Can't solve ODE in matlab, strange plot occur - matlab

enter image description here
I've checked my code, which I think is ok, but can't get the right plot as in the book
here's my code:
clc,clear,close all
syms y(x) dy d2y

the output of y = dsolve is a vector with 2 equations as its elements. Also in the range of fplot these functions are complex. Since I don't know which results you are looking for, you can try and check these alternatives for your plot and have a look at the output:


Trouble plotting a solution curve with dsolve

I'm trying to do my assignments which is plotting a direction fields and a solution curve that passes a given point and having a trouble doing this particular differential equation: y'=1-x*y, y(0)=0.
My code is :
syms x y;
ezplot(y1,[-10 10 -10 10]);
And it got some error about the input i believe, it says:
Error using inlineeval and error in expression, input must be real and
full and so on...
I have had success with other differential equations but this one is still miserable.
I'm almost sure this is a comment, but since I still don't have enough reputation to do so I'm answering here :P
Apparently the solution y1 for your equation is something like
y1 = -(2^(1/2)*pi^(1/2)*exp(-x^2/2)*erf((2^(1/2)*x*1i)/2)*1i)/2
The erf function needs a real input, but in this case you have a 1i complex term which is causing the problem.

Plotting modes of circular waveguide in Matlab

I'm having some trouble with a script that I need to plot the TE and TM modes of a circular waveguide.
Everything is based on these formulas:
Right now I'm focused on the TE modes and what I have to plot is the field vector e_mn'' inside a squared-mesh equal to the radius of the waveguide.
To do it I need to compute the bessel function of the first kind and extract x_mn that correspond to the n-th root in which the function is equal to zero. These points are supposed to be real but positive.
I followed this example
but I get an error:
Undefined function 'isfinite' for input arguments of type> 'function_handle'. Error in roots (line 26) if ~all(isfinite(c)) Error
in circular (line 20)
This is my code. Can you help me?
clear all
close all
a=20; %radius
if m==0
J0 = #(r) besselj(0,r);
%J0 = besselj(m,r);
for r=0:1:a
for phi=0:1*pi/180:2*pi
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:1:a);
hold on
This is not my area of expertise so take this with a grain of salt, but I did some googling and think I know what's going on:
The code you are working from in the provided link defines:
J0 = chebfun(#(x) besselj(0,x),[0 100]);
Note the link from your reference to a Chebfun example is dead, but I read here that:
Chebfun is an open-source package for computing with functions to about 15-digit accuracy. Most Chebfun commands are overloads of familiar MATLAB commands...
The only reason the example you cited works is because J0 is defined using Chebfun, which overloads the matlab command roots with its own version that works on a function handle. Maybe read more here and try using this tool if you want to replicate that code example. Hope this helps...
You can use fzero instead of roots, but you confused polar and cartesian coordinates in the plot section and dimensions of vectors don't agree

how to plot given the equation with 2 unknowns

How do i plot a I-V graph given the following step size of V.
the following equation:
If you just need the graph, you don't need to solve the equation, you can use ezplot to plot implicit equations.
If you need to solve it specifically over that range you can use fzero inside a for loop, BUT, I think you don't have your equation right, because it doesn't seem to be defined over that range

Matlab : Intersect point of curves

Say for example I have data which forms the parabolic curve y=x^2, and I want to read off the x value for a given y value. How do I go about doing this in MATLAB?
If it were a straight line, I could just use the equation of the line of best fit to calculate easily, however I can't do this with a curved line. If I can't find a solution, I'll solve for roots
Thanks in advance.
If all data are arrays (not analytical expressions), I usually do that finding minimal absolute error
Here y0 is a given y value
If your data are represented by a function, you can use fsolve:
function y = myfun(x)
[x,fval] = fsolve(#myfun,x0,options)
For symbolic computations, one can use solve
syms x
solve(x^2 - y0)
Assuming your two curves are just two vectors of data, I would suggest you use Fast and Robust Curve Intersections from the File Exchange. See also these two similar questions: how to find intersection points when lines are created from an array and Finding where plots may cross with octave / matlab.

Plotting and finding roots of bessel functions

I am trying to plot roots of a function that is composed of multiple bessel functions being added and multiplied in Matlab. The equation is Jm(omega)*Ik(omega)+Im(omega)*Jk(omega) where Jm is the bessel function of the first kind of order m (besselj). Im is the modified bessel function of the first kind of order m (besseli). For each mode m=o,1,2,...and n=1,2,3... The frequency omega(mn) is the corresponding root of the listed equation. m=0,1,2 n-1,2,3,4. I need to solve the equation for the 12 roots. I am new to Matlab and this is a little out of my league. So far I have this code but I wasn't sure if I needed the variable omega in the script or not. I have also looked at other people's questions on the suject but didn't see any quite like this. The plots I have seen look nothing like mine which tells me I am probably wrong. Thanks for any help.
m=(0:2); k=(1:3); n=(1:4);
besselj and besseli take what you call omega as their second parameter, so to plot your function you should try something like
m=0; k=1; omega=0:0.02:10;
hold all;
axis([min(omega) max(omega) -100 100]);
This shows you that for m=1, k=1 the first zeros are around 3.2, 6.3 and 9.4:
Finding the roots numerically
You could implement Halley's method for your function g, similar to how the roots of besselj are determined in the MatlabCentral file linked by Cheery.