Push large file to Azure repo but ignore in GitHub - github

I have a project linked to both a GitHub and Azure repo. This project has a saved tensorflow model on my workspace which my project manager is requesting I add to the Azure repo. I cannot add this to the GitHub repo as the file sizes are too large.
I have tried committing the files and then pushing to the Azure repo. Then uncommiting the file and pushing to the GitHub repo, but the next time I ran a push to the Azure repo, these files were lost as I had now uncommited them in the tree.
Is there a way to push these files to the Azure repo only, but ignore them for the GitHub repo?


Pipeline creation on AWS with GitHub repository

When we create a pipeline on AWS we can provide a Github repo, let's say the repo name is: "RepoName/exampleProject" and in this repo, we have many folders. So can we provide a subfolder from this repo like "RepoName/exampleProject/subFolder" to repo section in add source stage in AWS?
Since we could have two Folders in this repo like Laravel for the backend and a separate project Vue Js for the frontend.
No. Not for GitHub or AWS CodeCommit. Basically, its a no for any git provider.
What your are providing here is a / and the you provide branch.
These details are required to git clone the source code which will be transition to next stage. When you do a git clone, you clone the entire repository and not any specific folder.
If your source files are on S3, it will be a different case. S3 is not a git based version control. You can download specific folder from S3.

Forking Github into AzureDevops

I'm wanting to fork a github repo into AzureDevOps, whilst retaining the capability within AzureDevOps to keep pulling changes from github as-per forking a repo within github.
Is this feasible / on a roadmap?
I'm wanting to fork a github repo into AzureDevOps, whilst retaining the capability within AzureDevOps to keep pulling changes from github as-per forking a repo within github.
I am afraid there is no such out of box function of the "Fork" in GitHub for Azure Devops. But you can import repository from GitHub directly.
In Azure DevOps the project you want to clone the repository or create a new team project, click code tab. Click repository menu in Code Tab (it is on the top left side) and select Import repository:
Then, slect the SourceType GIT and add your github repository URL:
However, according to the ticket on the github:
Currently there is no Azure DevOps' build in support for automatically
updating your GitHub repo fork in Azure Repos.
We need do the sync manually on the dev machine.
Besides, there is an old document about How-To Fork Git Repositories on Visual Studio Online, but we still need to create a middleman to moderate changes from GitHub before pushing them into a VSTS project.
Hope this helps.

Update a GitHub repository without cloning

Here's the situation, we are currently working on a project and lately we decided to upload it on GitHub. Now I made my changes and I want to push the changes onto the repository.
As far as I read, in order to make changes you need to clone the repository but that will download all files from the repository and I already have all of the source files.
I'm using GitHub desktop and I can't find any option to clone without downloading and update or create branches from my existing files. Creating a local one is an option but it needs to be uploaded as a separate repository instead of linking it to a current one.
Is there any way to push updates, create branches to the repository from my local project to an existing repository?
Your local project should already be a git repo, if you uploaded it to GitHub.
But in case it is not, switch to command-line, and do inside the root folder of your project (which should shows the same files as your remote repo):
git init .
git remote add origin https://github.com/<user>/<project>
git fetch
The fetch part will download the repo but leave your files alone.
(But do a backup still, just to be safe)
git branch master origin/master
git reset master
From there, your GitHub Desktop should show you any diff between your files and what was fetched from the repo.

Jenkins Publish to Separate Repo than Source Managed

I'm trying to write a job in Jenkins that pulls my latest code from a Github repo, zips it all up, and then pushes it to another builds Github repo. The Publisher event in post-build seems to only push back to the repo you specify in source code management. Is there a way I can push to a different/separate repo?
You can create the zip and than use a bash command with git push ...
Another option is to keep the zip in artifacts repository - Nexus or artifactory ...

Synch NetSuite SuiteScript Files with Git Repo

We're trying to use Git source control for our NetSuite SuiteScript. How can I synch my Eclipse SuiteScript workspace files with my local git repo if the local repo already contains the files (meaning "Share Project" won't work)?
I've already setup a Git Repo for our NetSuite SuiteScript library. The initial setup was simple because I pulled down our file cabinet using the SuiteCloud IDE (Eclipse/NetSuite bundle), added an existing local git repo, and used the Eclipse Team > Share Project feature to push the SuiteScript files to the repo. However, that method only works the first time through.
Our other developers aren't able to use the Share Project feature to synch the projects with the Repo since the files already exist in both locations. The challenge is that the files need to be pulled directly from NetSuite first in order to have the necessary indexes for the File Cabinet.
I think you should be able to pull files from file cabinet, do git init , commit files to git repo, and then delete the project from workspace. This would ensure the files exists in netsuite and git repo both.
Now, you can take a similar approach as in the case where files existed in both NetSuite and git repo, by creating new project and pulling up the files again from NetSuite and adding git repo info.
I found a way to do this.
Clone your remote repo (can use init too but easier with clone IMO)
Delete all the files in your repo
Pull all the files into Eclipse from NetSuite.
Use Team > Share Project to synch with your repo
Use fetch to reset to the remote repo
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
After this you're all set.