String].toDouble)
LabeledVector(numList(3), DenseVector(numList.take(3).toArray))
val mlr = MultipleLinearRegression()
println(mlr.toString()) // This doesn't do anything productive...
println(mlr.weightsOption) // Neither does this.
The problem is that you've only constructed the Flink job (DAG) which will calculate the weights but it is not yet executed. The easiest way to trigger the execution is to use the collect method which will retrieve the result of the DataSet back to your client.
val weights = mlr.weightsOption match {
case Some(weights) => weights.collect()
case None => throw new Exception("Could not calculate the weights.")
I'm developing chess engine using Scala and Apache Spark (and I need to stress that my sanity is not the topic of this question). My problem is that Negamax algorithm is recursive in its essence and when I try naive approach:
class NegaMaxSparc(#transient val sc: SparkContext) extends Serializable {
val movesOrdering = new Ordering[Tuple2[Move, Double]]() {
override def compare(x: (Move, Double), y: (Move, Double)): Int =
Ordering[Double].compare(x._2, y._2)
def negaMaxSparkHelper(game: Game, color: PieceColor, depth: Int, previousMovesPar: RDD[Move]): (Move, Double) = {
val board = game.board
if (depth == 0) {
(null, NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color))
} else {
val moves = board.possibleMovesForColor(color)
val movesPar = previousMovesPar.context.parallelize(moves)
val moveMappingFunc = (m: Move) => { negaMaxSparkHelper(new Game(board.boardByMakingMove(m), color.oppositeColor, null), color.oppositeColor, depth - 1, movesPar) }
val movesWithScorePar =
val move = movesWithScorePar.min()(movesOrdering)
(move._1, -move._2)
def negaMaxSpark(game: Game, color: PieceColor, depth: Int): (Move, Double) = {
if (depth == 0) {
(null, NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color))
} else {
val movesPar = sc.parallelize(new Array[Move](0))
negaMaxSparkHelper(game, color, depth, movesPar)
class NegaMaxSparkBot(val maxDepth: Int, sc: SparkContext) extends Bot {
def nextMove(game: Game): Move = {
val nms = new NegaMaxSparc(sc)
nms.negaMaxSpark(game, game.colorToMove, maxDepth)._1
I get:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: RDD transformations and actions can only be invoked by the driver, not inside of other transformations; for example, => rdd2.values.count() * x) is invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot be performed inside of the transformation. For more information, see SPARK-5063.
The question is: can this algorithm be implemented recursively using Spark? If not, then what is the proper Spark-way to solve that problem?
Only the driver can launch computation on RDD. The reason is that even though RDD "feel" like regular collections of data, behind the scene they are still distributed collections, so launching operations on them requires coordinating execution of tasks on all remote slaves, which spark hides from us most of the time.
So recursing from the slaves, i.e. launching new distributed tasks dynamically directly from slaves is not possible: only the drive can take care of such coordination.
Here's a possible alternative of a simplification of your problem (if I get things correctly). The idea is to successively build instances of Moves, each one representing the full sequence of Move from initial state.
Each instance of Moves is able to transform itself into a set of Moves, each one corresponding to the same sequence of Move plus one possible next Move.
From there the driver just has to successively flatMap the Moves for as deep as we want, and the resulting RDD[Moves] will execute all operations in parallel for us.
The downside of the approach is that all depth level are kept synchronized, i.e. we have to compute all moves at level n (i.e. the RDD[Moves] for level n) before going to the next one.
The code below is not tested, it probably has flaws and does not even compile, but hopefully it provides an idea on how to approach the problem.
/* one modification to the board */
case class Move(from: String, to: String)
case class PieceColor(color: String)
/* state of the game */
case class Board {
def possibleMovesForColor(color: PieceColor): Seq[Move] =
Move("here", "there") :: Move("there", "over there") :: Move("there", "here") :: Nil
// TODO: compute a new instance of board here, based on current + this move
def update(move: Move): Board = new Board
/** Solution, i.e. a sequence of moves*/
case class Moves(moves: Seq[Move], game: Board, color: PieceColor) {
lazy val score = NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color)
/** #return all valid next Moves */
def nextPossibleMoves: Seq[Moves] =
board.possibleMovesForColor(color).map {
nextMove =>
play.copy(moves = nextMove :: play.moves,
game =
/** Driver code: negaMax: looks for the best next move from a give game state */
def negaMax(sc: SparkContext, game: Board, color: PieceColor, maxDepth: Int):Moves = {
val initialSolution = Moves(Seq[moves].empty, game, color)
val allPlays: rdd[Moves] =
(1 to maxDepth).foldLeft (sc.parallelize(Seq(initialSolution))) {
rdd => rdd.flatMap(_.nextPossibleMoves)
allPlays.reduce { case (m1, m2) => if (m1.score < m2.score) m1 else m2}
This is a limitation that makes sense in terms of the implementation, but it can be a pain to work with.
You can try pulling out the recursion to top level, just in the "driver" code that creates and operates with RDDs? Something like:
def step(rdd: Rdd[Move], limit: Int) =
if(0 == limit) rdd
else {
val newRdd = rdd.flatMap(...)
step(newRdd, limit - 1)
Alternately it's always possible to translate recursion into iteration, by managing the "stack" explicitly by hand (although it may result in more cumbersome code).
I am working on Apache Spark to build the LRM using the LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS() class provided by MLib. Once the Model is built, we can use the predict function provided which gives only the binary labels as the output. I also want the probabilities to be calculated for the same.
There is an implementation for the same found in
override protected def predictPoint(
dataMatrix: Vector,
weightMatrix: Vector,
intercept: Double) = {
require(dataMatrix.size == numFeatures)
// If dataMatrix and weightMatrix have the same dimension, it's binary logistic regression.
if (numClasses == 2) {
val margin = dot(weightMatrix, dataMatrix) + intercept
val score = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-margin))
threshold match {
case Some(t) => if (score > t) 1.0 else 0.0
case None => score
This method is not exposed, and also the probabilities are not available. Can I know how to use this function to get probabilities.
The dot method which is used in the above function is also not exposed, it is present in the BLAS Package but it is not public.
Call myModel.clearThreshold to get the raw prediction instead of the 0/1 labels.
Mind this only works for Binary Logistic Regression (numClasses == 2).
I encountered a similar problem in trying to obtain the raw predictions for a multiples problem. For me, the best solution was to create a method by borrowing and customizing from the Spark MLlib Logistic Regression src. You can create a like so:
object ClassificationUtility {
def predictPoint(dataMatrix: Vector, model: LogisticRegressionModel):
(Double, Array[Double]) = {
require(dataMatrix.size == model.numFeatures)
val dataWithBiasSize: Int = model.weights.size / (model.numClasses - 1)
val weightsArray: Array[Double] = model.weights match {
case dv: DenseVector => dv.values
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"weights only supports dense vector but got type ${model.weights.getClass}.")
var bestClass = 0
var maxMargin = 0.0
val withBias = dataMatrix.size + 1 == dataWithBiasSize
val classProbabilities: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](model.numClasses)
(0 until model.numClasses - 1).foreach { i =>
var margin = 0.0
dataMatrix.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
if (value != 0.0) margin += value * weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + index)
// Intercept is required to be added into margin.
if (withBias) {
margin += weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + dataMatrix.size)
if (margin > maxMargin) {
maxMargin = margin
bestClass = i + 1
classProbabilities(i+1) = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-(margin - maxMargin)))
return (bestClass.toDouble, classProbabilities)
Note it is only slightly different from the original method, it just calculates the logistic as a function of the input features. It also defines some vals and vars that are originally private and included outside of this method. Ultimately, it indexes the scores in an Array and returns it along with the best answer. I call my method like so:
// Compute raw scores on the test set.
val predictionAndLabelsAndProbabilities = test
.map { case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
val (prediction, probabilities) = ClassificationUtility
.predictPoint(features, model)
(prediction, label, probabilities)}
It seems the Spark contributors are discouraging the use of MLlib in favor of ML. The ML logistic regression API currently does not support multiples classification. I am now using OneVsRest which acts as a wrapper for one vs all classification. I am working on a similar customization to get the raw scores.
I believe the call is myModel.clearThreshold(); i.e. myModel.clearThreshold without the parentheses fails. See the linear SVM example here.
How to compute the factorial using Scala actors ?
And would it prove more time efficient compared to for instance
def factorial(n: Int): BigInt = (BigInt(1) to BigInt(n)).par.product
Many Thanks.
You have to split up your input in partial products. This partial products can then be calculated in parallel. The partial products are then multiplied to get the final product.
This can be reduced to a broader class of problems: The so called Parallel prefix calculation. You can read up about it on Wikipedia.
Short version: When you calculate a*b*c*d with an associative operation _ * _, you can structure the calculation a*(b*(c*d)) or (a*b)*(c*d). With the second approach, you can then calculate a*b and c*d in parallel and then calculate the final result from these partial results. Of course you can do this recursively, when you have a bigger number of input values.
This sounds a little bit like a homework assignment. So I will provide a solution that has two properties:
It contains a small bug
It shows how to solve parallel prefix in general, without solving the problem directly
So you can see how the solution should be structured, but no one can use it to cheat on her homework.
Solution in detail
First I need a few imports
import akka.event.Logging
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
Then I create some helper classes for the communication between the actors
case class Calculate[T](values : Seq[T], segment : Int, parallelLimit : Int, fn : (T,T) => T)
trait CalculateResponse
case class CalculationResult[T](result : T, index : Int) extends CalculateResponse
case object Busy extends CalculateResponse
Instead of telling the receiver you are busy, the actor could also use the stash or implement its own queue for partial results. But in this case I think the sender shoudl decide how much parallel calculations are allowed.
Now I create the actor:
class ParallelPrefixActor[T] extends Actor {
val log = Logging(context.system, this)
val subCalculation = Props(classOf[ParallelPrefixActor[BigInt]])
val fanOut = 2
def receive = waitForCalculation
def waitForCalculation : Actor.Receive = {
case c : Calculate[T] =>
log.debug(s"Start calculation for ${c.values.length} values, segment nr. ${c.index}, from ${c.values.head} to ${c.values.last}")
if (c.values.length < c.parallelLimit) {
log.debug("Calculating result direct")
val result = c.values.reduceLeft(c.fn)
sender ! CalculationResult(result, c.index)
val groupSize: Int = Math.max(1, (c.values.length / fanOut) + Math.min(c.values.length % fanOut, 1))
log.debug(s"Splitting calculation for ${c.values.length} values up to ${fanOut} children, ${groupSize} elements each, limit ${c.parallelLimit}")
def segments=c.values.grouped(groupSize)
log.debug("Starting children")
segments.zipWithIndex.foreach{case (values, index) =>
context.actorOf(subCalculation) ! c.copy(values = values, index = index)
val partialResults: Vector[T] =[Vector]
log.debug(s"Waiting for ${partialResults.length} results (${partialResults.indices})")
context.become(waitForResults(segments.length, partialResults, c, sender), discardOld = true)
def waitForResults(outstandingResults : Int, partialResults : Vector[T], originalRequest : Calculate[T], originalSender : ActorRef) : Actor.Receive = {
case c : Calculate[_] => sender ! Busy
case r : CalculationResult[T] =>
log.debug(s"Putting result ${r.result} on position ${r.index} in ${partialResults.length}")
val updatedResults = partialResults.updated(r.index, r.result)
log.debug("Killing sub-worker")
sender ! PoisonPill
if (outstandingResults==1) {
log.debug("Calculating result from partial results")
val result = updatedResults.reduceLeft(originalRequest.fn)
originalSender ! CalculationResult(result, originalRequest.index)
context.become(waitForCalculation, discardOld = true)
log.debug(s"Still waiting for ${outstandingResults-1} results")
// For fanOut > 2 one could here already combine consecutive partial results
context.become(waitForResults(outstandingResults-1, updatedResults, originalRequest, originalSender), discardOld = true)
Using parallel prefix calculation is not optimal. The actors calculating the the product of the bigger numbers will do much more work than the actors calculating the product of the smaller numbers (e.g. when calculating 1 * ... * 100 , it is faster to calculate 1 * ... * 10 than 90 * ... * 100). So it might be a good idea to shuffle the numbers, so big numbers will be mixed with small numbers. This works in this case, because we use an commutative operation. Parallel prefix calculation in general only needs an associative operation to work.
In theory
Performance of the actor solution is worse than the "naive" solution (using parallel collections) for small amounts of data. The actor solution will shine, when you make complex calculations or distribute your calculation on specialized hardware (e.g. graphics card or FPGA) or on multiple machines. With the actor you can control, who does which calculation and you can even restart "hanging calculations". This can give a big speed up.
On a single machine, the actor solution might help when you have a non-uniform memory architecture. You could then organize the actors in a way that pins memory to a certain processor.
Some measurement
I did some real performance measurement using a Scala worksheet in IntelliJ IDEA.
First I set up the actor system:
// Setup the actor system
val system = ActorSystem("root")
// Start one calculation actor
val calculationStart = Props(classOf[ParallelPrefixActor[BigInt]])
val calcolon = system.actorOf(calculationStart, "Calcolon-BigInt")
val inbox = Inbox.create(system)
Then I defined a helper method to measure time:
// Helper function to measure time
def time[A] (id : String)(f: => A) = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val result = f
val stop = System.nanoTime()
println(s"""Time for "${id}": ${(stop-start)*1e-6d}ms""")
And then I did some performance measurement:
// Test code
val limit = 10000
def testRange = (1 to limit).map(BigInt(_))
time("par product")(testRange.par.product)
val timeOut = FiniteDuration(240, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
inbox.send(calcolon, Calculate[BigInt]((1 to limit).map(BigInt(_)), 0, 10, _ * _))
time("actor product")(inbox.receive(timeOut))
time("par sum")(testRange.par.sum)
inbox.send(calcolon, Calculate[BigInt](testRange, 0, 5, _ + _))
time("actor sum")(inbox.receive(timeOut))
I got the following results
> Time for "par product": 134.38289ms
res0: scala.math.BigInt = 284625968091705451890641321211986889014805140170279923
Time for "actor product": 1310.217247ms
res2: Any = CalculationResult(28462596809170545189064132121198688901480514017027
> Time for "par sum": 6.488620999999999ms
res3: scala.math.BigInt = 50005000
> Time for "actor sum": 657.752832ms
res5: Any = CalculationResult(50005000,0)
You can easily see that the actor version is much slower than using parallel collections.