Access Camera form untrusted http (web app)? - progressive-web-apps

I have a PWA for a business that is locally hosted on a local server, so the users access it only when they are in the same network and as such, they do it using http (something like http://app) the thing is that the PWA has to scan some QR codes, and for that it needs to access the camera, but no browser will allow camera access from an unstrusted source, it has to be from https or localhost which is imposible, any ideas?
Having a self-signed cert. is not an option.


OAuth2 redirect URI for enterprise application

I'm working on an enterprise application and our UI is a web application. We are looking to add OAuth2 support and I don't understand what to provide for the redirect URI field to the OAuth provider.
For example, I have registered my app in github OAuth provider.
Homepage URL: https://localhost:7980/index.html
Authorization callback URL: https://localhost:7980/oauth_callback
Now this works fine with localhost as the hostname. But, when this application gets used by the customers they can install it on any of their boxes and invoke the web app from any device connected to our server via https://[hostname]:7980/index.html. In this case, if the customer wants to use OAuth2 authentication option, then I don't understand what should be the redirect URL. Obviously I cannot use localhost for redirect URL as the customer can access the web app from any machine. I wouldn't know the machine ip/hostname where the customers are going to be installing our server beforehand.
One suggestion was to use a server from our company which would handle redirect URLs for the OAuth2 authentication. Is this a good idea? Is there a standard way for handling the use case I have narrated above in OAuth2?

HTTPS for local IP address

I have a gadget[*] that connects to the user's WiFi network and responds to commands over a simple REST interface. The user uses a web app to control this gadget. The web app is currently served over http and the app's javascript does AJAX calls to the gadget's local IP address to control it. This scheme works well and I have no issues with it.
[*] By "gadget" I mean an actual, physical IoT device that the user buys and installs within their home, and configures to connect to their home WiFi network
Now, I want to serve this web app over https. I have no issue setting up https on the hosting side. The problem is, now the browser blocks access to the gadget (since the gadget's REST API is over http and not https).
The obvious solution is to have the gadget serve it's REST API over https. But how? It has a local IP address and no one will issue a certificate for it. (Even if they did, I'd have to buy a boatload of certificates for each possible local IP address.) I could round-trip via the cloud (by adding additional logic on my server side to accept commands from the web app and forward it to the gadget over another connection), but this will increase latencies.
Is there a way around this problem? One possibility that I have in mind is to:
Get a wildcard certificate (say, *
Run my own DNS that maps sub-domains to a local IP address following a pattern (For example, would map to
Use the wild-card certificate in all the gadgets
My web app could then make AJAX calls to instead of and latencies would remain unaffected aside from the initial DNS lookup
Would this work? It's an expensive experiment to try out (wildcard certificates cost ~$200) and running a DNS server seems like a lot of work. Plus I find myself under-qualified to think through the security implications.
Perhaps there's already a service out there that solves this problem?
While this is a pretty old question, it is still nothing that you find out-of-the-box solutions for today.
Just as #Jaffa-the-cake posted in a comment, you can lean on how Plex did it, which Filippo Valsorda explained in his blog:
This is very similar to what you proposed yourself. You don't even need a wildcard certificate, but you can generate certificates on-the-fly using Let's Encrypt. (You can still use wildcard certificates, if you want, which Let's Encrypt supports now, too.)
Just yesterday I did a manual proof-of-concept for that workflow, that can be automated with the following steps:
Write a Web Service that can create DNS entries for individual devices dynamically and generate matching certificates via Let's Encrypt - this is pretty easy using certbot and e.g. Google Cloud DNS. I guess Azure, AWS and others have similar offerings, too. When you use certbot's DNS plugins, you don't even need to have an actual web server running on port 80/443.
On you local device, contact that Web Service to generate a unique DNS entry (e.g. and certificate for that domain
Use that certificate in your local HTTPS server
Browse to that domain instead of your local IP
Now you will have a HTTPS connection to your local server, using a local IP, but a publicly resolved DNS entry.
The downside is that this does not work offline from arbitrary clients. And you need to think of a good security concept to create trust between the client that requests a DNS and certificate, and your web service that will generate those.
BTW, do you mind sharing what kind of gadget it is that you are building?
If all you want is to access the device APIs through the web browser, A Simple solution would be to proxy all the requests to the device through your web server.this was even self signed certs for the devices wont be a problem. Only problem though is that the server would have to be on the same network as your devices.
If you are not on the same network, you can write a simple browser plugin (chrome) to send the api request to IoT device. but then the dependency on the app/plugin will be clumsy.

Using localhost for Secure Canvas URL on Facebook App

I need to develop a Facebook app, and while I request my SSL certificate, I need to start the project because I have few time to deliver it.
Is it possible to use localhost as the "Secure Canvas URL"? This field requires that the URL begins with https, so I don't know the correct way to do it (in the case that using localhost is allowed).
First of all you need to set up your server to answer HTTPS requests.
Then you create a self-signed SSL certificate – not sure if that works for the domain name localhost, but I’d recommend setting up a local domain, such as mytest.local anyway (the .local being the important part here), make your server listen to that, and your system resolve it to your local IP address, f.e. via its hosts file.
And then you tell your browser to accept that self-signed certificate … and you’re good to go.

AIR SocketServer mobile app and policy file

Building an AIR based mobile application which will only be used over a local wifi network.
The SocketServer class will be used to load and save high scores.
Will I need to make use of a policy file?
Probably, pretty much if you are requesting a resource from anywhere other than the same port and host as where the .swf came from you will probably need a policy server and a crossdomain file.
Edit: The reason for this is security. Imagine you are working at a corperate office behind a firewall browsing the web. A malicious flash ad is on a site you are visiting and starts copying intranet files from your browser (which is behind the firewall) and uploading them to a secret location. The policy server ensures that servers you access want you to access them, and can specify what exactly you are allowed to access.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration

I've been testing my app using my company's domain (which has ssl installed) and works like a charm.
now, I want this app to have its own domain, server and SSL certificate. I purchased a Godaddy SSL certificate(Standard (Turbo) SSL) and asked my hosting to install it, which they did and seems to be working ok...
now when I change the Facebook App settings to my new server, it just fails to load, and the console just outputs "Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains. "
Im completely lost on what to do... the settings are like this
Im loading FB using the facebook-actionscript-api 1.8.1
Namespace: myfbapp
App domains:
Sandbox: disabled
Canvas URL:
Secure c url:
needed to get a dedicated IP for my game and attach the SSL to it