Where does git rebase store commit message during conflict resolution? - git-rebase

During a git rebase conflict resolution, where does git store the commit message for the commit I'm resolving conflicts for?
Sometimes when I run git commit, the COMMIT_EDITMSG will be pre-populated, other times, it won't be.

The commit message for the commit you are resolving conflicts for is stored in this file:
First, you hit a rebase conflict.
If you stage changes, run git commit - then COMMIT_EDITMSG will be pre-populated with .git/rebase-merge/message.
You can even add changes to a totally unrelated file without conflicts, and git will pre-populate for you.
It will continue to pre-populate with this message until you've successfully made one commit.
After the first commit, it will no longer pre-populate with .git/rebase-merge/message when you run git commit. Undoing last commit, and redo-ing will not cause it to pre-populate again.
The file at .git/rebase-merge/message will still be the same at this time, however. I'm not sure why git decides to stop pre-populating with this message.
Eventually, once you stage all changes, and run git rebase --continue, the COMMIT_EDITMSG will pre-populate again with .git/rebase-merge/message.
I would like to understand why git no longer pre-populates your COMMIT_EDITMSG once you've made one commit!


I am trying to go back to a specific commit in Github to erase the mistake I made

I have looked at many past posts without a specific response. I used git reset --hard to get me to a point in time when my code was not all jacked up. Yes I should have used a branch but I didn't. Now I have a message of HEAD is now at 0600b73 fixed error. What I would like to know is how to commit those changes, so I can push them back to Git, so they are the current head? I am not even sure if VS Code even recorded the changes. Git can be confusing so any help would be appreciated.
You haven't actually proven you have changes, HEAD is now at 0600b73 fixed error., that does not mean you have changes. That basically means that you moved the HEAD of git to a commit, generally you want it on a branch.
git status will tell you if you have things that need to be committed.
I am not even sure if VS Code even recorded the changes
VScode has some cool features around git but it doesn't actually record changes, unless you are referring to saving files. If you save the file, well it saves.
What you probably want to do is (I am assuming you actually do have changes):
confirm you have changes git status
move to a branch git checkout -b my-fix
add those changes git add . (adds all changes/also make sure you are at the root of the repo) or git add -p will let you look closely at changes and give you an interface to decide if you want to stage the change or not.
commit the changes git commit -m "Your message" or you can do a longer message with git commit -p
At this point you can merge this branch in to master, push the branch. It's up to you.
push your changes, git push origin my-fix, make a pull request and merge to master. You will then want to change to master and pull master
merge git checkout master , git merge my-fix
rebase git checkout master , git rebase my-fix
Here is some git learning material:

GitHub synchronize failure result in rebase - how to get back the committed file

I've made a commit to GitHub but the synchronization was not successful and it abort half way. When I try to get back the files I realized the files in local has been rebased to the previous version that I submitted during the last synchronization.
The new files and editions were lost. May I know whether there's any way to get back the lost data?(now it says "Rebase origin/master **" on my project)
Thank you!
Use the following:
git log
copy any previous commit id.
git reset "commitid".
Now you will have your changes.
Then commit and rebase.

Does EGit "Revert Commit" permanently delete the original commit?

I'm still learning Git's workflow for doing things, and realized that I was accidentally in the wrong working branch when I committed some files. So using EGit, I listed the commit history and selected Revert Commit from the context menu for a couple of commits.
I have since realized that I wanted those commits, but cannot find the original commits anywhere. It seems as though the original commits were all but deleted. Even doing a full log listing on the entire git repo does not show the original commit or the revert commits.
From my understanding of the EGit docs, revert commit was just supposed to "undo" the changes by creating a new commit ontop of the old one, undoing what it had done. However, it would appear that it actually deleted my original commits.
Am I toast? Did I permanently lose those changes? I'm running Eclipse 3.7 with EGit
git revert, as you said, doesn't delete the commits. It only creates a new commit undoing the changes of a certain commit passed to it. So, the original commit is still in the repository. Listing the commits with git log should show the original commit and the commit that undo what the original commit does.
With that, to recover the original content of the commit, you can revert the revert commit or change your repository status to the commit before the revert with git reset --hard hash where hash represents the hash of the commit before the commits that represents your git revert.
Your best bet is to leave eclipse and egit for a while and use the commandline.
There is a tool called git reflog that can show you much more than git log. I suggest you give that a try to see what you have done to the repository.

Git remote branch commit

I have forgot to create local branch and was working with remote. After making some changes, i by mistake using Eclipse Git plugin commit this branch in nowhere(obliviously there wasn't local branch). And after that i switched to master, and lost all changes.
So how i can restore my changes?
Use git reflog, you'll see previous commit's IDs (in order of commit-time, from most recent to older), and you will then be able to rebase on top of them (or use them like any other commit, that is).
The reflog is the last place you can recover commits that cannot be reached from the tip of any (local) branch, and commits will stay there in the limbo until they are eventually garbage collected, which theoretically could happen any time.

How to undo a Git rollback

I wanted to rollback to the last commit after making a massive error, but I managed to rollback a little too fair. The commit I wanted to reassert doesn't appear when I enter 'git log' in bash (I suppose because it's no longer in the history). Is there any way I can recover the last commit by date?
I'm also using eGit in eclipse for the same project if that makes things easier. Thanks.
If you are ok with command line, go to you repo, do a git reflog and get the commit which you want to "rollback" to and do a git reset --hard <commit>
You would also be able to do git reset --hard HEAD#{1} and then come back to egit and rollback to the desired commit.
I find that generally it's better to make your changes forward in time rather than backward.
Git's approach is to "revert" the commit. When you revert a commit, you check out into your working directory the inverse of the commit in question. Then you add and commit that, and you've just made a NEW commit, that commits the "undoing" of the commit you're reverting, AND it leaves a record in history that such a thing happened, so if you want to undo your undoing, it's easy to do.