The letters won't appear in VScode (Ubuntu 20.04, M1 pro(arm64)) - visual-studio-code

enter image description here
I can't see the letter of the VScode like the image. VScode has been installed in Debian arm64. How can I fix the problem.

I am having the same issue running Ubuntu 20.04 in UTM 4.0.9 on the M1 apple silicon. Starting visual studio code from the command line like this soled it.
code --disable-gpu
There is a discussion in github about this issue:


VS code markdown text wrapping issue

I am using using visual studio code on arch linux, with official compiled version download from arch linux aur source ( However, I found that the text wrapping in markdown mode does not work well.
The under screenshot was taken from my linux desktop computer.
Linux Screenshot
As we can see that, in the last 2 line, part of words are hidden due to incorrect word wrapping.
This screenshot is taken from my windows desktop, which is what I want to have on linux desktop.
Windows Screenshot
Background information related to my Linux desktop:
System: Archlinux
System version: all of software are updated to latest version
VS Code Version: 1.75.1-1
Windows Manager: awesome wm(with Xorg)
What I have tried:
reinstall vs code, and removing all of add-on/extensions installed, does't work.
try to use code-oss, which is compiled by arch linux community, does't work.
clean all of user settings, does't work.

does mingw-w64 work in vscode for Mac m1?

I installed mingw-w64 using homebrew on my Mac m1 and then in vscode I installed the code runner extension as the tutorial said but it doesn't run my code after I press the command "cmd+opt+n" , nth seems to work.

Strange vscode issue in WSL

I've been trying to set up the vscode code . shortcut to work in WSL. Following the instructions from the vscode website, I reinstalled vscode in windows, reinstalled the Remote-Wsl extension, made sure it was in my System Path, and tried running code . in the WSL linux distro terminal. I get the message instructing me to install it on the windows side, and asking me if I want to continue. I hit yes, but it doesn't create the code server folder in my home directory. Typing code . again does the same thing.
Does anyone know why this may be?
This is the output text:
To use Visual Studio Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install Visual Studio Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the code command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N]
The error message isn't just pointing out that you need to install the Windows version, but it indicates that you have the Linux version installed in WSL and should remove it.
From that, it sounds like at some point you may have installed the Linux version of VSCode in WSL, and that one is taking priority. You'll need to uninstall it in order to run the Windows version of VSCode with the "Remote - WSL" extension.
You don't mention what distribution you are running, but if it is Ubuntu, try:
sudo apt remove code # or
sudo apt remove code-insiders
Also see the uninstall doc from Microsoft.

How can I open a New Ubuntu 20.04 shell (WSL2) in VSCode integrated terminal

On my machine I have installed the WSL2 on Windows 10 Pro and a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distro. I am also using VSCode as editor for programming. I start VSCode in Windows (not in the WSL2 Ubuntu) and there is the possibility to create a new terminal using the profile "New Ubuntu-20.04 (Standard) (WSL)".
Image: Start New Ubuntu 20.04 (Standard) (WSL)
However, this doesn't work as it calls the command "wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 (Standard)" thus interpreting "(Standard)" as a command to be executed in WSL. This obviously fails as there is no command "(Standard)".
Image: Error message starting the shell
How can I change this profile? Is that possible at all?
As a workaround I can create a new profile in my VSCode user settings and pass the correct argument to the "wsl" command. But then I still have the defective profile entry in the integrated terminal. But I just want to have working entries there.
thanks in advance
The April 2021 release of VS code fixed the issue.

I cannot use firejail keepasssc with Bionic Beaver

KeepassXC just hangs there with 18.04 installed. I have to use Ctrl-c on the firejail terminal window to close it. I had no such problem with 16.04 installed. By the way, there is an error relating to GTK appearing with 18.04 which did not appear with 16.04 -> "Theme parsing error: gtk-lubuntu.css".
KeepassXC 2.3.4 and the GitHub version of Firejail solved my problem. Thanks to the developers of both projects, which together help make the Web a safer place for all.