how to create a menu with submenu and navigate accordingly nav link appears using drawer MUI component in react Js - material-ui

Need to create a Main menu and submenu using Permanent Drawer MUI component. Can any one guide me how to do this using react js


How to Create side bar menu with navigation in flutter web

I am new to flutter and working on a web app, I want side bar menu similar to any website. I search a lot but some are using getx for navigation and some are using navigationrail
I don't want to use both of these and neither any other package. Is it possible to create simple side menu bar without using these.
You can use this package easy_sidemenu just define a PageController and you're ready to go

Single page navigation with flutter web

I'm trying to create a web app that only renders one page, and the other pages (or views) are rendered when you press a button related to that specific view. Like the Flutter Gallery website, when you click on a widget info in the "Categories" section
Is there any workaround for this or do I have to create my own router?
you can keep all widgets on one page package by creating a switch statement in your build page. switch between different widget when rendering the scaffolding.

Flutter Nested Navigator

Hello I want to make a nested navigator like this
If not logged
if Logged
This will have a drawer menu and the body I want it to change based on the route
/index/clients … etc so basically only change the body once a drawer menu clicked .
From angular I were using ui-view package and it was easy to do. and it seems its not possible to use nested navigators in flutter
the /index screen will only have a header and side menu drawer. as it is a web application
for now i am just redrawing all the screens everytime . and it is like duplicated code.
any help is appreciated

Flutter drawer menu open behind flutter_webview_plugin

I am new in flutter i am using flutter_webview_plugin for open my web in flutter application with drawer navigation menu.
But the issue is my drawer menu is behind the flutter_webview
Maybe the flutter_webview load after drawer menu
Check this image this is for issue
If you are opening the link from the Drawer (by clicking on a drawer item), then am guessing you are not closing the Drawer, that is why it is showing on the background,
If so, assign a key to the Scaffold then call key.openEndDrawer() to close the drawer programmatically, before you open the WebView

Reuse the tab of a component in another component except a widget in touch ui aem

I have a component /apps/myproject/component1.
In its dialog i have some widgets.Now I have another component /apps/myproject/component2 and its dialog want to use the same tab but a widget should be removed and one should be added in component2 touch UI dialog in AEM.
I tried to achieve it using
sling:resourceType :"granite/ui/components/foundation/include"
on tab1.
But if i want to add and remove a widget, i am not able to do that.
Can anyone please help me?